• Ministry through Service-Based Business with Whitney Johnson (#211)
    Sep 20 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Jon and Les talk with Whitney Johnson about how she is finding opportunities for ministry everywhere as a result of her service-based business. In recent years, Whitney has launched her own cleaning business with a focus of specifically serving the elderly. She shares how this is a community that is often taken advantage of and how she is meeting a very real need by providing trustworthy in-home cleaning services. Whitney’s work in this arena has paved the way for a new membership community she is developing called Silver Linings in which she will teach people how to serve their aging parents and loved ones.

    Guest Info/Links:

    • Website: https://www.facebook.com/WhitneySilverLinings

    Call to Action:

    • Tell us more about where you’re feeling STUCK in your entrepastor journey.
      • https://www.entrepastors.com/stuck
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    45 mins
  • New Life in Christ Through the Marketplace with Tyson Priest
    Sep 13 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast we share the story of our friend Tyson Priest who has been on an incredible journey over the past few years. Tyson planted and led a church in rural Indiana for a season, until it became apparent that the time had come to close the doors of the church. While on one hand this certainly represents the death of a dream and the disappointment that so many pastors can identify with when the thing we are asking and believing God for does not happen the way we hoped it would, Tyson shares an amazing story of how God is writing a new story of arguably even more fruitfulness for the kingdom that is happening in the marketplace. Through some truly supernatural opportunities in recent months, Tyson has led many people to Christ, helped them take a step of obedience through the waters of baptism, and is now discipling these new believers in an online forum. His story stands as an awesome reminder that just because you may no longer be in vocational ministry, your work and calling to pastor others is just as relevant, and arguably even more effective, through marketplace activities.

    Call to Action:

    • Enroll in EntrePastors Night School
      • https://www.entrepastors.com/nightschool
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    48 mins
  • The Power of asking WHY (#209)
    Sep 6 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast we are celebrating the powerful question of “Why?” Jon shares how so often we simply accept the status quo as it is because it’s what has been handed down to us and no one has really challenged the old paradigms by asking WHY. But when we pause long enough to ask the question of WHY, we can open our minds to new ideas and ways of breaking old paradigms that are no longer serving us well. In this episode Jon will invite you to think through questions such as these:

    • Why are we doing ministry like this?
    • Why is it normal for pastors to have such unrealistic expectations placed upon them by the churches they serve?
    • Why are pastors expected to have professional degrees, yet be compensated so poorly?
    • Why are we seeing thousands of pastors leaving ministry every year?
    • Why are pastors' families often silently suffering?
    • Why can’t we come up with a better and healthier model in which pastors are thriving?

    We believe it’s possible that your greatest breakthrough might lie just on the other side of WHY questions like these.

    Call to Action:

    • Enroll in EntrePastors Night School
      • https://www.entrepastors.com/nightschool
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    34 mins
  • Pivotal Moments in our EntrePastors Journey (#208)
    Aug 30 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Jon and Les celebrate the three-year anniversary of EntrePastors by each sharing some of the defining moments in their own lives which played a large role in their decisions to think and act differently as it pertains to the financial model with which they approach pastoral ministry. They want you the listener to know just how much they can relate to the current struggle you’re likely facing as a vocational pastor and to hear a genuine message of hope that a better and healthier option is available to you if you desire it.

    Call to Action:

    • Get our FREE EntrePastors Get Started Guide
      • https://www.entrepastors.com/start
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    41 mins
  • When a Congregation Embraces an Entrepreneurial Spirit with Dan Scott (#207)
    Aug 23 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Les talks with long-time pastor Dan Scott. Dan served Christ Church during a season in which a powerful move of the Holy Spirit took place as people were inspired, equipped, and released to go into the world and lean into their God-given gifts and talents in the marketplace. Dan captures many of the amazing stories that came out of this transformative season in his book Let the River Run. There were several national and international platforms that were launched out of this church during this season including Dan Miller’s 48 Days to Work You Love and Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace ministry. We encourage pastors to listen to this conversation through the lens of what’s possible when we see our people as uniquely shaped by God not just work inside our churches, but to be sent out to have an impact far beyond the four walls of the church.

    Guest Info/Links:

    • Website: https://pastordanscott.com/

    Call to Action:

    • Get our FREE EntrePastors Get Started Guide
      • https://www.entrepastors.com/start

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    39 mins
  • Overcoming an Entitled Spirit as a Pastor (#206)
    Aug 16 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast Jon is going to dive into a subject that might be tough for some pastors to hear. We’re going to talk about how to overcome a spirit of entitlement. At first glance, this might not seem to have much to do with you…or does it? Jon unpacks how living in poverty can ultimately produce people who come to feel entitled to the generosity of others and unfortunately, pastors are not exempt from this. The truth is many pastors have lived in poverty for years and their only “funding model” is to rely upon the generosity of others. If we’re not careful, we can begin to assume a posture of entitlement without realizing it. You will hear Jon cast a compelling vision for getting you to a place of financial freedom where you will no longer need to be on the receiving end of other people’s generosity, but can instead be in a strong position to give generously to others out of the overflow of the abundance that is being created through your marketplace endeavors.

    Call to Action:

    • Register for Dustin Heiner's upcoming webinar: Financial Freedom Through Real Estate
    • August 21, 2024 - 11:00 am CST
      • masterpassiveincome.com/entrepastorsworkshop
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    43 mins
  • Marketplace Missions Trips with Mike Henry (#205)
    Aug 9 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast we talk with Mike Henry, founder of Follower of One, a nonprofit that helps believers integrate their faith with their work in the marketplace. Mike shares his story of coming to Christ years ago and feeling passionate about his new found faith, yet frustrated with the disconnect he often felt between the place where he worshiped (his church) and the place where he spent a significant part of his life (his work). To Mike, it seemed like the only form of ministry that was offered and validated by his church was either ministry that happened within the four walls of the church building, or more intense ministry that required getting on a plane and traveling to an entirely different country on a mission trip. Eventually this frustration led Mike to launch a movement of what has now become known as Follower of One that specializes in mobilizing believers on two-week “Marketplace Missions Trips.” Through this initiative, Mike helps regular everyday church members recognize and engage one of the most important mission fields they encounter on a regular basis as they get up and go to work each day. At EntrePastors, we often say that “business IS ministry,” and that often there are far more opportunities to minister to others through marketplace activities than from behind a pulpit. We’re excited to share this conversation with you and trust you’ll be encouraged from it.

    Guest Info/Links:

    • Website: https://followerofone.org/

    Call to Action:

    • Register for Dustin Heiner's upcoming webinar: Financial Freedom Through Real Estate
    • August 21, 2024 - 11:00 am CST
      • masterpassiveincome.com/entrepastorsworkshop
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    40 mins
  • Financial Freedom through Real Estate with Dustin Heiner (#204)
    Aug 2 2024

    In this episode of the EntrePastors Podcast we're joined by Dustin Heiner, a real estate investment expert who transitioned from being a pastor to achieving financial independence through real estate. In this episode, Dustin delves into the nuts and bolts of building a successful real estate investment business, from finding the right city and property manager to securing financing and achieving passive income. He shares his personal journey, emphasizing the importance of education, risk tolerance, and implementation. Dustin also opens up about his heart for ministry, aiming to help one million people achieve financial independence while spreading the gospel. Whether you're a pastor considering a similar path or anyone interested in real estate, this episode is packed with valuable insights to fast-track your goals and build a sustainable, freedom-filled future. Join us as we explore how faith and finance can beautifully intertwine with Dustin Heiner.

    Guest Info/Links:

    • Website: https://masterpassiveincome.com/freecourse

    Call to Action:

    • Register for Dustin’s upcoming webinar:
    • August 21, 2024 - 11:00 am CST
      • masterpassiveincome.com/entrepastorsworkshop
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    42 mins