• "Cheating Death" Episode #145 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    This Episode features the Seventh Distinction Epilogue; the fourth and final segment on the seventh Trust Differences which also concludes the chapter on the profound distinctions between a living infused with Bitachon, vs a life bereft of it. Entitled "CHEATING DEATH," it's the climax of what we've already mapped out over the course of the past three episodes. With it, we wind down on the practical, and positive differentiation Trust makes, with a jarring postscript on Trust-less Living. This Tenth Segment completes the full gamut of differences that this chapter features, with a study of opposites that depicts wrong-headed priorities faithlessly embraced. The last of the listed differences between those who do, or don’t live with Trust is now most vividly illustrated in the subconscious choice made to ignore one's mortality. This inevitably leads a person to foolishly view materiality, and the here and now, as eternal. And, as one bad choice leads the next – thereby he forgets life’s true purpose altogether. Sadly, people's obsession with their immediate self-gratification causes them to squander their own happiness in the exchange. Here, you'll see how mindfulness about mortality, and Trust in Hashem enables living with inner peace despite the many challenges and difficulties life throws at us. This Tenth and final Episode of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 145th consecutive video designed to teach you how and why you should nurture Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • "One Last Day" Episode #144 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    his Episode is the third take on spelling out the Trust Differences that are found in the seventh and final Faith Distinction. Entitled "ONE LAST DAY," it's a continued illustration of what was begun in the previous two episodes. This lengthier last thesis, winds down on Fifth Chapter, that highlights practical application of Bitachon . Broadly speaking, this Night Segment of this chapter continues to develop the dimension of the value added to life when it's punctuated with Trust in Hashem, by emphasizing with pragmatic differences between those who do, or don’t live with Trust. Specifically, this Episode focuses on the things we should be concerned [even worried] about... This is about a healthy form of anxiety about the future, that directly impacts and enhances the way you live life now! Discover how mindfulness about mortality and viewing each as if it's our last can have a positive effect on how you choose to live today. This is the Trust Difference that directs you to attain true inner peace precisely because of the uncertainties born of our unpredictable future. This Ninth Episode of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" is dedicated in the Zechut of Tzvi ben Briana, for a Refuah Shliema and a long healthy life, b'Ezrat Hashem. It comprises the 144th consecutive video designed to teach you how and why you should nurture Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr
  • "Living in the Moment" #143 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    The Seventh Distinction of Trust further highlights Bitachon Benefits; spelling out yet another area of pragmatic differentiation between possessing true Trust or not! This Episode, entitled "LIVING IN THE MOMENT," is Take Two of the Seventh and final Trust Difference that we began to illustrate in the previous Episode as we wind down on Fifth Chapter which is all about the Practical Application of Bitachon . In this Eighth Segment, we continue to develop the dimension of the value added to life when it's punctuated with Trust in Hashem. It can fully enable you to live in the moment instead of being consumed with worry, concern and anxiety about the future. The illustration of this Trust Difference teaches how we can attain true inner peace instead of overwhelmed uncertainties of the unpredictable future. This Eighth Episode of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" is dedicated to the elevation of the young Neshama of Chaim Velvel Moshe ben Nachum HaLevi. It comprises the 143rd consecutive video designed to teach you how and why you should nurture Trust in G-d in order to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • "Finding Time" is #142 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    The seventh dimension of Trust Distinctions continues to lucidly spells out benefits of Bitachon and the value added to your life when you have true Trust in Hashem. "FINDING TIME," opens the seventh and final Trust Difference as we move into the home stretch of the Fifth Chapter. Discover the freedoms that are yours to claim, and how you can choose to happily live life in the present tense, instead of being obsessed with worries about the future. Here, Rabbainu Bachaya explains how the attainment of real clear Bitachon best positions you to be able to find time, learning how to prioritize the things that are truly important in life. The illustration of this Trust Difference enables you to discover how you find inner peace instead of getting bogged down in a quagmire of anxieties about the uncertainties of the unpredictable future. This seventh Episode of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 142nd consecutive video designed to teach you how and why you should nurture Trust in G-d to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • "The Lives of Others" is #141 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    The sixth dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions demonstrates how having Bitachon can be the single most important ingredient empowering us to succeed in our interactions and relationships with others. Entitled "THE LIVES OF OTHERS," the Sixth Episode of the Fifth Chapter illustrates the glaring difference between those possessing a healthy sense of Trust, undergirding their emotional and social wellbeing in contrast with those bereft of it. Here, with incredible clarity, Rabbainu Bachaya illustrates how placing your trust in Hashem allows you to be comfortable in your own enough skin to engage with others in a mutually respectful and friendly fashion. Conversely, people lacking in Bitachon will necessarily live with a profound sense of uneasiness that can easily leads to delusional suspicions, unwarranted toxic jealousies and unhealthy negativity that literally ruins relationships. The sixth segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been generously dedicated to honour the memory of Alexandru ben Rephael and Dvora. This unique Episode comprises the 141st consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • "Choose Your Fate" is #140 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    Moving into the fifth dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions, we continue to focus on practical behavioral divides between one who successfully nurtures a proper, healthy and balanced Bitachon welt Anschauung and the person who relies on their own wherewithal, talents and efforts. Episode Five of the Fifth Chapter is entitled "CHOOSE YOUR FATE" clearly illustrates how Trust mindfulness impacts the way people make decisions and pragmatically go about planning for the immediate, as well as more distant future! The fifth-dimension distinction provides guidance in how we go about choosing an occupation. You'll discover why Trust mindfulness makes a world of difference in how people view earning their livelihoods. When seen as an Act of Serving Hashem, Yiddishkeit engagement remains paramount. However, lack of true Trust results in abandoning of life’s essentials. Without Bitachon people can easily fall prey to a misguided and even obsessive quest for wealth that ultimately brings them nothing but negativity, and the opposite of the success sought! This fifth segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 140th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • "The Giver" is #139 of CONQUERING ANXIETY the Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    Concluding the third dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions, as we move on to the fourth arena. Both emphasizing practical behavioral divide (in addition to attitude, theory, and theology) between the one who trust, and the one who doesn't! Episode Four of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "THE GIVER" demonstrates a huge practical difference caused by the possession real, clear Bitachon! After completing “Same Difference” we move on "The Giver" who views Parnassa as the blessings of Hashem. This perspective influences our actions, rather than just our attitude towards benevolence. Distinctions Number Four shows a vast difference in generosity in life, spending habits, and charitable giving. Here we will discover how Bitachon can inspire a Good-Heartedness that leads to More vs Selfishness that ends with less! This fourth segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" completing the third dimension and presenting the fourth comprises the 139th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • "Same Difference" is #138 of CONQUERING ANXIETY, Series on Trust: Learning Sha'ar HaBitachon!
    Sep 23 2024

    As we enter the third dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions, we move to transcend attitudes, feelings, and the nature of our relationship with G-d. Episode Three of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "SAME DIFFERENCE" presents the next big difference between possessing Bitachon or not. For although the course of action may seem identical, a world of difference will ultimately emerge! From here onward, Rabbeinu Bachaya will clearly demonstrate how Trust mindfulness invariably manifests itself into a behavioral path that includes actions engendered as well. Resultantly, an enhanced quality of Life is engendered by the Bitachon one has. This is new dimension is inaugurated with an illustration of the inner transformation of our expectations and perspective of this like vocation, financial pursuit, or efforts to heal. The Trust that nests in our heart and provides us effective mechanisms to employ to achieve those same actions in extremely very disparate fashion. Take three of this seven-headed discovery, moves us onto a fresh range of possibilities to live more calmly and peacefully -- all directly brought about by an awareness of the Torah truth distilled into heartfelt Bitachon in Hashem. This third segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 138th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!

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    1 hr and 20 mins