
  • David Wilkerson - How Are We Going to Make It ?
    Sep 19 2024

    Multitudes of Christians get up each morning only to face indescribable problems - physical pain, emotional suffering, financial struggles. Many are so barraged by trouble after trouble, they worry, This is all too much for me to handle. My problems are about to defeat me! I dont have the strength to fight these things anymore. How will I ever make it?

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    54 mins
  • Acción De Gracias, Alabanza y Adoración - Derek Prince
    Sep 19 2024

    Acción De Gracias, Alabanza y Adoración - Derek Prince

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Derek Prince The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Gifts of Revelation And A Word of Wisdom 3 A
    Sep 19 2024

    Bible Teacher Derek Prince Starts his Master Class on The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit. A series composed by 12 sermons each divided into 2 parts. This part is: The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 3 - Gifts of Revelation And A Word of Wisdom Part A

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    31 mins
  • David Wilkerson - The Lord's Loving Response to Grief
    Sep 16 2024

    Grief is defined as "deep sorrow" or "sadness caused by extreme distress." Isaiah tells us the Lord himself is acquainted with this most wrenching emotion: "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3).

    We see a powerful example of God's loving response to grief in Mark 5. This chapter contains Jesus' encounter with Jairus, a synagogue ruler, and a woman with chronic bleeding.

    As president of the synagogue in Capernaum, Jairus was part of a religious system that had rejected Jesus. We don't know what Jairus personally thought about Christ, but we do know he had witnessed his healing power. It was most likely in Jairus' synagogue that Christ healed a man's withered hand. And Jairus was probably among the crowds when Jesus cast out evil spirits, which cried, "Thou art the Son of God" (Mark 3:11).

    Jairus also must have known about Jesus' mighty works in other cities such as Chorazin and Bethsaida. He and the other elders in Capernaum wielded their great influence to reject him, causing Jesus to say, "Thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day" (Matthew 11:23).

    But now, as we read Jairus' story in Mark 5, we find that grief has come to the ruler's house. His twelve-year-old daughter lay in bed sick "at the point of death" (Mark 5:23). Surely this made Jairus reconsider Jesus.

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    44 mins
  • Como Aplicar la Sangre - El Poder de la Sangre de Cristo - 4255 Derek Prince
    Sep 16 2024

    Derek Prince en Español - Como Aplicar la Sangre - Derek Prince 4255

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Charisma - Genus and Species 2 B
    Sep 16 2024

    Bible Teacher Derek Prince Starts his Master Class on The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit. A series composed by 12 sermons each divided into 2 parts. This part is: The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 2 - Charisma - Genus and Species Part B

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    25 mins
  • David Wilkerson - The Window of Faith
    Sep 12 2024

    The window of faith is not an opportune time but an inopportune time when everything looks hopeless. God allows death to roll over our promises and we stop telling God how to fix our problems. God is searching for a people who will fully trust Him when all hope and human possibility is gone. In these last days God is going to have a wholly dependent people who don't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

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    47 mins
  • El ejercicio de los dones espirituales, Parte 3 - Dones De Poder Y Revelación - Derek Prince
    Sep 12 2024

    ek Prince en Español - El ejercicio de los dones espirituales, parte 3 - Dones De Poder Y Revelación (4156)

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    54 mins