• A Trumpet Call
    Nov 30 2024

    Romans 8:30

    If a contestant on a game show answers a question incorrectly, the worst that can happen is losing a chance to win a prize. But in our study of the Book of Romans, we come to a question so important that it effects the eternal destiny of every person. Having set forth the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith, the apostle Paul now asks, "What then shall we say to these things?" What do you say to God's Word about salvation through Jesus Christ? Dr. Barnhouse addresses this question of life and death on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    32 mins
  • Our Glorification
    Nov 23 2024

    Romans 8:30

    A baseball player on first base wants to score a run, but he may not make it. He could be caught stealing, or the next batter could make the third out, or he could be tagged out before reaching home plate. But God has determined that every one of His children will make it home. He has purposed that all those He foreknew, predestined, called, and justified will be glorified. Our glorification is an eternal unshakeable fact, sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Listen as Dr. Barnhouse speaks of our glorification on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    32 mins
  • Our Justification
    Nov 16 2024

    Romans 8:30

    A weak link can break the chain that holds a ship to its anchor, and the ship would be swept out to sea. God has taken the likes of foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification and glorification and forged a golden chain that secures our eternal salvation. But many Christians weaken God's golden chain through an improper understanding of one or more of these links. Do you have a biblical understanding of the vital link of justification? Tune in to hear more on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    33 mins
  • God's Call
    Nov 9 2024

    Romans 8:29

    If you see a commercial encouraging you to join the Army, you are free to ignore it and turn the channel. But if you received a draft notice, you would be compelled to enlist. Many people hear the general call of the gospel and ignore it because they are spiritually dead and dead in their sins. But God's effectual call infuses the gospel with power and issues a divine summons that compels us to follow Jesus Christ. Dr. Barnhouse speaks of God's call to salvation on Dr. Barnhouse on the Bible.

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    31 mins
  • The Image of His Son
    Nov 2 2024

    Romans 8:29

    The hands of the master artist Michelangelo formed a shapeless block of marble into David, perhaps the most famous sculpture in the world. You may feel that your life has no purpose or direction, but if you come to God through faith in Jesus Christ, He'll gradually form you into the image of His beloved Son and make your life into something beautiful in His eyes. Have you entrusted your life into the loving hands of the Master? Listen to Dr. Barnhouse's classic teaching on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible

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    32 mins
  • God's Foreknowledge
    Oct 26 2024

    Romans 8:29

    Many preachers and Bible teachers have defined God's foreknowledge as simply His ability to know all things in advance before they happen. They may say God looked down the corridor of time to see who would respond in faith to the gospel, and predestined them to salvation on that basis. But is this a biblically accurate view of the foreknowledge of God? What does the Word of God actually teach about this important subject? Find out on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    29 mins
  • The People of God
    Oct 19 2024

    Romans 8:28

    Perhaps you have heard someone express the popular common sentiment of our day by saying, "We are all God's children." But the Bible clearly states that only those who have come to God through faith in Jesus Christ can be called His children. The people of God are those who love God and who have been called by God and all this according to His divine purpose. It is on these grounds alone that all things work together for our eternal good. Listen to Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible to hear about God's love for His people.

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    29 mins
  • All Things
    Oct 12 2024

    Romans 8:28

    Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and falsely imprisoned. He could have fallen into despair and wondered how God could ever bring forth any good from these circumstances. But God eventually worked in Joseph's life in such a way that he could say, "You meant evil against me but God meant it for good in order to bring about, as it is, this day to save many people." He is also causing all things in your life to work together for your ultimate good. Be encouraged on Dr. Barnhouse and the Bible.

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    29 mins