• Tesla Model Y - A solid winner - Un ganador como quiera que lo mires - 紛れもない勝者
    Feb 20 2025

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    The Testa Model Y: A solid winner. The Model Y was a hit from the beginning. Borrowing from the success of the model 3, it actually took this success ran with it. Actually, it soared with it! What’s not to like? More space, beefier tires, pretty safe, quite sleek, fresh, and unexplainably simple. And yes, it also qualified for the hefty $7500 American Government "rebate", given as a pass on possible tax responsibility. Frankly, It is undeniable that Tesla, and the model Y team, made a lot of things right with the Model Y. Aside from the controversy around the vehicle’s FSD advertised capabilities and other technical issues; the Model Y is a true legend in the making. And, I am saying this as the whole and tough Tesla critic; that I think of myself. For example, I genuinely dislike the cruel and greedy corporate tactics that Tesla and its leadership use to squeeze money out of its customers; I dislike the pretentious and deceiving nature of its CEO; among others. But, despite these, an extra-long run of good fortune; massive financial backing; and the greed notorious in American corporations; all have seemingly "aligned" and have supercharged innovation in production; trimmed out tons of fat Tesla vehicles and its production lines; and have generated unbelievable demand. Plus, Tesla’s superior travel range, safety features and record; and automated driving technology; have allowed Tesla to stand alone on the EV industry field, for a long time. Although now things seem to be leveling off, it is still undeniable the leadership position that Tesla holds. One that has largely come from the success of the Model Y. So, without further ado, here is the full wikipedia article on the history and technical details of the Tesla Model Y.

    Source: https://www.Wikipedia.org


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    Hector Vladimir 2025©

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    37 mins
  • Chats from 2016 about my then new Nissan Leaf electric car
    Feb 19 2025


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    56 mins
  • The refreshingly robust: Toyota BZ4 EV (El refrescante y totálmente eléctrico|爽快で堅牢な全電動
    Feb 17 2025

    Here I discuss the Toyota BZ4 (Subaru Soltera). It is a fully electric compact SUV from Toyota and Subaru. This vehicle has a commendable travel range and other specifications. Here are the details from the www.Wikipedia.org article.Aquí hablo del Toyota BZ4 (Subaru Soltera). Es un SUV compacto totalmente eléctrico de Toyota y Subaru. Este vehículo tiene un alcanze de viaje encomiable, y otras especificacione. Aquí están los detalles; del artículo de www.Wikipedia.org.今回はトヨタBZ4(スバル・ソルテラ)について解説します。トヨタとスバルのフル電動コンパクトSUVです。この車両は航続距離やその他の仕様が優れています。 www.Wikipedia.org の記事の詳細は次のとおりです。Hector Vladimir 2025©https://youtube.com/@EVNewsWorld?si=Aoj4jJKb5eHaCw2Rhttps://www.patreon.com/hectorvladimirSources:Japanhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%88%E3%83%A8%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BBbZ4XNorth America:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_bZ4X

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    26 mins
  • Honda-Nissan merger talks | ホンダと日産の合併交渉 | discusiónes de unión | 7-episodes
    Feb 16 2025

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    This is, perhaps, the automotive story of the century. Nissan, the legendary, seems to be against the financial ropes. And other Japanese companies seem to be among the worried. While the public is transitioning to electric vehicles. Some companies refuse to wake up and smell the coffee. But, financial pressures seem to have begun to rudely awake these companies. Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Honda in particular. Here the story, please follow closely if you are at all invested in any way in any of these. Even if you are just a vehicle owner, this is important.

    Hector Vladimir 2025©

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Honda Nissan Merger | part 7 | Talks collapse! Discusiónes se desborónan! | ホンダと日産の交渉決裂 !
    Feb 15 2025

    Noticia de ultimo minuto! Update! Breaking news. Charlas entre la Honda y la Nissan Terminan? Talks collapse? Hector Vladimir.Sources: News article links below.Honda-Nissan merger collapses as talks fail https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2k1321nedo How Nissan and Honda's $60 billion merger talks collapsed | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/inside-collapse-nissan-hondas-60-billion-mega-deal-2025-02-12/Honda Stock Rises After Nissan Merger Talks End https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-dow-sp500-nasdaq-live-02-13-2025/card/honda-stock-rises-after-nissan-merger-talks-end-VeeW2t42AsCbx8vSdf6QHonda, Nissan scrap merger plan as negotiations collapse https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2025/02/acd890b1b304-honda-nissan-expected-to-agree-to-end-talks-on-merger.html?phrase=japan struggling&words=#google_vignetteHector Vladimir 2025©

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    9 mins
  • Honda Nissan Merger | part 6 | What happened to Nissan? | 日産はどうなった? | ¿Qué pása con la Nissan?
    Feb 15 2025

    Update on Honda Nissan merger. From Yahoo Finance のニュース記事。News article from Yahoo Finance.https://finance.yahoo.com/news/what-happened-to-nissan-and-what-happens-next-if-a-honda-merger-is-truly-dead-160005626.htmlHector Vladimir 2025©

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    15 mins
  • Honda Nissan merger | part 5 | Is Nissan being rebellious!? | 日産は反抗的ですか?| Se ha rebelado la Nissan!?
    Feb 15 2025

    Nissan seems to have an Ace, or two, up its sleeve. What is going on? Honda is demanding Nissan be its subsidiary, but Nissan is seemingly crossing its arms.Hector Vladimir 2025©Article from New York Times from River Akira Davis.https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/05/business/honda-nissan-merger.html日産にはエースが1人か2人いるようだ。何が起こっているのか?ホンダは日産に子会社化を要求しているが、日産は腕を組んでいるように見える。ヘクター・ウラジミール 2025©リバー・アキラ・デイビスによるニューヨーク・タイムズの記事Nissan ni wa ēsu ga 1-ri ka 2-ri iru yōda. Nani ga okotte iru no ka? Honda wa Nissan ni kogaisha-ka o yōkyū shite iruga, Nissan wa ude o kunde iru yō ni mieru. Hekutā urajimīru 2025 © ribā Akira Deibisu ni yoru nyūyōku Taimuzu no kiji.

    Nissan parece tener un as o dos bajo la manga. ¿Qué está pasando? Honda exige que Nissan sea su filial, pero Nissan parece cruzarse de brazos.Héctor Vladimir 2025©Artículo del New York Times de River Akira Davis.

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    8 mins
  • Honda Nissan merger | part 4 | Mitsubishi sits out of merger! Mitsubishi toma aciento! | 三菱も注目!
    Feb 15 2025

    Según un informe japonés, la fusión propuesta entre Honda y Nissan no incluirá a Mitsubishi, ya que la empresa japonesa ha decidido permanecer independiente. Aunque Nissan y Mitsubishi tienen una estrecha relación en la actualidad, con Nissan poseyendo una cuarta parte de Mitsubishi, cada compañía seguirá su propio camino. Aunque Mitsubishi aún está considerando sus opciones y afirma que la información sobre su decisión no se ha publicado oficialmente, esto podría tener implicaciones para el futuro de la gama de vehículos de Mitsubishi. Si Mitsubishi se separa completamente, podría volverse más vulnerable en un mercado automotriz que se enfrenta a la competencia de las marcas chinas y el cambio hacia los vehículos eléctricos. Por otro lado, la fusión entre Nissan y Honda podría convertirse en el tercer grupo automotriz más grande del mundo, por detrás de Volkswagen y Toyota. La decisión final de Mitsubishi se espera a principios de la próxima semana, cuando se presenten los resultados financieros.日本の報道によると、日本企業は独立を維持することを決定しているため、ホンダと日産の間の合併計画には三菱自動車は含まれないという。日産と三菱は現在、日産が三菱自動車の4分の1を保有するなど緊密な関係にあるが、今後はそれぞれが独自の道を歩むことになる。三菱はまだ選択肢を検討中であり、その決定に関する情報は正式に発表されていないと主張しているが、これは三菱の車両ラインナップの将来に影響を与える可能性がある。三菱自動車が完全に分割すれば、中国ブランドとの競争や電気自動車への移行に直面する自動車市場において、三菱自動車はさらに脆弱になる可能性がある。一方、日産とホンダが合併すれば、フォルクスワーゲンとトヨタに次ぐ世界第3位の自動車グループになる可能性がある。三菱自動車の最終決定は来週初めに決算が発表される予定だAccording to a Japanese report, the proposed merger between Honda and Nissan will not include Mitsubishi, as the Japanese company has decided to remain independent. Although Nissan and Mitsubishi have a close relationship at present, with Nissan owning a quarter of Mitsubishi, each company will go its own way. Although Mitsubishi is still considering its options and claims that information about its decision has not been officially released, this could have implications for the future of Mitsubishi's vehicle lineup. If Mitsubishi splits completely, it could become more vulnerable in an automotive market facing competition from Chinese brands and the shift toward electric vehicles. On the other hand, the merger between Nissan and Honda could become the world's third largest automotive group, behind Volkswagen and Toyota. Mitsubishi's final decision is expected early next week, when financial results will be presented.Translated with DeepL.com (free version)2-1-2025Hector Vladimir 2025©Source: https://www.drive.com.au/news/mitsubishi-to-sit-out-nissan-honda-merger-report/

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    9 mins