
  • HEAVY BURDENS OR HOLY BLESSINGS? Embracing Rest for Fruitful Living
    Sep 30 2024


    Welcome back to the Gracelifecomi Podcast for another enlightening episode in our Sabbath series! In this study, we explore the profound relationship between our lives and God's divine purpose. We also look deep into the concept of flexibility in faith and the importance of resting in God’s presence to align ourselves with His purpose. In a world that often values rigidity and self-sufficiency, we discuss how true satisfaction comes from delighting in the Lord and embracing the resources He has laid before us.

    Join us as we unpack the powerful truths found in God's Word, discovering how He designed creation to function in harmony with His plans. You'll learn about the significance of being made in God’s image and the responsibilities that come with that privilege, including the divine act of procreation—a beautiful delegation of creative power bestowed by God.

    We’ll explore themes such as:

    · The difference between potential and kinetic energy in our spiritual journeys, and how the blessing of God activates our ability to fulfill our purpose.

    · The importance of excellence and stewardship over the resources God has provided, emphasizing that anything beyond what God has given is a burden not meant for you.

    · How our relationship with God invites us into a rest that transforms our daily lives and allows His blessings to flow effortlessly.

    Together, we’ll reflect on biblical stories, teachings, and personal testimonies that illustrate how God’s love, mercy, and timing are always at play, even when circumstances suggest otherwise. With insights from scriptures like Psalm 127:3 and Ecclesiastes 3:11, we highlight the beautiful truth that God’s plan for our lives is intricately woven into the fabric of His timing.

    Our discussions are designed to encourage, uplift, and remind you that in resting with God and understanding His nature, we become active participants in His glorious creation.

    Are you ready to step into a deeper relationship with Him? Listen now and experience the joy of knowing that when we rest in His glory, we set the stage for His blessings to manifest in our lives in His perfect time.

    Subscribe Now and be part of a community that seeks to navigate life with spiritual understanding, flexibility, and a heart aligned with God’s divine purpose!

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review! Connect with us on social media for more inspiring content and updates.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • BEYOND GOOD: The Pursuit of Perfection in the New Creation
    Sep 25 2024


    God Rested Because He Was Well-Pleased with His Goodness

    Welcome back to the Gracelifecomi Podcast, where we explore the profound truths of scripture and their application to our lives. In this episode of our Sabbath series, we look into the remarkable declaration that "God rested because He was well-pleased with His goodness."

    Join us as we unravel the narrative of creation, highlighting how the first act of creation was a magnificent display of God’s inherent goodness. We examine the rich tapestry of God's work throughout Genesis, discovering the significance of His daily declarations of goodness—captured in Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, and 25. Every element of creation serves as a physical manifestation of His character, revealing the depth of His goodness to humanity.

    In this episode, we explore the concept of divine rest, which signifies that God has completed His task of enveloping mankind with His goodness. We reflect on how God's rest is the culmination of His fulfillment—He was delighted with the quality, taste, and standard of His creation. And just as God rested after achieving His goodness, we, too, are called not to rest until we bring forth the goodness within ourselves.

    We'll also discuss the symbolic representation of God's goodness as a pointer toward the perfection found in the New Creation. Ephesians 1:6 reminds us that we are accepted in the beloved, and we reflect on how the goodness we see in the first creation aligns with the divine perfection available to us through Christ.

    Through scripture, we explore the dual lenses of nature and the Word to witness God's goodness and perfection. By holding steadfastly to Jesus in the Word, we tap into our divine nature and experience genuine rest—a notion that encapsulates true fulfillment.

    This episode highlights that the essence of Sabbath is not merely about a day of rest but about embodying goodness, acceptability, and perfection as the New Creation. As we strive to align our lives with God’s goodness and pursue excellence in our assignments, we ultimately find our rest and purpose in Him.

    Tune in for an enlightening teaching session that empowers you to see the goodness of God in your life, challenges you to pursue perfection, and invites you to experience lasting rest on every side.

    Don’t forget to subscribe, share, and leave us your thoughts as we continue to explore the profound themes of faith and divine goodness in our everyday lives!

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Make sure to review, subscribe, and leave us a comment about how the blessing has impacted your life!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • GOD’S PLEASURE AND OUR PURPOSE: The Connection Between Creation and Rest
    Sep 25 2024


    “The Blessing is the Foundation For Creations ”

    Welcome back to the Gracelifecomi Podcast for another enlightening episode in our Sabbath series! In this installment, we look further into Genesis 2:3 and explore the profound concept that the blessing is not just a passive gift but the very empowerment that initiates and sustains all of creation. Discover how from the very beginning, God laid the groundwork for existence through His blessings, crafting an operating system designed for fruitfulness and abundance.

    Join us as we unpack the idea that the blessing represents a divine initiation—a gift bestowed upon humanity before the concept of sanctification was introduced. You'll learn why understanding the blessing is crucial for leading a sanctified life, as exemplified by God's setting apart of the seventh day for Sabbath.

    In this episode, we will outline six key reasons why God chose to rest, including:

    1. He finished His work of creation.

    2. He found satisfaction in the goodness of His creation.

    3. He aimed to mark an ending for humanity to commence post and procreation.

    4. He relished the act of observing His creation.

    5. He purposefully blessed the seventh day.

    6. He sanctified the seventh day as a holy precedent for us.

    7. He created a precedence so we can take complacency in Him.

    As we explore these points, we will reflect on God’s desire for man’s comfort and how the entirety of creation serves to uplift humanity for His pleasure, drawing from references in Revelation 4:11 and Genesis 6:29.

    Discover also a critical truth: man’s true pleasure isn’t derived from the comforts of creation but from a deep relationship with God. By understanding our sustenance comes from Him, rather than the material world, we’ll find that real fulfillment lies in a life wholly centered around God as our ultimate source of pleasure.

    In this episode, you will understand the grace of resting in the Finished Work of Christ and recognize how His redemptive purpose aligns with the original creation articulated in Genesis. As we discuss the significance of Jesus seated in the position of rest (Mark 16:19; Hebrews 1:3, 10:10, 4:3 & 10), you will also discover that entering into His rest is not merely about cessation from labor but about embracing a lifestyle that reflects our completion through Him.

    Tune in for a great learning session that redefines how we view the blessing, rest, and our ongoing relationship with God. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to receive deeper insights into living a blessed and sanctified life!

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Make sure to review, subscribe, and leave us a comment about how the blessing has impacted your life!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • THE REST REVOLUTION: Unpacking the Essence of God's Rest
    Sep 24 2024

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review! Connect with us on social media for more inspiring content and updates.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • ROOTS AND FRUITS: Understanding God’s Blueprint for Our Lives
    Sep 23 2024


    Welcome to another episode of Faith to Faith podcast, our focus is on the essence of responsible Christianity. In this series, we explore the profound truth that while God has bestowed upon us the incredible gift of righteousness, we bear the responsibility of nurturing and sustaining it.

    Join us as we emphasize the crucial role of studying the Word of God—not just for knowledge, but as a vital source that continually fuels our faith. Here, we recognize that true faith is not a one-time event; it requires a persistent and intentional effort to allow faith to grow within us. Unlike mere encouragement or motivation, which often address symptoms rather than root issues, we seek the transformative power of Scripture that speaks to the very core of our challenges.

    We believe that God is deeply invested in both the roots and fruits of our struggles, understanding the end from the beginning. That’s why it’s essential for us to stay connected to His Word, allowing it to penetrate our hearts and minds. As we navigate this journey, we will confront the tendency within the Church to focus on superficial aspects of faith and strive to rediscover the all-encompassing Christ found in Scripture.

    Are you satisfied with Jesus, or have you turned Him into a mere accessory in your life? This is your invitation to engage with the heart of faith, moving beyond feelings and distractions. Remember, if you can’t sit still in His presence, you can’t be fed.

    Listen now as we unlock the light-bearing fruits of grace through faith, and together, let’s cultivate a richer relationship with the Living Word. Join us in a journey where faith is not just a belief but a way of life. Subscribe now and take your next step from faith to faith.

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Subscribe, rate, and review us to continue the journey of faith together!

    Grace to you!

    Jesus is Lord

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • BEYOND SIZE: Discovering the Greatness of Small Faith
    Sep 20 2024


    Bible Text: John 6:9

    "Two Small Fishes: The Power of the Ordinary"

    Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Miracles of Jesus series! In our latest study, we continue our exploration of the wonderful miracle of the feeding of the 5000, focusing this time on a pivotal but often overlooked aspect: the two small fishes that accompanied the five barley loaves.

    In our previous episodes, we delved into the significance of the barley loaves, but today, we turn our attention to the humble fish—two modest contributions that highlight not just their size, but their profound role in this miraculous event. The size of these fishes emphasizes the theme of insufficiency, a powerful reminder that what often seems inadequate in our hands can become extraordinary in God's.

    Join us as we unpack the essential teaching of this passage: faith is not measured by its size but by its application. Great faith emerges not from grand gestures but from the willingness to put our faith into action. In God’s economy, the ordinary becomes extraordinary; the insignificant can spark miraculous outcomes. We explore how, just like the lad who offered his lunch, every believer has a part to play regardless of how small it seems.

    As we navigate through this episode, we’ll discuss the importance of being available for God's use. We’ll challenge the notion that greatness should be the aim, highlighting that true honor lies in being flexible and ordinary in the hands of God. We’ll also confront societal pressures that often prioritize visibility and status over spiritual availability and obedience.

    Get ready for a thought-provoking study that invites you to reconsider what it means to be “small” in a world that glorifies the extraordinary. Tune in as we unpack the notion that small offerings, when surrendered to God, can lead to great miracles. Remember, the Kingdom of God operates on a different paradigm—one where faith, no matter how small, can lead to the unimaginable.

    Prepare for an inspiring journey through scripture as we learn to embrace our smallness and celebrate our readiness to be used for His purposes. Don’t miss out on this transformative teaching.

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review! Connect with us on social media for more inspiring content and updates.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • THE BARLEY HARVEST: Embracing New Life with Christ
    Sep 18 2024


    Mark 6:31-34

    Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Miracles of Jesus Study Series here on the Gracelifecomi Podcast as we study deeper into the transformative truth surrounding the Resurrection of Christ and its profound implications for our lives as new creations in Christ.

    In our previous episode, we explored the principle that focusing on Jesus allows us to truly see ourselves while reading scripture can sometimes lead us to see others instead. With Jesus as our focal point, we become blindsided to distractions that may pull us away from our divine purpose. This episode builds on that foundation, reinforcing the idea that the one who helps effectively and efficiently is the one whose eyes are firmly set on Jesus. As we reference Hebrews 6:1-3, we are reminded that Jesus embodies perfection while our attempts at adhering to principles often reveal our imperfections.

    Join us as we reflect on the story of Ruth and Naomi during the Barley harvest, symbolizing new life and resurrection. We will discuss how Naomi initially felt dead but was divinely guided to Jerusalem at a pivotal moment of renewal. This narrative exemplifies the ‘Emunah’ faith—a steadfast bond with God regardless of life’s circumstances. Regardless of your struggles, a new life and resurrection is awaiting you; let’s embrace it together!

    In this episode, you will discover several pivotal truths centered on the Barley loaves and the Resurrection of Christ:

    · We, as New Creations, are recognized before the Father through our acceptance in the Beloved—Jesus Christ.

    · Our acceptance is anchored in the truth of the Resurrection. As Jesus resurrected, He was offered as a wave offering, securing our identity in the Beloved.

    · We discuss the necessity of Jesus becoming the Beloved Son through His Baptism—an essential step in His role as the connector of our family with God.

    · Jesus assures us of a glorified body, instilling hope in our hearts that whatever He achieved, we too can aspire to.

    Lastly, we highlight a vital truth: you cannot engage in the purification process of your Christian walk without the uplifting hope of an everlasting glorified body. When we keep this hope alive, the journey of following Christ transforms into a stress-free experience, as promised in Matthew 8:11 and Mark 16:9.

    Tune in with us for a powerful session and deepen your understanding of who you are in Christ and how His resurrection impacts your faith journey. Remember, it’s all about focusing on Jesus!

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review! Connect with us on social media for more inspiring content and updates.

    #Gracelifecomi #MiraclesOfJesus #Podcast #Faith #Resurrection #NewCreation #JesusChrist #Hope

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
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    58 mins
  • HARVEST OF NEW LIFE : The Resurrection Life of Faith
    Sep 16 2024


    Mark 6:31-34

    Welcome back to the Gracelifecomi podcast as we continue our enlightening study series, "The Miracles of Jesus." In this powerful new episode, we will study another profound truth that when we focus on Jesus, everything else falls into place. Discover how the scriptures reveal not just the life of Christ but also our true selves, and how that revelation can transform our lives.

    Also, you will receive insightful words from Hebrews 6:1-3, emphasizing that perfection is found in Jesus alone. While principles may serve us and guide us, they are ultimately flawed compared to the flawless revelation of Christ. Shadows can easily deceive us, but focusing on Jesus opens our eyes to the fullness of life and resurrection that He offers.

    Taking a closer look at the story of Ruth and Naomi, we discover how their journey to Jerusalem during the Barley harvest symbolizes new life and resurrection. Naomi may have felt dead inside, but God orchestrated their path toward a bright new beginning. We discuss the concept of "Emunah"—a faith that binds us to God unwaveringly, regardless of our circumstances. This type of faith transcends our desire for blessings and embraces a deeper relationship with our Creator.

    Beloved, there is a new life and resurrection available to you, and we invite you to open your heart to the transformative power of focusing on Jesus. Join us for this inspiring exploration of faith, hope, and divine intervention that promises to revive your spirit and renew your purpose. Tune in now to experience the miracles of Jesus and discover the resurrection life that awaits you!

    Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Please see all the details on our website. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry.

    Subscribe and leave us a review!

    Grace to You!

    Jesus is Lord.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 9 mins