
  • Outer space immigration in America
    Aug 29 2023
    https://youtu.be/r-w-J1Ww4oo I look at the three major phases of the immigration to America when I study America in my Unified Humanity Science. The three major phases of the immigration to America is roughly divided by the advances in human transportation technology. America's national developments and transformations have been decided by the advances in human transportation technology. If and when nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech gets realized, Americans will massively expand into outer space and transform and develop America yet again, especially in outer space. The first major phase of the immigration to America happened with sail boats up until the early 1800's. The European sail boat technology advanced enough by the late 1400's during the Renaissance, it enabled Christopher Columbus to cross the Atlantic ocean to discover America, Vasco da Gama to sail around Africa to reach India for spice trade, and Ferdinand Magellan to circumnavigate the Earth by ship; up until the early 1800's, the Spaniards, the French, the British, the Irish, and the Germans immigrated to America, in sails boats that took four-month ocean crossing journey from Europe to America. The second major phase of the immigration to America happened with steam boats up until the early 1900's. Between the early 1800's to mid 1800's, the European steam boat technology advanced enough to cross oceans and completely replace sails with steam propulsion. The late-19th century steamship ocean crossing from Europe to America took less than a week. The Scandanavians, the Southern and Eastern Europeans, and the East Asians immigrated to America on steam boats between early 1800's to early 1900's. The third major phase of the immigration to America happened with commercial airplanes, which took less than 48 hours to transport a human being anywhere from Earth to America; this is the latest phase of the immigration to America that is still ongoing. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 removed the race-based discrimination in immigration to America, and allowed the peoples of non-Western and Northern European ethnic groups to immigrate to America. My bet is that the fourth major phase of the immigration to America will happen with nuclear-fusion reactors propelled interplanetary spaceships, which will take only several days to transport a human being from Earth to another planet in the Solar System, such as the terraformed life-supporting Venus that humans can live on indefinitely. America will expand its territory to outer space, and own the planets and planetary moons in the Solar System, and different peoples will immigrate to the outer-space American territories.
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    3 mins
  • Java Spring Boot reference doc 3.1.2 outline (pt8)
    Aug 29 2023
    https://youtu.be/wGRvIfimZy4 The Spring MVC sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Write a JSON REST Service, Write an XML REST Service, Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper, Customize the @ResponseBody Rendering, Handling Multipart File Uploads, Switch Off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet, Switch off the Default MVC Configuration, Customize ViewResolvers The Jersey sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Secure Jersey endpoints with Spring Security, Use Jersey Alongside Another Web Framework The HTTP Clients sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Configure RestTemplate to Use a Proxy, Configure the TcpClient used by a Reactor Netty-based WebClient The Logging sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Configure Logback for Logging, Configure Log4j for Logging The Data Access sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Configure a Custom DataSource, Configure Two DataSources, Use Spring Data Repositories, Separate @Entity Definitions from Spring Configuration, Configure JPA Properties, Configure Hibernate Naming Strategy, Configure Hibernate Second-Level Caching, Use Dependency Injection in Hibernate Components, Use a Custom EntityManagerFactory, Using Multiple EntityManagerFactories, Use a Traditional persistence.xml File, Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo Repositories, Customize Spring Data’s Web Support, Expose Spring Data Repositories as REST Endpoint, Configure a Component that is Used by JPA, Configure jOOQ with Two DataSources The Database Initialization sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Initialize a Database Using JPA, Initialize a Database Using Hibernate, Initialize a Database Using Basic SQL Scripts, Initialize a Spring Batch Database, Use a Higher-level Database Migration Tool, Depend Upon an Initialized Database The NoSQL sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Use Jedis Instead of Lettuce The Messaging sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Disable Transacted JMS Session The Batch Applications sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Specifying a Batch Data Source, Running Spring Batch Jobs on Startup, Running From the Command Line, Storing the Job Repository
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    3 mins
  • Veins of the human body (v2) (pt6)
    Aug 29 2023
    https://youtu.be/X3R7hr-DZ1g Left and right brachiocephalic veins (previously called innominate veins) are drained to by internal thoracic vein (previously known as the internal mammary vein), supreme intercostal vein (also known as highest intercostal vein), vertebral vein, subclavian vein, pericardiacophrenic veins, internal jugular vein. Internal thoracic vein (previously known as the internal mammary vein) is drained to by anterior intercostal veins, superior epigastric veins, left superior intercostal vein; subclavian vein is drained to by axillary vein, dorsal scapular vein, external jugular vein; axillary vein is drained to by lateral thoracic vein (sometimes debatably referred to as the long thoracic vein) which is drained to by thoracoepigastric vein. Azygos vein is drained to by right superior intercostal vein, bronchial veins, intercostal veins and posterior intercostal veins 5-11, accessory hemiazygos vein (also called the superior hemiazygous vein) and hemiazygos vein (also known as vena azygos minor inferior), superior phrenic vein. Vertebral column (also known as the backbone or spine) veins include vertebral venous plexuses (which include external vertebral venous plexuses [extraspinal veins], internal vertebral venous plexuses [intraspinal veins]), spinal veins (also known as veins of the medulla spinalis or veins of the spinal cord) (which include posterior spinal veins, anterior spinal veins [also known as anterior coronal veins and anterior median spinal veins]), basivertebral veins, intervertebral veins. Veins of the human-body abdomen and pelvis include to azygos vein system, IVC (inferior vena cava vein) (systemic circulation), and portal vein (also known as hepatic portal vein [HPV]) (hepatic portal system or portal venous system). Azygos vein system is drained to by ascending lumbar vein which is drained to by subcostal vein. IVC (inferior vena cava vein) (systemic circulation) is drained to by other veins that drain to IVC (inferior vena cava vein) or left renal vein, and common iliac veins. Other veins that drain to IVC (inferior vena cava vein) or left renal vein includes inferior phrenic veins, hepatic veins, right suprarenal vein, renal veins, right gonadal vein, lumbar veins, common iliac veins. Hepatic veins are drained to by central veins of liver (also known as central venules), liver sinusoid; gonadal veins include ovarian vein for women and testicular vein (also known as spermatic vein) for men, pampiniform plexus for men. Common iliac veins are drained to by unpaired vein that drains to common iliac veins, internal iliac vein (also known as hypogastric vein), external iliac veins.
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    4 mins
  • Why Americans complain: complaining American psychology
    Aug 28 2023
    https://youtu.be/bHhaf1WtKAI An American citizen who complains about the American capitalism doesn't move to a communist country, because he or she wants the benefits of the American capitalism. The American citizens who complain about America, on the social media and in person, would not move to their ancestors' home countries because they want what America offers and gives to them. A Euro-American who complains about America would not move to Europe; some who do move to Europe then complain about Europe on what Europe lacks that America has. An African-American complaining about America would not move to Africa; some African-Americans who move to Africa come back to America after a few years because they realize that they prefer America. A Chinese-American complaining about America would not move to China, maybe because China is an authoritarian nation with much lower GDP per capita than America. So, what is up with complaining about America while choosing to stay in America instead of moving to some other country? What is the psychology behind complaining about America while staying in America? Why don't the American complainers just move to another country, especially their ancestors' home countries? My supposition is that the American complainers want America to be the way that they want; that's why they complain about America; the American complainers essentially say I want America to be the way I want, but it's not that. The American complainers don't care about other countries and other peoples; they care about their own realities in America, and they want their own realities to improve in America. The people born in America do not consider how bad and inadequate and tragic life is in many other countries; they just think and talk about what they don't like in America in their own American realities. An American woman complaining about the high cost of education in America is not thinking that in many countries, women are prohibited from getting education and having certain jobs due to sexism; for example, in Israel, women are prohibited from being a judge in the Rabbinical or religious courts that handle personal status matters, even in this day and age, because of the strict religious mandates in Israel in the Jewish religion. An American complaining about America's high medical costs is not thinking that more than half of the entire humanity do not have any access to medical services at all, simply because the modern biomedical services are nonexistent in many places in humanity. What the American complainers really want is better things for themselves, in America. The American complainers want lower housing costs in America; the
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    4 mins
  • Java Spring Boot reference doc 3.1.2 outline (pt7)
    Aug 28 2023
    https://youtu.be/w0_wkOUopcw The Spring Boot AntLib Module sub-section of the Build Tool Plugins section has the following sub-sub-sections: Spring Boot Ant Tasks, Using the “findmainclass” Task The Supporting Other Build Systems sub-section of the Build Tool Plugins section has the following sub-sub-sections: Repackaging Archives, Nested Libraries, Finding a Main Class, Example Repackage Implementation “How-to” Guides section covers Application Development, Configuration, Embedded Servers, Data Access, and many more. “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sections: Spring Boot Application, Properties and Configuration, Embedded Web Servers, Spring MVC, Jersey, HTTP Clients, Logging, Data Access, Database Initialization, NoSQL, Messaging, Batch Applications, Actuator, Security, Hot Swapping, Testing, Build, Ahead-of-time processing, Traditional Deployment, Docker Compose. The Spring Boot Application sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Create Your Own FailureAnalyzer, Troubleshoot Auto-configuration, Customize the Environment or ApplicationContext Before It Starts, Build an ApplicationContext Hierarchy (Adding a Parent or Root Context), Create a Non-web Application The Properties and Configuration sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Automatically Expand Properties at Build Time, Externalize the Configuration of SpringApplication, Change the Location of External Properties of an Application, Use ‘Short’ Command Line Arguments, Use YAML for External Properties, Set the Active Spring Profiles, Set the Default Profile Name, Change Configuration Depending on the Environment, Discover Built-in Options for External Properties The Embedded Web Servers sub-section of the “How-to” Guides section has the following sub-sub-sections: Use Another Web Server, Disabling the Web Server, Change the HTTP Port, Use a Random Unassigned HTTP Port, Discover the HTTP Port at Runtime, Enable HTTP Response Compression, Configure SSL, Configure HTTP/2, Configure the Web Server, Add a Servlet, Filter, or Listener to an Application, Configure Access Logging, Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server, Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat, Enable Tomcat’s MBean Registry, Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow, Create WebSocket Endpoints Using @ServerEndpoint
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    3 mins
  • Veins of the human body (v2) (pt5)
    Aug 28 2023
    https://youtu.be/95ecJ2tYptk Left and right brachiocephalic veins (previously called innominate veins) are drained to by vertebral vein, and other veins that directly drain to brachiocephalic veins. Vertebral vein is joined to the deep cervical vein by occipital vein which drains to suboccipital venous plexus (occipital emissary vein, which passes through the condylar canal, drains to occipital vein); suboccipital venous plexus drains to vertebral vein; deep cervical vein (also known as posterior vertebral vein or posterior deep cervical vein) drains to vertebral vein. Other veins that directly drain to brachiocephalic veins include inferior thyroid veins (which are drained to by inferior laryngeal vein), thymic veins. Veins of the human-body thorax (or chest) and vertebral column include thorax (or chest) veins, and vertebral column (also known as the backbone or spine) veins. Thorax (or chest) veins include heart veins, lung veins, and superior vena cava (SVC) vein. Heart veins include coronary sinus vein (which drains to right atrium), and small cardiac vein (also known as the right coronary vein) (which drains to coronary sinus). Coronary sinus vein is drained to by great cardiac vein (also known as left coronary vein) (which is drained to by left marginal vein from left ventricle), posterior vein of the left ventricle, oblique vein of the left atrium (also known as oblique vein of Marshall) (which drains from left atrium to coronary sinus, and is connected to ligament of the left vena cava [also known as fold of the left vena cava, or vestigial fold of Marshall]), middle cardiac vein. Small cardiac vein (also known as the right coronary vein) includes anterior cardiac veins (also known as anterior veins of right ventricle) (which drain blood from the anterior portion of the right ventricle into the right atrium) (which may sometimes be drained to by right marginal vein). Lung veins include pulmonary veins (which drain from lungs to left atrium). Superior vena cava (SVC) vein is drained to by left and right brachiocephalic veins (previously called innominate veins) and azygos vein.
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    3 mins
  • Changing West due to industrialization, low-birth rate, non-White immigration, technology
    Aug 27 2023
    https://youtu.be/jRGuw_e_x6E Everything in humanity contantly changes. Western civilization constantly changes. Nothing last forever, nothing stays; change is constant. The Ancient Roman Empire didn't exist, then it appeared and expanded, then it went away; everything in humanity comes and goes. The ones who embrace and foster changes prevail and triumph; the ones who fear and shun changes fall and fade away. In today's Western civilization, there are four great forces of change: the global industrialization, the low-birth rates in the industrialized nations, the non-White immigration to the West, and the continuing advances in science, technology and capitalism. My bet is that AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered outer space tech will tremendously transform the Western civilization and the entire humanity over the next few decades. In my Unified Humanity Science, I scientifically study the great forces of change throughout the different times and places in humanity. In my Unified Humanity Science, I QMASP (Quantify, Model, Analyze, Simulate, and Predict) why and how Western civilization will continue to change—at the human-body subsystematic, organic, tissular, cellular, subcellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels—due to expanding industrialization, low-birth rate, non-White immigration, and advancing technology.
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    1 min
  • Java Spring Boot reference doc 3.1.2 outline (pt6)
    Aug 27 2023
    https://youtu.be/O5nwZIF-hwo The Deploying to the Cloud sub-section of the Deploying Spring Boot Applications section has the following sub-sub-sections: Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, Heroku, OpenShift, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CloudCaptain and Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google Cloud The Installing Spring Boot Applications sub-section of the Deploying Spring Boot Applications section has the following sub-sub-sections: Supported Operating Systems, Unix/Linux Services, Microsoft Windows Services The Efficient deployments sub-section of the Deploying Spring Boot Applications section has the following sub-sub-sections: Unpacking the Executable JAR, Using Ahead-of-time Processing With the JVM GraalVM Native Image Support section covers Create a native executable from your application using GraalVM GraalVM Native Image Support section has the following sub-sections: Introducing GraalVM Native Images, Developing Your First GraalVM Native Application, Testing GraalVM Native Images, Advanced Native Images Topics. The Introducing GraalVM Native Images sub-section of the GraalVM Native Image Support section has the following sub-sub-sections: Key Differences with JVM Deployments, Understanding Spring Ahead-of-Time Processing The Developing Your First GraalVM Native Application sub-section of the GraalVM Native Image Support section has the following sub-sub-sections: Sample Application, Building a Native Image Using Buildpacks, Building a Native Image using Native Build Tools The Testing GraalVM Native Images sub-section of the GraalVM Native Image Support section has the following sub-sub-sections: Testing Ahead-of-time Processing With the JVM, Testing With Native Build Tools The Advanced Native Images Topics sub-section of the GraalVM Native Image Support section has the following sub-sub-sections: Nested Configuration Properties, Converting a Spring Boot Executable Jar, Using the Tracing Agent, Custom Hints, Known Limitations Spring Boot CLI section covers Installing the CLI, Using the CLI, Configuring the CLI, and more. Spring Boot CLI section has the following sub-sections: Installing the CLI, Using the CLI. The Using the CLI sub-section of the Spring Boot CLI section has the following sub-sub-sections: Initialize a New Project, Using the Embedded Shell Build Tool Plugins section covers Maven Plugin, Gradle Plugin, Antlib, and more. Build Tool Plugins section has the following sub-sections: Spring Boot Maven Plugin, Spring Boot Gradle Plugin, Spring Boot AntLib Module, Supporting Other Build Systems.
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    3 mins