• Belief Revolution: Harnessing Your Inner Power
    Oct 31 2023


    Engaging the Human Drive for Challenge

    This is the final episode of the Build Your Business 6 Pack podcast and it's all about igniting your inner motivation and embracing the challenges that come with building a business and life you love. 

    As small business owners, we are some of the most courageous individuals out there.

    I believe in you and your potential, so let's dive in and keep that success mindset going strong.

    Key Points Covered:

    • The goal is just the outcome, the real work lies in the challenge and who we become in the process. - Stretching and reinventing your self-concept is essential in achieving your goals.
    • - Goal thinking is destination thinking, but challenge thinking focuses on the journey and giving more of ourselves.
    • - Choosing fulfilling challenges that demand our full focus is crucial. - Challenges should stretch us and help us grow in different capacities.
    • - Measuring our progress and having a sense of completion keeps us motivated and open to redirection.  

    "The struggle is real, and the struggle will always be there. Embrace it, honor it, and use it to fuel your journey towards success."

    Remember, you don't have to face challenges alone.

    Reach out for support when needed and surround yourself with a community that believes in you. Stay engaged, fulfill your potential, and watch how it positively impacts both your personal and professional life. Keep striving, because your success is within reach.

    Thank you for being part of my podcast community. It isn't over.. it's just a change in season so please, i invite you to join my weekly life coaching email here

    My new life coaching and mindse podcast will be launching SOON.. so stay tuned. 


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    20 mins
  • Releasing Obstacles: Your Path to Goal Achievement
    Oct 31 2023

    Todays it's all about letting go of the things that hold us back from reaching our goals.

    As a small business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the mindset of doing more and working harder, but sometimes that's not the key to success.

    In this episode, I share five important things to let go of in order to truly achieve success.

    The first thing to let go of is the belief that more is better. We often think that if we just do more, work harder, or take on more tasks, we'll see greater results. But the truth is, quality is often more important than quantity.

    It's important to prioritize our time and energy on the tasks that truly matter and will lead us closer to our goals.

    The second thing to let go of is the weight of other people's opinions. People will always have something to say, whether we ask for their opinion or not. It's natural to worry about what others might think of us, especially in the age of social media. But to truly succeed, we must learn to let go of the fear of judgment and stay true to ourselves and our goals.

    Another thing to let go of is the idea that progress is solely measured by external achievements. While achieving our goals is important, it's equally important to consider the emotional and mental impact of our journey.

    Success isn't just about reaching the destination; it's about how we feel along the way. Taking care of our mental health and finding serenity in our pursuit of success is just as crucial as the end result.

    Next, it's time to let go of the fear of failure. Failure is a natural part of the journey towards success, and it's something that every entrepreneur experiences. Rather than being afraid of failure, we should embrace it as an opportunity for growth and learning. By reframing our mindset around failure, we can unlock new possibilities and reach even greater heights.

    Finally, we need to let go of the need for control. As business owners, we often try to control every aspect of our journey, but the truth is, some things are beyond our control. Learning to let go and trust in the process can open up doors we never even knew existed. By relinquishing control, we create space for new opportunities and unexpected successes.

    As I always say,

    "I can is possibility. I will is intention. I am is commitment."

    These three phrases serve as a reminder that success is not just about external achievements but also about our mindset and commitment to our goals. So, let go of what's holding you back, embrace the challenges, and honor the struggles. By doing so, you'll be well on your way to achieving the success you desire.

    Don't forget to check out episode 200 of the Build Your Business 6 Pack podcast for even more valuable insights and guidance on your journey to success. Let go, embrace, and lift yourself up to new heights.

    Stay updated with all the changes my signing up to my weekly newsletter now

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    18 mins
  • Pivoting in Business: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Purposeful Change
    Oct 30 2023

    In this episode of Build Your Business 6 Pack, I dive deep into the concept of pivoting and how it can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

    As small business owners, we often find ourselves faced with the need to change directions or try something new. But how do we know when our desire to pivot is driven by fear or a genuine calling for change?

    I start by examining patterns of behavior and the frequency with which we change our minds. Are we constantly seeking the next best thing, or do we stick with something long enough to see it through?

    It's important to evaluate our commitment and follow-through to truly understand why we might feel the need to pivot. Another key point I explore is our expectations surrounding a pivot. What do we believe will be different this time?

    Often, we focus solely on changing actions without addressing our thoughts and feelings, leading to similar results. By gaining clarity on our expectations, we can uncover any underlying fears or insecurities that may be driving our desire to pivot.

    Lastly, I discuss the importance of connecting with our true purpose. How genuine do we feel when talking about our business and our goals?

    Our body always provides subtle clues if something doesn't feel quite right. It's crucial to listen to these signals and explore any areas where we may be holding ourselves back.

    Remember, a pivot can be a powerful tool for growth and transformation, but it's essential to approach it with an empowered mindset.

     As small business owners, we have the capacity to navigate change and achieve our goals. So let's embrace the process of pivoting, evaluate our intentions, and ultimately create success on our own terms.

    "Falling forward allows us to see what we're about to hit." - Denzel Washington

    Join my email list to stay up to date with my personal pivot 

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    13 mins
  • Breaking Free from Destination Thinking: Embrace the Journey Towards Business Success
    Oct 23 2023

    In this episode, I want to share a powerful message that I recently received during my meditation.

    It's all about finding peace and acceptance in the present moment, even when we're not exactly where we want to be in our business journeys.

    Have you ever caught yourself focusing on where you're not, only to feel discouraged and stuck? Trust me, I've been there too. But here's the thing: dwelling on what's lacking rarely propels us into action.

    Instead, it tends to send us down a rabbit hole of despair, where we end up checking out of our dreams and checking into bad habits like procrastination and Netflix binging.

    So, let me ask you this: Do you remember those childhood car rides, when you would drive your parents crazy by constantly asking, "Are we nearly there yet?" Well, as adults, we often find ourselves doing the same thing with our goals and dreams. We want to skip the journey and fast-track straight to the destination.

    But why do we do that? I believe there are three main reasons.

    First, the journey isn't always comfortable. As humans, we're wired to avoid pain and discomfort. We want to go straight to the place where everything feels amazing, without having to endure the growth and challenges that come with it. 

    Second, we tend to make it mean something negative about ourselves when we see others achieving success while we're still on the journey. We start questioning our worthiness, intelligence, and capabilities. But the truth is, everyone's path is unique, and comparing ourselves only hinders our progress. 

    Lastly, society has conditioned us to idolize the end results and overlook the countless steps in between. We're bombarded with stories of overnight success, which can make us feel like failures if we haven't reached our goals as quickly.

    But the reality is, growth takes time and effort. So, where do we go from here? It's time to release the resistance and embrace where we are in our business journeys. Instead of constantly striving for the next milestone, let's learn to accept the present moment as if we had chosen it. Remember, the circumstances are neutral; it's our thoughts and feelings that shape our actions and results.

    So, let's run a little model on this way of thinking. Imagine your goal as the circumstance. When you find yourself thinking, "I'm not there yet, why am I not there yet?" how does it make you feel? Frustrated? Disappointed? Angry?

    These emotions drive our actions, or lack thereof. But what if I told you that no matter what you've done in the past, there's no guarantee it would have gotten you to your goal any quicker? Each step, each choice, has led you to where you are now, and that's exactly where you need to be on your unique journey.

    So, my friend, let's shift our mindset and find peace in the present. Let's embrace the growth, challenges, and failures along the way, knowing that they are necessary stepping stones to our success. This mindset shift will not only bring us peace but also allow us to move forward with certainty and confidence. Remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about the growth and learning that happen during the journey.

    So let's release the resistance, accept where we are, and build our businesses one step at a time. As Eckhart Tolle wisely said, "Accept then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it."

    Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep building your business 6-pack, one episode at a time!

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    17 mins
  • Sliding Doors - Better, NOT Perfect, Decisions Are How You Change Your Life
    Oct 16 2023

    In this mind-blowing episode of "Build Your Business 6 Pack," I am about to reveal how the choices we make have the potential to completely transform our lives.

    Prepare yourself for an awe-inspiring journey as I guide you through the art of making better decisions that will leave you feeling empowered and unstoppable.

    From understanding the concept of sliding door moments to uncovering the keys to assessing your greatest areas of growth, get ready to witness the remarkable impact of your choices.

    I'd ❤️ for you to join my email community 


    Key Points:

    • - Choices are the hinges of destiny: Discover how every decision we make is like opening or closing another door, leading us down different paths and shaping our future.
    • - From forever decisions to for now decisions: Embrace the freedom of making choices that allow flexibility and adaptability, rather than being stuck in an all-or-nothing mindset.
    • - Fear versus hope: Explore the profound difference between making decisions based on fear, despair, and limitations versus choosing from a place of hope, possibilities, and endless potential.
    • - The power of self-evaluation: Recognize how evaluating yourself and the beliefs you hold about your capabilities and worthiness can drastically impact the choices you make and the outcomes you achieve.
    • - Embracing discomfort: Understand the importance of facing and embracing the emotional discomfort associated with growth, rather than avoiding it through repetitive and unfulfilling decisions.

     "Every decision you make reflects your evaluation of who you are." - Marianne Williamson

    So, my dear listener, it's time to take a deep dive into the power that lies within your choices. Are you ready to rewrite your story? To unlock a world of possibilities? To embrace the incredible person you are capable of becoming?

    Tune in to this extraordinary episode of "Build Your Business 6 Pack" and let your choices change your life. Remember, you have the power to decide your destiny. Let's make it happen.

    Here are your questions to answer:

    Clarity – what areas of my life am I lacking clarity in and why?

    Energy – Do I have the physical vibrancy and stamina to accomplish my goals and feel energetized about life every day?

    Courage – Where am I backing down in my life right now?

    Productivity – Where am I being sucked in to distraction?

    Influence – What areas of my life am I lacking the influence I need to accomplish my goals?

    I'd ❤️ love for you to join my email community

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    22 mins
  • The $40 Billion Question: Why Do We Struggle to Stay Committed to Our Goals?
    Oct 9 2023

    Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Achieving Your Goals

    Join the Build Your Business 6 Pack Facebook now for weekly free training to help you guarantee your Small Business Success:



    1. Understanding why we sabotage our own goals
    2. The impact of fear and uncertainty on our ability to commit
    3. The importance of reframing failure as a learning opportunity
    4. The three pains we try to avoid and how they hold us back
    5. Introducing the one simple change that can make any goal happen

     "It's not your fault"

    Failing to get where you want to go is not a blemish on your character.

    It's just your brain doing what it's made to do, and you didn't know this until now.

    Join me on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the reasons behind our self-sabotage and uncover the key to achieving our goals. As we dive deep into the psychology of change, you'll gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to unlock your true potential.

    We kick things off by addressing the burning questions that plague us all: why do we sabotage our goals? Why do we struggle to commit, despite knowing what we truly want? And why does progress often seem to slip through our fingers?

    Take comfort in the fact that it's not your fault. Your brain is wired to seek safety and certainty, making change an uncomfortable territory.Delving into the staggering statistics of the personal development and weight loss industries, which are both valued in the billions, we highlight the universal search for that elusive miracle answer.

    But here's the truth: there is no miracle solution.

     However, there is one simple change that can shift everything. As we embrace the notion that it's not our fault, we can begin unpacking the mechanics of our subconscious resistance to change.

    You'll discover the power of reframing failure as a natural part of the journey, rather than a reflection of your character. Recognizing your brain's innate desire for certainty, we unveil the three pains that hinder progress: the pain of loss, the pain of the unknown, and the pain of effort.

    By understanding and confronting these pains head-on, you'll empower yourself to overcome self-sabotage and step into your full potential. Embrace the discomfort and uncertainty with a newfound perspective, one that views failure as an opportunity for growth. So, whether you're yearning to build your own business, achieve weight loss, embark on a new career, or find your soulmate, this episode will equip you with the tools you need to make any goal happen.

    Discover your blocks and how to create a clear pathway to creating your goals by booking your free consultation call now:


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    12 mins
  • Rethinking Goals: How Focusing on Steps Leads to Lasting Success
    Oct 2 2023

    "The goal is your north star, but your power lies in the present moment."

    Welcome back to the Build Your Business 6 Pack Podcast.. where I'm challenging the belief that focusin on the goal is how you make it happen. 

    Inside, I'll talk about:

    1. Why focusing on the goal may not be effective in achieving success.
    2. The importance of how you show up for your goal every day.
    3. Secret rituals and best practices to help you focus on the present moment.
    4. Overcoming common challenges like feeling overwhelmed or devaluing small actions.
    5. Embracing consistency, boredom, and the power of thoughts and energy.
    6. Setting boundaries and prioritizing your own needs.

    Join my FREE Facebook Group where each week I do live training to help you grow your biz

    In this episode of Build Your Business 6 Pack, I reveal why focusing solely on your goal may not be the most effective approach to achieving success.

    We've been conditioned to believe that visualizing and obsessing over the end result is the way to go, but let me tell you, there's a better way.

    Turns out, it's not all about the destination. It's about how you show up for your goal every single day. You need to measure your actions, thoughts, identity, and connection with creative energy. This is where the magic happens!

    I'll be sharing my secret rituals and best practices to help you break free from the goal-centered mindset. It's time to shift your focus to the present moment and start taking radical personal responsibility for your actions.

    Trust me, this is where your true power lies.But let's address some common challenges you may face along the way. Feeling like you're not doing enough? We've all been there. I'll show you how to overcome this limiting belief and fully commit to those small actions that lead to big results.Consistency is key.

    Embrace the repetition and push through the boredom. Your business isn't here to entertain you all the time. It's your dedication and perseverance that will bring you success.Don't get caught up in just taking action.

    Remember, your thoughts and energy play a significant role in your journey. It's time to tap into their power and unleash your true potential.Lastly, set those boundaries and prioritize your own needs. Don't let external distractions or obligations derail your progress. This is YOUR journey, and it's time to put yourself first.

    Remember, it's not just about the goal; it's about the steps you take along the way. Join me on this transformative episode of Build Your Business 6 Pack and learn how to build success, one step at a time.

    Book You Free Cosultation Call 

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    17 mins
  • Unveiling the Importance of Feeling Seen, Heard, and Understood: Lessons from a Coffee Shop Meltdown
    Sep 25 2023

    In this super short episode of the "Build Your Business 6 Pack" podcast, I share a story about an emotional meltdown in a busy coffee shop, and what a transformative experience it was.

    Through this emotional encounter, I discovered the profound impact of truly seeing, hearing, and understanding others, as well as the necessity of recognizing and embracing our own worthiness.

    Join my email community for weekly tips and technqiues and how to grow your business with mind, body and strategy

    Join me on this inspiring journey as we explore the power of connection and self-discovery.

    In this episode I will cover:

    The profound gift of being seen, heard, understood, and touched by others, and how it can transform our lives.-

    A personal story of a meltdown in a coffee shop that unveiled deeply held feelings of discomfort and invisibility.-

    The connection between not feeling seen ourselves and not being able to fully see, hear, and understand others.

    The importance of recognizing our own capabilities, possibilities, and uniqueness in order to feel truly seen and heard.

    An anecdote about a young man's act of kindness that beautifully exemplifies the power of being seen and heard.

    The call to embrace self-discovery and compassionately show up for ourselves and others.

     "In order for us to compassionately show up and see and hear other people and touch other people's lives, we have to be able to see ourselves."

    So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, tune in, and embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery and connection in this soul-stirring episode of the "Build Your Business 6 Pack" podcast. Join me as we uncover the incredible potential within us to be seen, heard, and understood, and transform both our lives and the lives of others.



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    11 mins