Welcome to another episode of "AI for Dog Pros!"
In today's episode, I'm chatting with a good friend of mine, Barb McGrath.
Barb is an SEO expert who helps independent businesses navigate the world of SEO. And she's worked with a fair few dog training businesses, so she gets our challenges.
Recently, Barb has become fascinated by the impact AI might have on SEO.
She and I gaze into our crystal ball and discuss the world of AI, its potential for businesses, and how it might change SEO.
We dig into Google's AI application in SEO, search and ads, ponder on the future of ads on AI platforms, and dive into the privacy concerns.
We shed light on how we can leverage AI for content creation, research, and SEO — and we talk about why there'll need to be a "human in the loop" for sometime to come.
So, take your notepads out (paper or electronic!) because this episode is a treasure trove of AI nuggets!
To learn more about Barb and how she can help you, visit her website: https://abovethefold.live/