• EP.020 - Salami Rose Joe Louis // Musician & Producer
    Mar 5 2025

    Episode 20 - Salami Rose Joe Louis // Musician. Producer.

    “Join me as we take another trip down south for the second episode in a row, from the Bay to LA, to chop it up with my new homie, Lindsay Olsen, aka Salami Rose Joe Louis. She’s a genre-traveling multi-instrumentalist, musician, and producer. She’s dropped a whole magical crate full of amazing music, insanely colorful remixes, and has somehow crafted an incredibly unique sound. A recent favorite of mine is her spectacular live performance video on the Live on KEXP series. I’ve known about Lindsay’s musical project for some years now, recognizing how much of a pillar she was in the Bay Area underground scene, and thanks to my friend and BEDROOM™ alumni, Sarah Simka Jaffe, I was finally able to get her on the pod.

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Lindsay talks about her love for the Bay and how the Bay Area helped sculpt her musical project. We then discuss how financially difficult it is to be a full-time musician/artist—the amount of transparency on this topic alone is worth a listen. As we continue through the pod, Frodo Baggins may or may not make an appearance, and we talk about the Light Phone—by the way, holler at me, Light Phone, for the freaking sponsorship!! We dive into her future musical and personal plans. Lindsay spits mad game about the DAW she uses for recording music, and we even talk about her remixes for Pearl & The Oysters and don’t forget to mention the collaborative track she did with Toro y Moi. Dikembe Mutombo gets his flowers, and we shoot into space with a discussion on science fiction. My robot makes some silly—and educational—remarks, and from there, we dive into some listener-submitted questions from BEDROOM™ friends and musicians Garrett Barley and Mae Powell. Finally, after all that, we wrap up with a round of BEDROOM BANTER™, where I rapid-fire some classic BEDROOM™ questions, and Lindsay gives the fans what they want. Big shout-outs to Lindsay, aka Salami Rose Joe Louis, for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLDWIDE PEACE!” – PSG
    Salami Rose Joe Louis' Socials & Websites
    Instagram: @salamirosejoelouis
    Bandcamp: salamirosejoelouismusic.bandcamp.com
    SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/salami-rose-joe-louis

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • EP.019 - Jesse Nyberg // Graphic Designer & Content Creator
    Feb 19 2025

    Episode 19 - Jesse Nyberg // Graphic Designer. Content Creator.

    “Join me as we take a trip down south, from the Bay to LA, to chop it up with my new homie, Jesse Nyberg. Jesse is part graphic design phenom and part content creator extraordinaire. His design work focuses heavily on typography, texture, and layout, blending the sensibilities of two completely contrasting worlds: traditional Swiss design and the more DIY, post-modern and anti-design movement. His creative voice is loud and clear, and he’s created some pretty cool stuff for clients like Decca Records, Western Digital, Creator Camps, and more. I discovered Jesse through his YouTube channel, and his video work in that space is just as prolific. If you're into watching videos about graphic design, I highly recommend checking out his channel.

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, we talk about how Jesse got started with making videos on YouTube, how he combats burnout with self-initiated design projects. Jesse shares how he balances his life as a content creator and as a graphic designer. We then dive into some of his series-based design projects, like his Hardcore Alphabet Album Cover Series, where he designed a different hardcore album cover for each letter of the alphabet, and his Blues Legends Poster Design Series, a collection of 20 posters honoring his favorite blues artists. We also discuss the harshness of people who gate-keep subcultures and information as a whole, and how that can stunt the growth of the very thing they’re trying to protect. Jesse also shares insights about his podcast project, The Jesse Nyberg Podcast, where he recorded 96 episodes. He talks about his design ambitions with the launch of his new studio, Cuesta Studio. From there, we dive into some listener-submitted questions from BEDROOM™ friend Joel Kirschenbaum (aka Joel Cherry Tree). And finally, after all that, we wrap up with a round of BEDROOM BANTER™, where I rapid-fire some classic BEDROOM™ questions, and Jesse gives the fans what they want. Big shout-outs to Jesse for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” – PSG
    Jesse's Socials & Websites:
    Jesse's Website: www.jessenyberg.design
    Jesse's Instagram: @permanentglue
    Jesse's YouTube: www.youtube.com/@JesseNyberg

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • EP.018 - Tanukichan ( Hannah van Loon ) // Musician & Woodworker
    Feb 5 2025

    Episode 18 - Tanukichan // Musician. Woodworker.

    “It’s Tanukichan season, y’all! For those who don’t know, Tanukichan is the solo project of classically trained Bay Area native Hannah van Loon. This is an episode I’m really hyped about because, well, to put it simply, I’m a huge fan of Hannah’s music. Her 2023 LP “Gizmo” and her latest drop, the 2024 EP “Circles”, are on heavy rotation for me. The combination of Hannah’s voice, the instrumentation and musicality of her compositions, and the distortion is just a freaking chef’s kiss to my ears. Hannah has opened for bands like Alvvays, Alex G, and Melanie Martinez, and a couple of months back, I saw her headline a show at The Independent with another band I love, Glixen. Hannah and I were introduced by a mutual friend last year, and we sparked up our friendship through collaboration. I designed some posters and edited some social media promos for her Circles tour. It’s always so fun and cute to make a new friend, and as much fun as we had on the pod, off the pod was even more of a blast. All in all, she’s a really fun and cool person with an extreme amount of talent. Yay, Hannah!

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Hannah talks about the origin of forming Tanukichan, signing with Company Records, and how her collaborations with Chaz Bear of Toro y Moi helped shape her distinctive sound. She dishes some behind-the-scenes scoop on her songwriting process and how she goes about making music and finding inspiration. We also dive into a more unexpected topic: her other big love, woodworking. She shares the scoop on which company makes the best power tools—totally huge BEDROOM™ exclusive, by the way—and talks about the similarities between music making and woodworking. We then tackle some fears and talk about stage fright and what it’s like to play a show in front of 10,000 fans. From there, we dive into some epic listener-submitted questions from BEDROOM™ friends like Tyler McPherron, Tori Leonhardt, Alex Shen, and Samantha Sartor. And alas, after all of that, we end with a round of BEDROOM BANTER™, where I rapid-fire some classic BEDROOM™ questions, and Hannah gives the fans what they want. Big shout-outs to Hannah for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” – PSG
    Tanukichan's Socials & Websites:
    Tanukichan's Website: www.tanukichan.com
    Tanukichan's Instagram: @tanukichanmusic

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    58 mins
  • EP.017 - Andrew Fairclough // Illustrator & Founder of True Grit Texture Supply
    Jan 22 2025

    Episode 17 - Andrew Fairclough // Illustrator. Designer. Founder.

    "Andrew Fairclough is my Australian homie, and as the Aussies so perfectly put it, the dude’s a LEGEND, mate. He’s an accomplished visual artist who has worked with major clients like Miller Lite, Rolling Stone, Billabong, and ESPN Magazine. His work draws inspiration from mid-century spot illustrations, vintage sci-fi, comics, and the textured beauty of degraded print. If you’re not familiar with his artwork, you might know him for the company he founded: True Grit Texture Supply.

    True Grit is a company that produces high-quality digital brushes, textures, and effects, enabling artists working in digital programs to create top-tier work. It’s no secret that Andrew’s brushes are some of the best in the business.

    In November of 2022, Andrew released a pack called “Kolormarc,” and I had the privilege of collaborating with him on it, creating some of the key art for the pack. The Kolormarc digital brushes are designed to emulate alcohol-based markers. After watching the “Raindrop” music video by Hot Flash Heat Wave, which I co-directed and hand-animated with Copic markers, Andrew reached out and we became friends. He eventually invited me to test out the digital version of those markers. And let me tell you - these things are a freaking blast to use!

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Andrew talks about his journey from business school to the creative world of graphic design. He shares how his business background helped fuel his creative entrepreneurship, but he also admits that the success of True Grit Texture Supply happened pretty organically. Andrew reflects on how the company grew out of a gap in the market and offers insights into hustle culture, explaining why chasing metrics like follower counts can actually hinder the growth of your project.

    We then geek out over the intricacies of how Andrew develops custom digital brushes and dive into the process behind it. We also discuss the criticism some digital artists face and why the medium shouldn’t define the artwork itself. From there, we explore Andrew’s work in the poster world, where he’s designed posters for bands like The Pixies, Blink-182, and Pearl Jam. We also chat about navigating the tricky world of working for exposure- when it’s worth it and how to make it work for you. Stay tuned for the end of the episode where Andrew shares some valuable advice for up-and-coming artists and drops a few hints about what’s dropping in the 2025 for True Grit releases.

    Big shout outs to Andrew for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” - PSG
    Andrew Fairclough's Socials & Websites:
    Kindred Studio Website: www.kindredstudio.net
    Kindred Studio Instagram: @kindred_studio
    True Grit Texture Supply Website: www.truegrittexturesupply.com
    True Grit Texture Supply Instagram: @truegrittexturesupply

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • EP.016 - Mike Jacobs // Director of "Who Is Michael Jang?"
    Jan 8 2025

    Episode 16 - Mike Jacobs // Director. Documentary Filmmaker.

    "Mike Jacobs is one hell of a dude and one hell of a storyteller. In my opinion, he’s a titan of filmmaking here in the Bay Area. I know he wouldn’t agree with me on that statement, but that’s just because the guy is about as humble as they come - and that’s what makes him so alluring. He’s modest and unassuming in his demeanor, but boy does he has an incredible catalog of work to back up his game. It’s honestly extremely impressive. Having directed ESPN 30 for 30 documentary films, a documentary on Marvel for Disney+, and being a showrunner on a four-part Emmy-nominated documentary series for HBO Sports, he’s also made a myriad of award-winning short films, co-founded a successful production company, and has contributed extensively to the documentary filmmaking culture here in the Bay Area. For me, this was a special episode because Mike and I share a similar love for the intersection of filmmaking and sports. If either of those two subjects happen to interest you, this episode will be a golden one for your ears.

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Mike shares what it was like growing up in Boulder, Colorado, moving to San Francisco, and making his first documentary film, Audience of One. We discuss meeting and collaborating with Barry Jenkins and forming Strike Anywhere Productions alongside co-founders Justin Barber and Ryan Simon. We go behind the scenes on the ESPN 30 for 30 short he directed, The High Five. We also talk about Gift of Gab, a short film portrait of iconic artist Timothy Parker from the hip-hop group Blackalicious, as well as the pressures surrounding artists and filmmakers in the modern day. We delve into the series he directed for Roku, Blackballed, which highlights the five days during the 2014 NBA playoffs when the Los Angeles Clippers led an unprecedented movement to hold racism accountable. We briefly touch on the documentary he did for Marvel, Marvel’s Behind the Mask, which premiered on Disney+. Then we dive into my favorite part of the episode—his most recent documentary, Who is Michael Jang?, which he made for PBS’s Independent Lens. In this episode Mike shares a lot of really cool behind-the-scenes insights from all of these projects and there’s a lot to be learned from his insights and a shit ton of inspiration to be gained as well.

    Big shout outs to Mike for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” - PSG
    Mike Jacobs’ Socials & Websites:
    Strike Anywhere: www.strikeanywherefilms.com
    Website: www.michaeldjacobs.com

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    2 hrs and 34 mins
  • EP.015 - Cole Hyland // Writer behind "Sunday Love Letters"
    Dec 18 2024

    Episode 15 - Cole Hyland // Writer. Graphic Designer.
    “Cole Hyland, wow, I love this person. She’s a stunner of a human, inside and out, and I honestly probably love her more than she even knows, to be quite honest. I feel magnetically inspired by her, and I always look forward to spending time with her. I feel like we’re on some fine wine type shit—like, as we both age, our conversations just get better and better, and I come away from our hangs liking this magical human more and more. This time was no exception.

    Cole was one of two artists who actually inspired me to make this podcast, the other being Leigh Ellexson. Their individual writings and acts of vulnerability, all shared online, helped me during a time when I was feeling quite down, and I think their work helped pick me up and assisted me in carving my own path of sharing online—this path being the BEDROOM Podcast you’re listening to here. I’ll always be grateful to her for her writings and will continue to be a fanboy.

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Cole shares some behind the scenes of her ongoing writing project entitled “Sunday Love Letters,” which is a bi-monthly journal entry on Substack. Sunday Love Letters consists of existential ramblings, sparkly nostalgia, and constant reminders of the literal—and metaphorical—fresh air she (and we) all need in our lives. We discuss how sharing vulnerable thoughts online can actually help generate connection, and how, through the act of sharing, one can essentially transform sad thoughts that hurt us into acts of healing, helping us feel more grounded and confident in ourselves. We talk about Western normalities and the pressures placed upon women and young girls. We dish out some random-ass celebrity gossip about Bill Hader and Ali Wong, which essentially leads us down a rabbit hole about romance in the modern age, dating apps, makeup, and more.

    The theme of this episode is duality and how we, as humans, are just extremely complex. It’s a fun, cute, sometimes silly, and sometimes deep conversation between two pals who just like to get vulnerable on the internet in hopes of feeling a little more comfy-cozy in the world.

    Big shout outs to Cole for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” - PSG
    Cole Hyland’s Socials & Websites:
    Sunday Love Letters: coleslawth.substack.com
    Website: coleland.design
    Instagram: @coleslawth

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • EP.014 - Jay Alvarez // Director of "Something's More Than One Thing"
    Nov 27 2024

    Episode 14 - Jay Alvarez // Director. Writer.
    “Jay Alvarez is someone I spent every day with in high school. We had the same advisory class, which most of you probably know better as homeroom. Over those four years, I really grew to love this dude. On the surface, Jay and I might have seemed like we belonged to different crowds in high school - him, more of the rebellious scholarly type; me, more of the social skateboarder. But the truth is, on the inside I relate to Jay on so many levels. We both come from the same small town, both grew up playing our respective sports, and at 18, we both left that town to move to bigger cities and dive deeper into our creative practices. Jay and I have that kind of friendship where, even if we don’t see or talk to each other for months - or sometimes even years - we always pick up right where we left off. Same old bullshit, same old us. It’s been incredible to watch his filmmaking career blossom, and I can’t wait to see where his work goes from here.

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Jay and I reflect on our shared experience growing up in the small town of Sonoma. Jay talks about his love of writing and how he found his way into filmmaking. He also shares the story of winning the Special Jury Prize at the 2014 Slamdance Film Festival for his feature film “I Play With The Phrase Each Other” - an achievement that led to the legendary Russo Brothers championing him and supporting his career ever since. We discuss our ongoing collaborations through his feature films and we dive into the importance of visual design in filmmaking. Jay also shares behind-the-scenes stories from the making of his latest feature, “Something’s More Than One Thing”, and gives us a sneak peek into what he’s working on next.

    From there, the podcast takes a wild turn as we play "F*ck, Marry, Kill," and Jay tells the story of a staged kidnapping he orchestrated as a teenager. Yes, you read that right - it's a crazy story, and if you're sensitive to that kind of thing, you might want to skip that part. We also get into a heated round of Bedroom Banter, where Jay answers a rapid-fire series of questions, including sharing his absolute hatred for a certain overrated Hollywood writer. It's a doozy of an episode, filled with plenty of laughs, and I can’t wait for a future round two!

    Also, a quick heads-up: this episode was recorded earlier in the year, just before Jay was set to debut his latest feature at the Raindance Film Festival in London. Be sure to listen to the end of the episode, where Jay leaves a special audio message to recap about how the festival went, along with some other fun anecdotes.

    Big shout outs to Jay for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” - PSG
    Jay Alvarez’s Socials & Websites:
    Instagram: @realjayalvarez
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@realJayAlvarez
    X ( Twitter ): www.x.com/realjayalvarez
    Website: www.jayalvarez.net

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • EP.013 - Syra McCarthy // Actor from "Josephine" & Director of French Cassettes Music Videos
    Nov 20 2024

    Episode 13 - Syra McCarthy // Actor. Director.
    “Syra McCarthy is someone whose name I've heard mentioned a lot over the years. Within the Bay Area film industry, she is the definitive multidisciplinary unicorn who stands out from the crowd. Not only is she a highly successful actor who has starred in television shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Hulu’s The Dropout, but she’s also appeared in nearly every major company’s commercial you can think of. On top of all that, she’s a prolific film director as well. Actor and Director? Jeez Syra, are you talented much? She’s acted and directed in short and feature films, music videos, and commercials. We didn’t really get into it on the pod, but Syra is starring in an upcoming film called “Josephine”, written, directed, and produced by Beth de Araújo. Syra will be starring alongside Gemma Chan, Channing Tatum, and Philip Ettinger.

    For years, I’ve been hearing about her from friends - “Syra this” and “Syra that” - all this talk about how awesome she is and after finally spending some time with her in the Bedroom Studios, chopping it up, I now finally get the hype as to why she’s so freaking special. She’s a joy to be around and an overall cool, interesting, fascinating, and super fun person. Consider me officially part of the Syra McCarthy fan club! I’m recruiting all y’all to listen to this episode of BEDROOM™ and join in on the club too. Long live Syra!

    In this episode of BEDROOM™, Syra and I discuss the induction of AI in the filmmaking process, what it’s like to be an actor in the commercial world, the magical and sparkly power of collaboration in filmmaking, directing the French Cassettes music videos for their tracks “Medium Horny” and “White Noise,” directing a short film for the painter Heather Day, stories from her career in acting and directing, dealing with sexism in the film industry, the unorthodox world of hand modeling, and we wrap up with the longest round ever of Bedroom Banter, where Syra spills all of her secrets and gives a copious amount of shout-outs to her besties.

    Before I sign off here, I just wanted to shout out Soft Hold Collective, a Bay Area film directory of women & non-binary freelancers that Syra helped co-found and organize alongside her pal Baily Hopkins. If you’re looking to find community or talent for your next big film project, check out softholdcollective.com.

    Big shout outs to Syra for coming onto the pod. Welcome to the BEDROOM™, y’all! WORLD WIDE PEACE!” - PSG
    Syra McCarthy's Socials & Websites:
    Instagram: @syranara
    Directing Website: www.syramccarthy.com
    Acting Website: www.syraacts.com

    Support the show

    If you want to join Patrick Sean Gibson's Monthly Sticker Club, or support the Bedroom Podcast, check out his Patreon: patreon.com/patrickseangibson
    Follow Patrick on Instagram: @patrickseangibson
    Peep Patrick's Website: patrickseangibson.com

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    2 hrs and 35 mins