FluentFiction - Indonesian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • From Slides to Success: How a Mistake Sparked Innovation
    Nov 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Slides to Success: How a Mistake Sparked Innovation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-26-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah semarak lampu Diwali yang hangat, Rani dan Budi berdiri di panggung Startup Incubator.En: In the midst of the warm Diwali lights, Rani and Budi stood on the stage of the Startup Incubator.Id: Ruangannya penuh dengan orang-orang yang bersemangat.En: The room was filled with enthusiastic people.Id: Mereka adalah pengusaha dan investor, siap mendengar ide-ide segar.En: They were entrepreneurs and investors, ready to hear fresh ideas.Id: Bendera-bendera warna-warni menghiasi ruangan, simbol inovasi dan peluang di musim semi ini.En: Colorful flags adorned the room, a symbol of innovation and opportunity this spring.Id: Rani, mengenakan blazer biru muda, berdiri dengan gugup di depan laptopnya.En: Rani, wearing a light blue blazer, stood nervously in front of her laptop.Id: Dia menarik napas panjang, berusaha mengusir rasa cemas.En: She took a deep breath, trying to dispel her anxiety.Id: Budi, di sampingnya, tersenyum santai dan memberi isyarat "oke" dengan jempolnya.En: Budi, next to her, smiled casually and gave a thumbs-up gesture indicating "okay."Id: "Selamat siang, para investor," ujar Rani sambil berusaha terdengar percaya diri.En: "Good afternoon, investors," said Rani, striving to sound confident.Id: Slide pertama muncul di layar besar di belakang mereka.En: The first slide appeared on the big screen behind them.Id: Namun alangkah terkejutnya Rani dan Budi saat menyadari slide tersebut bukanlah ide tentang aplikasi kesehatan yang seharusnya mereka presentasikan, melainkan tentang aplikasi pencarian hewan peliharaan yang hilang.En: But how shocked Rani and Budi were when they realized the slide was not about the health app they were supposed to present, but about a lost pet search app.Id: Rani menelan ludah, otaknya berpacu mencari solusi.En: Rani swallowed hard, her mind racing to find a solution.Id: Meski terkejut, Budi tetap tenang.En: Although surprised, Budi remained calm.Id: "Kita bisa ini," bisiknya sambil tersenyum penuh keyakinan.En: "We got this," he whispered, smiling confidently.Id: Kepanikan berganti dengan keberanian, Rani mulai berbicara lagi.En: Panic shifted to courage, and Rani began speaking again.Id: "Bayangkan, di tengah kota yang sibuk, hewan peliharaan yang hilang bisa segera ditemukan," katanya dengan senyum menawan.En: "Imagine, in the middle of a busy city, lost pets can be quickly found," she said with a charming smile.Id: Budi segera melanjutkan, menambahkan fitur-fitur imajiner seolah mereka benar-benar berniat membuat aplikasi itu.En: Budi quickly continued, adding imaginary features as if they really intended to create the app.Id: "Aplikasi kita bisa menghubungkan pemilik dengan pecinta hewan peliharaan lainnya di sekitar.En: "Our app can connect owners with other pet lovers nearby."Id: "Para investor tampak tertarik, menganggukkan kepala.En: The investors seemed interested, nodding their heads.Id: Beberapa dari mereka mulai mengangkat tangan untuk bertanya.En: Some of them started raising their hands to ask questions.Id: Ini adalah momen yang menegangkan.En: It was a tense moment.Id: Rani dan Budi harus menjawab pertanyaan dengan cepat dan cermat.En: Rani and Budi had to answer the questions quickly and accurately.Id: Mereka menggunakan latar belakang aplikasi kesehatan mereka untuk menciptakan solusi kesehatan bagi hewan peliharaan.En: They used their health app background to create health solutions for pets.Id: "Kami juga menyediakan fitur kesehatan hewan peliharaan agar mereka tetap sehat sampai bertemu pemiliknya," tambah Rani, semakin percaya diri.En: "We also provide pet health features to keep them healthy until they meet their owners," added Rani, increasingly confident.Id: Di akhir presentasi, seorang investor, Pak Widodo, mengungkapkan kekagumannya.En: At the end of the presentation, an investor, Pak Widodo, expressed his admiration.Id: "Ini inovatif," katanya.En: "This is innovative," he said.Id: "Saya tertarik mendengar lebih lanjut tentang ide ini.En: "I am interested in hearing more about this idea."Id: "Rani dan Budi bertukar pandang.En: Rani and Budi exchanged glances.Id: Kesalahan yang awalnya tampak seperti bencana kini menjadi peluang baru.En: What initially seemed like a disaster now turned into a new opportunity.Id: Mereka bersyukur bisa melakukan improvisasi dan menemukan jalan yang tidak terduga.En: They were grateful to be able to improvise and find an unexpected path.Id: Peristiwa itu memberi Rani kepercayaan diri baru.En: The event gave Rani newfound confidence.Id: Momen itu memberi mereka pelajaran berharga, bahwa peluang bisa datang dari mana saja, bahkan dari kesalahan.En: It gave them a valuable lesson that opportunities can come from anywhere, even from mistakes.Id: Setelah semua berakhir, Rani dan Budi ...
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    18 mins
  • Rain-Soaked Bonds: Unexpected Adventures at Tangkuban Perahu
    Nov 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rain-Soaked Bonds: Unexpected Adventures at Tangkuban Perahu Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-25-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Langit cerah di atas Tangkuban Perahu saat tiga sahabat, Dewi, Rizky, dan Ayunda, melangkah dengan semangat menyusuri jalan setapak.En: The clear sky above Tangkuban Perahu greeted three friends, Dewi, Rizky, and Ayunda, as they enthusiastically made their way along the path.Id: Angin hangat musim panas menggoyangkan dedaunan hijau di sepanjang lereng gunung.En: The warm summer breeze rustled the green leaves along the mountain slope.Id: Di kejauhan, aroma belerang menyapa, menambah eksotisme perjalanan mereka.En: In the distance, the scent of sulfur greeted them, adding to the exotic feel of their journey.Id: Dewi, yang selalu ingin mencari pengalaman baru, mengusulkan perjalanan ini.En: Dewi, who always sought new experiences, had proposed this trip.Id: "Ini akan menyenangkan," katanya, menyembunyikan kecemasannya sendiri.En: "It will be fun," she said, masking her own anxiety.Id: “Kita bisa lebih dekat.”En: "We can become closer."Id: Namun, jauh di dalam hati, Dewi khawatir.En: However, deep down, Dewi was worried.Id: Apakah perjalanan ini akan membuat mereka lebih dekat atau justru menonjolkan perbedaan di antara mereka?En: Would this trip bring them closer together, or highlight their differences?Id: Rizky berjalan sedikit di depan.En: Rizky walked slightly ahead.Id: Matanya berbinar dengan humor yang selalu ada.En: His eyes sparkled with his ever-present humor.Id: “Ini bagus!” katanya riang.En: “This is great!” he exclaimed cheerfully.Id: Diam-diam, dia merencanakan cara untuk mengajak Dewi keluar.En: Secretly, he was planning a way to ask Dewi out.Id: Tapi hari ini, dia hanya ingin mereka semua menikmati perjalanan.En: But today, he just wanted them all to enjoy the trip.Id: Ayunda mengikuti di belakang, senyum lembut tergurat di wajahnya.En: Ayunda followed behind, a gentle smile etched on her face.Id: Dia adalah pengamat setia, mencatat dinamika antara teman-temannya.En: She was a keen observer, noting the dynamics among her friends.Id: Meski pendiam, dia yang paling tanggap ketika suasana mulai tidak seimbang.En: Though quiet, she was the most responsive when the mood began to shift.Id: Setelah beberapa jam berjalan, Dewi berbalik, wajahnya cerah dengan ide.En: After several hours of walking, Dewi turned around, her face bright with an idea.Id: “Ayo kita hiking ke kawah!” ajaknya, dengan harapan bahwa usaha bersama ini bisa lebih menyatukan mereka.En: “Let's hike to the crater!” she suggested, hoping that this shared effort would bring them closer together.Id: Rizky dan Ayunda setuju, meski ada sedikit keraguan di mata mereka.En: Rizky and Ayunda agreed, though there was a slight hesitation in their eyes.Id: Namun, tak lama setelah mereka memulai pendakian, langit yang mulanya cerah tiba-tiba berubah.En: However, shortly after they began their ascent, the once-clear sky suddenly changed.Id: Awan gelap menggantung rendah, dan hujan lebat mulai turun seketika.En: Dark clouds hung low, and a heavy rain started to pour without warning.Id: Tanpa persiapan, mereka terkejut dan segera berusaha mencari perlindungan.En: Unprepared, they were taken by surprise and quickly tried to find shelter.Id: Di tengah derasnya hujan, dengan pakaian yang mulai basah kuyup, mereka saling membantu.En: In the midst of the downpour, with their clothes becoming soaked, they helped each other.Id: Rizky mengulurkan tangannya, menuntun Ayunda yang tergelincir di jalan licin.En: Rizky extended his hand, guiding Ayunda as she slipped on the slick path.Id: Dewi menemukan celah batu di mana mereka bisa berteduh sementara.En: Dewi found a rock crevice where they could shelter temporarily.Id: “Ini sedikit mendadak,” Ayunda tersenyum saat mereka semua duduk berdesak-desakan di bawah naungan tak sempurna itu.En: “This is a bit sudden,” Ayunda smiled as they all huddled together under the imperfect cover.Id: “Tapi kita berhasil,” Rizky terkekeh, melirik Dewi.En: “But we made it,” Rizky chuckled, glancing at Dewi.Id: “Petualangan, bukan?”En: “An adventure, right?”Id: Dewi tertawa, merasa lega.En: Dewi laughed, feeling relieved.Id: "Ya, petualangan yang sangat tidak terduga."En: "Yes, a truly unexpected adventure."Id: Saat hujan mereda, mereka keluar dari persembunyian dengan basah dan kotor, tapi hati mereka terasa lebih ringan.En: As the rain subsided, they emerged from their hiding spot, wet and dirty, but their spirits were lighter.Id: Mereka semua tertawa, menikmati kemalangan yang tiba-tiba berubah menjadi kenangan manis.En: They all laughed, savoring the misfortune that had suddenly turned into a sweet memory.Id: Kesadaran baru muncul di benak Dewi.En: A new awareness dawned on Dewi.Id: Dia bisa terhubung dengan orang lain.En: She could connect with others.Id: ...
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    19 mins
  • Raindrops and Revelations: A Crater's Tale of Connection
    Nov 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Raindrops and Revelations: A Crater's Tale of Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Kabut menggantung rendah di atas Kawah Tangkuban Perahu.En: The mist hung low above Kawah Tangkuban Perahu.Id: Hawa sejuk dan aroma belerang memenuhi udara.En: The cool air and the scent of sulfur filled the atmosphere.Id: Di antara keramaian turis, Wulan melangkah dengan tenang.En: Among the throng of tourists, Wulan walked calmly.Id: Dia mencari inspirasi, berusaha menangkap kesunyian alam di tengah hiruk-pikuk orang-orang di sekitarnya.En: She was searching for inspiration, trying to capture the silence of nature amidst the hustle and bustle of the people around her.Id: Dengan mengenakan jaket tipis dan membawa ransel kecil, dia menyusuri jalan setapak yang dikelilingi hutan lebat.En: Wearing a thin jacket and carrying a small backpack, she followed the path lined by thick forest.Id: Sementara itu, Aldi berdiri di pinggir kawah, mengabadikan pemandangan dengan kamera kesayangannya.En: Meanwhile, Aldi stood at the edge of the crater, capturing the view with his beloved camera.Id: Dia suka bertemu orang-orang baru, mendengar cerita mereka.En: He enjoyed meeting new people and hearing their stories.Id: Setiap perjalanan membawa cerita yang berbeda, dan dia ingin mendokumentasikannya.En: Each journey brought a different story, and he wanted to document it.Id: Namun hari ini, suasana terasa berbeda.En: However, today felt different.Id: Langit yang tadinya cerah, tiba-tiba menggelap, mendung menggantung menandakan datangnya hujan.En: The sky, which had been clear, suddenly turned dark as clouds loomed, hinting at the coming rain.Id: Wulan berpikir untuk kembali lebih jauh ke dalam, mencari tempat yang lebih sepi, namun rencana itu terhenti ketika tetesan besar air hujan mulai turun.En: Wulan thought of venturing further inward, seeking a quieter spot, but her plans were interrupted when large raindrops began to fall.Id: Hujan deras mendadak memaksa semua orang mencari perlindungan.En: The sudden heavy rain forced everyone to seek shelter.Id: Wulan bergegas ke arah shelter kecil di dekat situ, dan di sana dia bertemu Aldi yang juga mencari tempat berlindung.En: Wulan hurried to a small shelter nearby, where she met Aldi, who was also looking for cover.Id: "Aduh, hujan besar sekali," keluh Aldi sambil tersenyum menatap Wulan.En: "Wow, it's raining so hard," Aldi said, smiling as he looked at Wulan.Id: "Tidakkah itu mengganggu rencanamu?En: "Doesn't it mess up your plans?"Id: "Wulan tersenyum tipis, berusaha mengabaikan rasa enggan berada dalam keramaian.En: Wulan gave a slight smile, trying to ignore her reluctance to be in the crowd.Id: "Ya, tapi itu bagian dari petualangan, bukan?En: "Yes, but that's part of the adventure, isn't it?"Id: " jawabnya.En: she replied.Id: Keduanya memandang ke luar, melihat hujan lebat yang menyelimuti kawah.En: Both of them looked out, watching the heavy rain envelop the crater.Id: Aldi membuka percakapan, berbagi cerita tentang perjalanannya ke berbagai tempat.En: Aldi initiated a conversation, sharing stories about his travels to various places.Id: Sementara Wulan, awalnya hanya mendengarkan, perlahan merasakan keterbukaan dalam diri Aldi sebagai sesuatu yang menenangkan.En: While Wulan initially just listened, she gradually found comfort in Aldi's openness.Id: "Apakah kamu suka menulis?En: "Do you like writing?"Id: " tanya Aldi saat melihat Wulan memegang buku catatannya.En: Aldi asked when he saw Wulan holding her notebook.Id: Wulan mengangguk.En: Wulan nodded.Id: "Aku mencari ide untuk menulis sesuatu yang baru.En: "I'm looking for ideas to write something new.Id: Kadang lebih mudah ketika sedang sendiri.En: Sometimes it's easier when I'm alone."Id: "Aldi mengerti.En: Aldi understood.Id: "Aku suka melihat bagaimana orang menemukan cerita dalam perjalanan mereka.En: "I like seeing how people find stories in their journeys.Id: Setiap tempat punya kisahnya masing-masing.En: Every place has its own tale."Id: "Hujan masih mengguyur deras di luar.En: The rain continued to pour heavily outside.Id: Aldi mengambil ponselnya dan menunjukkan beberapa foto dari perjalanan sebelumnya.En: Aldi took out his phone and showed some photos from his previous trips.Id: "Ini beberapa momen yang aku tangkap," katanya.En: "Here are some moments I captured," he said.Id: Wulan, merasa ada kepercayaan, membuka halaman buku catatannya.En: Feeling a sense of trust, Wulan opened a page of her notebook.Id: "Ini ide-idea yang ingin kutulis," ucapnya pelan.En: "These are ideas I want to write about," she said softly.Id: Mereka saling bertukar pikiran, bercanda dan tertawa.En: They exchanged thoughts, joked, and laughed.Id: Perlahan, Wulan merasakan dinding pembatas dirinya mulai runtuh.En: Slowly, Wulan felt the walls she'd built begin to crumble.Id: Aldi bukan hanya pembicara yang baik,...
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    20 mins

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