
    Feb 8 2024

    “In GOD We Trust” a statement that is known all over the world by most due to the circulation of the American currency, however has anyone asked themselves what does it really mean? Like what is it to trust in GOD or to trust in each other and why is it important to understand how it affects all of our lives? Well let's take a sneak peak into the complexities of trusting in GOD in a time before the commandments were issued to Moses.

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    For the MOST HIGH Playlist click the link below: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50t7xJM8lGKfBjcTFk594a?si=0a45005b2b044145

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    22 mins
  • Conformity vs Individualism
    Aug 14 2023
    EYE THYSELF EPISODE: 8 | Conformity vs Individualism: Exploring Historical and Biblical Perspectives. Research References: Here are some academic references that discuss the concepts and effects of conformity and individualism in society and civilization: 1. "The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character" by David Riesman, Nathan Glazer, and Reuel Denney 2. "Escape from Freedom" by Erich Fromm 3. "The Asch Conformity Experiments" by Solomon Asch (1956) 4. "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community" by Robert D. Putnam 5. "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" by Max Weber 6. "Individualism and Collectivism: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Self-Ingroup Relationships" by Harry C. Triandis (1995) 7. "The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations" by Christopher Lasch 8. "Culture and Conformity: A Meta-Analysis of Studies Using Asch's (1952b, 1956) Line Judgment Task" by Rod Bond and Peter Smith (1996) 9. "Collectivism-Individualism in Everyday Social Life: The Middle East and the United States" by Harry C. Triandis, Maryam Bontempo, and Margaret Leung (1990) Please remember to do your research to find the answers you seek.
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    21 mins
  • What is a person?
    Jul 4 2023
    Today’s episode highlights and discusses the meaning of being a “Person” and it’s complexities. If you listen closely, there is a subtle sound to remind you to WAKE UP. Leave in the comments if you discover it.
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    17 mins
  • Location Matters
    Jun 7 2023
    Using scientific and biblical knowledge to understand the importance of location for the betterment of the soul.
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    12 mins
  • Mirrors of Vanity
    May 28 2023
    In this episode we discuss the topics of self love, Devine beauty and honoring ourselves and makers.
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    11 mins
  • Necessary Silence
    May 25 2023
    EYE THYSELF EPISODE: 4 | “NECESSARY SILENCE” ROMEL M. BREWTER, LORD, MIN HESQUAREMINISTRYINC@GMAIL.COM 05/25/2023 In an era of high speed communication, our languages have been constantly evolving, and in doing so, the meaning of the words change and with these constant changes, it seems a breakdown in comprehension has ultimately taken place. In my observations of history and my life experiences, I have noticed that the world has become noisier and spoken words have alternate meanings. This is why I think those that do value words and their meanings, should take necessary moments of silence. The reason I say this is because it forces you to evaluate to whom and where you direct your energy. As Budda once inferred When he came across an enraged man, “If you present a gift to someone and they refuse it, it is no longer a gift, it is your own to keep.”. Christ’s method was to redirect negative intentions by presenting them with questions that forces them to answer their own question. They both exhibited moments of necessary silence, how you may think. Well the silence took place both when confronted, they both listened completely, then after silence was achieved, they then spoke, but spoke in question format. I think we should take their examples as guidance to apply to our everyday interactions. I believe we need to get back to a point where your word was your bond. The word exchanged between two peoples acted as social contracts that allowed the parties involved to function amongst each other in a capacity of honor, integrity and community. Granted I am in no way saying there are no persons of those traits, I am only inferring that we have come a long way from “Say what you mean and mean what you say”. Here’s how I believe we can exercise necessary silence. “Silence is golden” What you need to know before choosing moments of silence. Remember that your words are valuable and have power. Remember your words can manifest. Remember words emit a frequency, which exhibits the use of energy. Tell me what you think about words and their use, comment or question what you think.
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    8 mins
  • Origins of Spoken Language?
    May 17 2023
    Key Questions What are the earliest indications of spoken language? According to The earliest indication of language started with hand gestures around 2 million to 90 thousand years ago. Where did spoken language originate? Africa What are the most accepted theories of the origins of spoken language and which is the most relevant? Noam Chomsky’s theory infers that language mutated from a single individual and spread to others. Who are the top experts in the study of spoken language and what are their arguments? Noam Chomsky Who were the originators of spoken language? It is believed language started with Homo erectus. What are the theories of religion and science in regards to spoken language? In regards to religion, language was given to Adam by GOD, whereas scientists believe language originated with homo erectus due to making tools, boats and hunting in groups, however their vocalization was comparable to gorillas. What are the debates among evolutionists in regard to the origins of spoken language, and are their debates in the creationism community also? This should be taken as a journey of self discovery and a sourcing of knowledge through the collaboration of open & positive minds. Everyone is free to expand on the key questions and to add their findings. We only ask that you use trusted sources and to credit where you obtained the knowledge so that others can use it for reference. Research is vital to our ability to identify and understand the cycles and patterns of life. Thank you for sharing this journey with us and we wish you...Peace, Love, Blessings, Health, Wealth & Prosperity!
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    17 mins
  • True Resource
    May 13 2023
    Sermon by: Minister Romel M. Brewster, Lord I should remind you before I share these words; do your research, search within and like my grandmother always told me, Even if you don’t like what you are being told, “Pick sense from nonsense”- Viterose I present to you the notion that the valuing of life starts with recognizing that YOU are the true bearers of PURPOSE in all of creation. You are the true resources!
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    12 mins