• PAUL (Profiles In Courage)
    Sep 30 2024

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    Finishing up this batch of Profiles In Courage episodes, we are looking at Paul. In Acts 16:16-40, Paul and Silas have an encounter in Philippi that leads to them being beaten and thrown into prison. As we observe the reasoning behind their imprisonment, we can easily see why this was unfair and unjust. Yet Paul praised God while he was in jail. During that time at midnight, God sends an earthquake and the prison doors fly open. Long story short, Paul's obedience to the Lord leads to the conversion of the jailer and his entire family. Through this passage, we learn that sometimes tough things come even we are obedient to the Lord. But through those circumstances we must and should still praise. As we do, we see God is faithful and walks with us through the trials we face.

    I hope you will be blessed with this episode and encouraged to go back and listen to this entire series from these past few weeks. Feel free to reach out: info@derekcharlesjohnson.com

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    47 mins
  • PETER (Profiles In Courage)
    Sep 23 2024

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    Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13

    As we move into the New Testament and look at Peter this week and Paul next week, we see boldness in both men in the pages of Acts. After Christ's ascension, there is something that takes place within Peter. It is apparent through the first few chapters as he preaches and addresses various crowds: from those gathered at Pentecost, to those after the healing of the lame beggar, to the ruling council of Sadducees. In each instance, Peter's boldness leads him to share the Gospel and to connect this same Jesus with prophecy as a fulfillment of the Scripture. Peter's boldness can and should become our boldness. In a world which needs to hear, are we taking the truth with us into the settings we're in each day?

    Listen to: Jesus & Peter - Prior To/Following The Crucifixion (ENCOUNTERS) https://www.buzzsprout.com/admin/1663204/episodes/8520597-jesus-peter-prior-to-following-the-crucifixion-encounters

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    39 mins
  • DANIEL (Profiles In Courage)
    Sep 16 2024

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    Continuing on in our Profiles In Courage series, we are looking at Daniel. Specifically, we are looking at Daniel 6 -- the famous "Daniel in the lion's den" account. Daniel was a man who was willing to defy governmental orders in order to obey his God. The fact that he ends up in the lion's den attests to his own refusal to bow to man over God. In the process, he gives all praise and glory to God when he is found alive and well after a night with the lions. In this, his stand for God is something the King takes and pronounces to his entire kingdom: the God of Daniel....He is the living God, enduring forever (Daniel 6:26).

    What might our stand for God look like in the end? If we are saved from the lions as Daniel was, we give glory to God. If we face martyrdom like Stephen in Acts, we give glory to God. Either way, the Gospel goes forth and God is praised!

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    41 mins
  • ABRAHAM (Profiles In Courage)
    Sep 9 2024

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    Rebooting a series that debuted in 2021, this week we are looking at Abraham and the path he took as he courageously obeyed his God. Our text comes from Genesis 22, the retelling of Abraham's sacrifice of his son Isaac. Isaac was the promised heir and the one through which God would make Abraham a mighty nation. In choosing to follow the Lord, Abraham shows an outward obedience despite any inward hesitation he may have felt. He shows that God brings provision through our obedience. Finally, God does not forget His promise to Abraham and makes good on all He said He would do.

    We know the names of these Profiles In Courage, these heroes of the faith, because they stepped out. If they had refused, their account would not have made it into the Biblical record. But because we know their names and their stories, we can take heart. God goes with us and before us into the steps of faith we must take.

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    39 mins
  • The God Whose Ways And Thoughts Are Higher
    Sep 2 2024

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    Seek the Lord while He may be found;
    call upon Him while He is near;
    let the wicked forsake his way,
    and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
    let him return to the Lord, that He may have compassion on him,
    and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
    For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.
    For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are My ways higher than your ways
    and My thoughts than your thoughts.

    Isaiah 55:6-10

    Derek shares a standalone episode this week, detailing some insights from a recent passage he has studied: Isaiah 55:6-10. In this passage, we see that God invites us to seek Him while He may be found. He has compassion and extends His pardon to the wayward sinner. And we can trust Him despite what we see going on around us. His ways and thoughts are higher than our own. Listen in and be encouraged by this episode; a subject that should give us much hope even in these days.

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    36 mins
  • The 2024 Presidential Election (Stuff That’s Been On My Mind)
    Aug 19 2024

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    Finishing up this last group of 3 episodes in this series (Stuff That's Been On My Mind), we're diving into the election. Yes it is on everyone's mind. No I don't intend to tell you who to vote for. But as a Christian, I believe we CANNOT afford to sit this one out. 2024 will have lasting implications for our country. We must pray, go to the polls, and keep praying. There are certain value voter issues that have stark contrast between the two candidates: know what Scripture says and vote those values. No matter what happens, we know God is in control and He reigns. Kings and kingdoms bow down to Him and no matter who is in the Oval Office, that office must bow to the King of kings. May this episode encourage you as a Christian and may we continue to pray for America in these days; days that are vitally important to our future existence and freedom.

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    38 mins
  • Is Revival Possible In Our Lifetime? (Stuff That’s Been On My Mind)
    Aug 12 2024

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    Is revival possible in our lifetime? For Christians, especially believers in the United States, we have longed for and prayed for revival for many years. And in some places we are seeing pockets of revival and moves of God that are stirring many to follow Him. But could a widespread, wide-scale awakening happen in our day? This episode dives into this subject and acknowledges that in order for revival to occur we must have repentance, we must realize that no government or power of man can change our situation, and that any move of God will have elements that won't look how we expect. This causes us to be fully dependent upon Him as we follow God's charge in 2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

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    38 mins
  • The Persecuted Church (Stuff That’s Been On My Mind)
    Aug 5 2024

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    Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12

    Rebooting a series that was started in May, we look again at another topic that has been on Derek's mind lately. The discussion of persecution -- especially in the Western Church -- has been a growing concern. Whether or not we consider American believers as "persecuted," we do see signs of growing hostility and harassment towards those who bear the Gospel. This episode is an honest look at this topic and how we handle it moving forward, knowing that if we are in Christ we will face persecution. The good news is we can take joy in knowing it is revealing our faith and that it only serves to further advance the Gospel. Jesus is with us in these days.

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    48 mins