Dec 25 2022
    Special Chanukah Series: LOVE, LIGHTS, HANUKKAH! : Designed to illuminate the meaning of our Jewish Festival of Lights by highlighting little known details of the Historical, Theological and Spiritual underpinnings of Chanukah. The observance of the Jewish Festival of Lights, known as Chanukah revolves primarily around the kindling of the Menorah, as established by our Sages from the very beginning. Clearly, this Mitzvah occupies a central space in the observance and celebration of this outstanding holiday. Interestingly, the Halacha governs not only the timing and fueling of this glowing commemoration, but also, it's placement. Our Sages not only pressed for public placement -- at the outer gateways of our homes -- they further identified the left side as most appropriate. The creation of an all-encompassing entrance way appears to account for this arrangement, yet, to be sure this sinister space seems out of step and place. The ensuing exploration of the jurisprudence governing this anomaly brings other possibilities to light. Upon encountering additional difficulties, we are led to newfound insight about the Menorah's message, which sheds much light -- ultimately illuminating the issue and leading us on to incredible discoveries! Whatever you level of Jewish knowledge, literacy background this presentation will present a fascinating fresh understanding of the Menorah and the powerful rays it projects into the darkness! The Fifth Episode of our special holiday series has been generously sponsored by Gail and Marty Bergman to honour and elevate the soul of her late mother, Marilyn Godel, (Miriam bat Arye Leib) whose Shloshim is observed on this Fifth day of Chanukah.
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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Talmud on Chanukah Holiday Infused Grace
    Dec 21 2022
    A Torah class by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan on Gemara Shabbos which discusses #Chanukah
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    50 mins
  • Talmud on Chanukah Burning the Mitzvah Oil
    Dec 21 2022
    A Torah class by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan on gemara shabbos which discusses #Chanukah
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    52 mins
    Dec 21 2022
    Special Chanukah Series: LOVE, LIGHTS, HANUKKAH! : Fascinating secrets of our Festival of Lights are embedded into the Talmud's account of Chanukah as well as in the Al Hanissim prayer formula. More than 2,000 years ago the secrets of our Festival of Lights were encoded into a prayer formula. The coder was recently deciphered, and the incredible story is now available to the public! This exciting third episode of the series sets out to decode the text of an ancient prayer formula and reveal the mysterious secret of light in contains. This penetrating and insightful analysis of the traditional text of Al HaNissim through a prism of copious sources will illuminate the story you thought you knew, bathing it in a whole new light. Here's a hint: Was there More than 1 Menorah Lit in the Original Story? The Holiday Liturgy speaks of “Kindled Flames” in “Holy Courtyards.” Yet the Temple Menorah only glowed behind closed doors. This anomaly will light up new pathways of understanding about how and why we originally lit things up, very differently than we tend to think of.
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    1 hr and 24 mins
    Dec 3 2021
    Special Chanukah Series: LOVE, LIGHTS, HANUKKAH! : Fascinating secrets of our Festival of Lights are embedded into the Talmud's account of Chanukah as well as in the Al Hanissim prayer formula. This fourth and final episode of the series mines the unique syntax of both as well as the names and materials that appear in the narrative. This incredible presentation will dig deep to uncover the "real dirt" on Chanukah, because in truth it far broader than just Tainted Oil! Drawing on a wide range of sources insightful pieced together a new panorama emerges. Here we will hydrate and moisten the fertile soil of the story so that fresh growth can blossom! Ultimately, Chanukah goes far beyond a courageous battle against a brutal occupation by a Foreign Power. In fact, it was (and in many ways still is!) an ideological struggle over the very Soul of Israel. The enemy sought (and still seeks!) to extinguish our Flame by Dirtying our Water. Chanukah is about our miraculous victory against those very dark forces. Then, and forever! Rabbi Mendel Kaplen
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    1 hr and 30 mins
    Dec 2 2021
    Special Chanukah Series: LOVE, LIGHTS, HANUKKAH! Episode Two: : What, precisely does Our Festival of Lights Commemorate and Celebrate? In this second episode we will focus on the formal ordination of the festival called Chanukah,. and the enactment of its sacred observances established by our Sages. This penetrating and insightful analysis of the traditional sources including Talmudic and medieval Rabbinic writings will highlight two significantly divergent, yet ultimately authentic approaches to the Torah underpinning of our Jewish Festival of Lights. Whatever you level of Jewish knowledge, literacy background this presentation will reveal surprising dimensions of our religious observance of Chanukah. In point form: Were we directed to be party to Joyous Spirits, or are these spiritual festivities to be experienced and enjoyed in the spirit of a Joyous Party as well? Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
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    1 hr and 18 mins
    Dec 1 2021
    Special Chanukah Series: LOVE, LIGHTS, HANUKKAH! : What actually sparked the entire story of Chanukah? In this first episode we will focus on the almost never talked about beginning of what is historically known as the Hasmonean or Maccabean Revolt. Analyzing ancient Midrashic, Talmudic and even medieval Rabbinic sources points us towards a little-known, and rather shocking historic narrative. It will also shine a spotlight on Chanukah heroes almost no one has ever heard of! Watch this learn why although the story of the Maccabean Revolt and the wonders of Chanukah military struggle and the iconic of the tiny jug of oil that miraculously burned for eight days are common knowledge the origins of these watershed events weren’t well illuminated. There’s got to good reason for the cover-up... my guess may be no better than yours, yet a talk the Rebbe once delivered to a group of schoolchildren may provide just the insight we need! Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • Right On
    Dec 7 2018
    Ma’amer Moment: Chanukah ~’מאמר ד״ה נר חנוכה מצוה כו~ 5746 - 1985 "Right On" Why correct Menorah placement radically departs from Judaism’s right of way.
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    24 mins