• Tuesday, September 5, 2023
    Sep 5 2023
    Shalok, Third Mehl: He Himself is pleased with His humble devotees; my Beloved Lord attaches them to Himself. The Lord blesses His humble devotees with royalty; He fashions the true crown upon their heads. They are always at peace, and immaculately pure; they perform service for the True Guru. They are not said to be kings, who die in conflict, and then enter again the cycle of reincarnation. O Nanak, without the Name of the Lord, they wander about with their noses cut off in disgrace; they get no respect at all. ||1|| Third Mehl: Hearing the teachings, he does not appreciate them, as long as he is not Gurmukh, attached to the Word of the Shabad. Serving the True Guru, the Naam comes to abide in the mind, and doubts and fears run away. As he knows the True Guru, so he is transformed, and then, he lovingly focuses his consciousness on the Naam. O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, greatness is obtained; he shall be resplendent in the Court of the Lord hereafter. ||2|| Pauree: The minds of the Gursikhs are filled with the love of the Lord; they come and worship the Guru. They trade lovingly in the Lord's Name, and depart after earning the profit of the Lord's Name. The faces of the Gursikhs are radiant; in the Court of the Lord, they are approved. The Guru, the True Guru, is the treasure of the Lord's Name; how very fortunate are the Sikhs who share in this treasure of virtue. I am a sacrifice to those Gursikhs who, sitting and standing, meditate on the Lord's Name. ||11||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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  • Saturday, September 28, 2024
    Sep 28 2024
    Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, Second House, Ashtapadees: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: The Guru is the ocean, filled with pearls. The Saints gather in the Ambrosial Nectar; they do not go far away from there. They taste the subtle essence of the Lord; they are loved by God. Within this pool, the swans find their Lord, the Lord of their souls. ||1|| What can the poor crane accomplish by bathing in the mud puddle? It sinks into the mire, and its filth is not washed away. ||1||Pause|| After careful deliberation, the thoughtful person takes a step. Forsaking duality, he becomes a devotee of the Formless Lord. He obtains the treasure of liberation, and enjoys the sublime essence of the Lord. His comings and goings end, and the Guru protects him. ||2|| The swans do not leave this pool. In loving devotional worship, they merge in the Celestial Lord. The swans are in the pool, and the pool is in the swans. They speak the Unspoken Speech, and they honor and revere the Guru's Word. ||3|| The Yogi, the Primal Lord, sits within the celestial sphere of deepest Samaadhi. He is not male, and He is not female; how can anyone describe Him? The three worlds continue to center their attention on His Light. The silent sages and the Yogic masters seek the Sanctuary of the True Lord. ||4|| The Lord is the source of bliss, the support of the helpless. The Gurmukhs worship and contemplate the Celestial Lord. God is the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear. Subduing ego, one meets the Lord, and places his feet on the Path. ||5|| He makes many efforts, but still, the Messenger of Death tortures him. Destined only to die, he comes into the world. He wastes this precious human life through duality. He does not know his own self, and trapped by doubts, he cries out in pain. ||6|| Speak, read and hear of the One Lord. The Support of the earth shall bless you with courage, righteousness and protection. Chastity, purity and self-restraint are infused into the heart, when one centers his mind in the fourth state. ||7|| They are immaculate and true, and filth does not stick to them. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, their doubt and fear depart. The form and personality of the Primal Lord are incomparably beautiful. Nanak begs for the Lord, the Embodiment of Truth. ||8||1||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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  • Friday, September 27, 2024
    Sep 27 2024
    Soohee, First Mehl: My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind. Truth is the ladder to the Guru; climbing up to the True Lord, peace is obtained. Celestial peace comes; the Truth pleases me. How could these True Teachings ever be erased? He Himself is Undeceivable; how could He ever be deceived by cleansing baths, charity, spiritual wisdom or ritual bathings? Fraud, attachment and corruption are taken away, as are falsehood, hypocrisy and duality. My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind. ||1|| So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation. Filth sticks to the polluted mind; how rare are those who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. Churn this Ambrosial Nectar, and drink it in; dedicate this mind to the Guru, and He will value it highly. I intuitively realized my God, when I linked my mind to the True Lord. I will sing the Lord's Glorious Praises with Him, if it pleases Him; how could I meet Him by being a stranger to Him? So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation. ||2|| When He comes, what else remains behind? How can there be any coming or going then? When the mind is reconciled with its Beloved Lord, it is blended with Him. True is the speech of one who is imbued with the Love of his Lord and Master, who fashioned the body fortress from a mere bubble. He is the Master of the five elements; He Himself is the Creator Lord. He embellished the body with Truth. I am worthless; please hear me, O my Beloved! Whatever pleases You is True. One who is blessed with true understanding, does not come and go. ||3|| Apply such an ointment to your eyes, which is pleasing to your Beloved. I realize, understand and know Him, only if He Himself causes me to know Him. He Himself shows me the Way, and He Himself leads me to it, attracting my mind. He Himself causes us to do good and bad deeds; who can know the value of the Mysterious Lord? I know nothing of Tantric spells, magical mantras and hypocritical rituals; enshrining the Lord within my heart, my mind is satisfied. The ointment of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is only understood by one who realizes the Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||4|| I have my own friends; why should I go to the home of a stranger? My friends are imbued with the True Lord; He is with them, in their minds. In their minds, these friends celebrate in happiness; all good karma, righteousness and Dharma, the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage, charity and worship, are found in the love of the True Name. He Himself creates, establishes and beholds all, by the Pleasure of His Will. My friends are happy in the Love of the Lord; they nurture love for their Beloved. ||5|| If a blind man is made the leader, how will he know the way? He is impaired, and his understanding is inadequate; how will he know the way? How can he follow the path and reach the Mansion of the Lord's Presence? Blind is the understanding of the blind. Without the Lord's Name, they cannot see anything; the blind are drowned in worldly entanglements. Day and night, the Divine Light shines forth and joy wells up, when the Word of the Guru's Shabad abides in the mind. With your palms pressed together, pray to the Guru to show you the way. ||6|| If the man becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him. Unto whom should I tie up and give the bundle of my pains? The whole world is overflowing with pain and suffering; who can know the state of my inner self? Comings and goings are terrible and dreadful; there is no end to the rounds of reincarnation. Without the Naam, he is vacant and sad; he does not listen to the Word of the Guru's Shabad. If the mind becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him. ||7|| One who finds the Guru's Mansion within the home of his own being, merges in the All-pervading Lord. The sevadar performs selfless service when he is pleased, and confirmed in the True Word of the Shabad. Confirmed in the Shabad, with her being softened by devotion, the bride dwells in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, deep within her being. The Creator Himself creates; God Himself, in the end, is endless. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mortal is united, and then embellished; the unstruck melody of the sound current resounds. One who finds the Guru's Mansion within the home of his own being, merges in the All-pervading Lord. ||8|| Why praise that which is created? Praise instead the One who created it and watches over it. His value cannot be estimated, no matter how much one may wish. He alone can estimate the Lord's value, whom the Lord Himself causes to know. He is not mistaken; He does not make mistakes. He alone celebrates victory, who is pleasing to You, through the Invaluable Word of the Guru's Shabad. I am lowly and abject - I offer my prayer; may I never forsake the True Name, O Sibling of Destiny. O Nanak, the One who created the ...
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  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024
    Sep 25 2024
    Todee, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Du-Padas: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: I beg for the Gift of Your Name, O my Lord and Master. Nothing else shall go along with me in the end; by Your Grace, please allow me to sing Your Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause|| Power, wealth, various pleasures and enjoyments, all are just like the shadow of a tree. He runs, runs, runs around in many directions, but all of his pursuits are useless. ||1|| Except for the Lord of the Universe, everything he desires appears transitory. Says Nanak, I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints, so that my mind may find peace and tranquility. ||2||1||6||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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  • Thursday, October 8, 2020
    Oct 8 2020
    JAITSREE, FIFTH MEHL, SECOND HOUSE, CHHANT: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: SHALOK: God is lofty, unapproachable and infinite. He is indescribable- He cannot be described. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, who is all-powerful to save us. || 1 || CHHANT: Save me, any way You can; O Lord God, I am Yours. My demerits are uncountable; how many of them should I count? The sins and crimes I committed are countless; day by day, I continually make mistakes. I am intoxicated by emotional attachment to Maya, the treacherous one; by Your Grace alone can I be saved. Secretly, I commit hideous sins of corruption, even though God is the nearest of the near. Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord, and lift me up, out of the whirlpool of the terrifying world-ocean. || 1 || SHALOK: Countless are His virtues; they cannot be enumerated. God’s Name is lofty and exalted. This is Nanak’s humble prayer, to bless the homeless with a home. || 2 || CHHANT: There is no other place at all - where else should I go? Twenty-four hours a day, with my palms pressed together, I meditate on God. Meditating forever on my God, I receive the fruits of my mind’s desires. Renouncing pride, attachment, corruption and duality, I lovingly center my attention on the One Lord. Dedicate your mind and body to God; eradicate all your self-conceit. Prays Nanak, shower me with Your mercy, Lord, that I may be absorbed in Your True Name. || 2 || SHALOK: O mind, meditate on the One, who holds everything in His hands. Gather the wealth of the Lord’s Name; O Nanak, it shall always be with You. || 3 || CHHANT: God is our only True Friend; there is not any other. In the places and interspaces, in the water and on the land, He Himself is pervading everywhere. He is totally permeating the water, the land and the sky; God is the Great Giver, the Lord and Master of all. The Lord of the world, the Lord of the universe has no limit; His Glorious Virtues are unlimited- how can I count them? I have hurried to the Sanctuary of the Lord Master, the Bringer of peace; without Him, there is no other at all. Prays Nanak, that being, unto whom the Lord shows mercy - he alone obtains the Naam. || 3 || SHALOK: Whatever I wish for, that I receive. Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Nanak has found total peace. || 4 || CHHANT: My mind is now emancipated; I have joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. As Gurmukh, I chant the Naam, and my light has merged into the Light. Remembering the Lord’s Name in meditation, my sins have been erased; the fire has been extinguished, and I am satisfied. He has taken me by the arm, and blessed me with His kind mercy; He has accepted me His own. The Lord has hugged me in His embrace, and merged me with Himself; the pains of birth and death have been burnt away. Prays Nanak, He has blessed me with His kind mercy; in an instant, He unites me with Himself. || 4 || 2 ||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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  • Wednesday, October 7, 2020
    Oct 7 2020
    SHALOK THIRD MEHL: Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru, suffer in sorrow and bondage. Again and again, they are born only to die; they cannot meet their Lord. The disease of doubt does not depart, and they find only pain and more pain. O Nanak, if the Gracious Lord forgives, then one is united in Union with the Word of the Shabad. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru, shall find no place of rest or shelter. They wander around from door to door, like a woman forsaken, with a bad character and a bad reputation. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are forgiven, and united in Union with the True Guru. || 2 || PAUREE: Those who serve the True Lord, the Destroyer of ego, cross over the terrifying world-ocean. Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are passed over by the Messenger of Death. Those who meditate on the Lord, go to His Court in robes of honor. They alone serve You, O Lord, whom You bless with Grace. I sing continually Your Glorious Praises, O Beloved; as Gurmukh, my doubts and fears have been dispelled. || 7 ||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020
    Oct 6 2020
    DHANAASAREE, FOURTH MEHL: The Lord, Har, Har, is the rain-drop; I am the song-bird, crying, crying out for it. O Lord God, please bless me with Your Mercy, and pour Your Name into my mouth, even if for only an instant. || 1 || Without the Lord, I cannot live for even a second. Like the addict who dies without his drug, I die without the Lord. || Pause || You, Lord, are the deepest, most unfathomable ocean; I cannot find even a trace of Your limits. You are the most remote of the remote, limitless and transcendent; O Lord Master, You alone know Your state and extent. || 2 || The Lord’s humble Saints meditate on the Lord; they are imbued with the deep crimson color of the Guru’s Love. Meditating on the Lord, they attain great glory, and the most sublime honor. || 3 || He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself creates His environments. Servant Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary, O Lord; protect and preserve the honor of Your devotee. || 4 || 5 ||
    Hukamnama from SikhNet.com
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