• Tribute to MLK Dr Martin Luther King Jr
    Jan 20 2025

    Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Junior on January 20, 2025. To me MLK was a hero, moral leader, and a messiah figure. I believe he may be all of these literaly. And he went deep into our past, and current, ills in American society. His teachings, ideas, and thought are relevant today. We are still a very greedy, violent, and racist nation here in the U.S. And can learn much from his published work. The I Have a Dream speech goes far in telling us the America we were, are, and where we may go. But his many other speeches complete the picture of the whole man that he was. Not only his speeches but his interviews, books, and actions; make him a very different, more complete, person; than what he’s portrayed as. I encourage you to read, listen, and see MLK by going deeper than what TV, social media, and school teaches you. Here are a few links to his important speeches.

    I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King .Jr HD (subtitled)

    (August 28, 1963)


    The Three Evils of Society

    (August 31, 1967)


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    20 mins
  • Honda Nissan merger - part 2
    Jan 20 2025

    Nissan and Honda are considering a possible merger in the automotive world, which has generated divergent opinions. Carlos Ghosn, former boss of Nissan, has shared his critical opinion about this alliance in an interview with Bloomberg. Ghosn argues that he does not see a pragmatic logic in the agreement, since he considers that there are not many synergies between the two companies. According to him, they are in the same markets, have similar products and very similar brands. Ghosn also believes that Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is promoting this merger to strengthen the Japanese economy, although Honda does not like the idea. Although he recognizes the influence of METI in Japan, Ghosn does not see an industrial logic behind this alliance and believes that control is prioritized over performance. Ghosn, known for his daring escape from Japan while awaiting trial on financial charges at Nissan, is unsurprisingly critical of the company in his interview. He believes that Nissan's results in recent years are not a good testament to the team's strengths. Although neither Nissan nor Honda have made official statements about the possible merger, the brands have been collaborating for some months. However, Ghosn highlights that a merger would go beyond sharing ideas and would be a challenge for both companies. He points out that Honda is strong in engineering and Nissan takes pride in its own engineering, which would trigger a battle to decide which technologies the new company would adopt. In short, Carlos Ghosn is skeptical of a possible merger between Nissan and Honda, arguing that there are no complementarities between the two companies and that the METI drive is based on economic control rather than performance. In addition, he highlights that the battles related to the merger would focus on the choice of technologies to adopt due to the engineering competencies of both companies.

    EV New World 2025

    Hector Vladimir 2025©


    Source: https://www.motor1.com/news/745186/ghosn-nissan-honda-partnership-desperate-move/

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    9 mins
  • Honda Nissan merger - part 1
    Jan 19 2025

    Welcome to EV News World. This channel’s content will be bringing tech- centered news, reviews and information from around the Electric Vehicle world. This content will be free of the hype, and focused on the details that matter: the value, quality, and efficiency of current EV tech. I will bring you unbiased and down-to-earth EV information; highlighting the developments and technologies under the hood of EVs. In other words, here we’ll discuss the things that matter: the EV motor, its power source, and the many features that make EVs safer, more-efficient, smarter, and a better value. Here, I’ll save you the hassle of all the hype found “out there”. I’ll omit the “chatter”, the “flash”, the “looks”; and dive right into the most important details behind each EV. So, “get in, put on your seat belt, and let’s ride!” Let’s get started!

    Welcome to automotive industry’s biggest story, perhaps of the century. Where a giant international conglomerate, like Nissan, found itself in a dire and potentially deadly financially situation because of many simple foreseeable factors, an­d plainly dumb decisions. Perhaps for the first time in its illustrious and rich 113 year history, this car maker was on the verge of collapse. This is bigger than most news outlets make it, perhaps the first domino that could potentially threaten an entire nation’s financial stability. So, drastic actions are being taken. These are so desperate that only a compliant media and cool and calculated theatrics will may hide its true magnitude. This is a chess battle of titans, and we may be witnessing the endgame. Let’s follow this story carefully, and see where the entire car industry is actually headed.

    Honda and Nissan have confirmed plans to merge into the world's third largest automaker by sales. This deal is a relief for Nissan, which has been facing financial difficulties due to declining sales in recent years. In addition to Honda and Nissan, Mitsubishi could also be involved in this merger. This partnership is based on a memorandum of understanding signed by the two companies. It is worth mentioning that earlier this year, Honda and Nissan had already signed an agreement for the joint development of electric vehicles and automotive software. Negotiations for this merger will take place over the next six months, with the goal of completion by August 2026. Honda and Nissan representatives have not provided further comment on these merger plans.

    EV New World 2025

    Hector Vladimir 2025©





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    13 mins
  • Challenges with interstellar travel - Propulsion
    Jan 15 2025

    The current technology we have for interstellar space travel is very limited, with slow speeds and outdated rockets. Our fastest rocket, Saturn 5, could only reach speeds of about 25,000 km per hour, which means it would take 188,000 years to reach the closest star system, Alpha-Centauri. Nuclear propulsion, either through fusion or fission, is not yet feasible for interstellar flights. Fission reactors have slow escape velocities and pulse nuclear thrusters have technical challenges to overcome, such as blast recoil and radiation exposure for the crew. Nuclear fusion, if fully developed, holds the most promise for solving these problems. However, currently, we have to make do with the limited technology we have and accept the odds that are stacked against us in interstellar travel.

    Hector Vladimir 2025©

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    7 mins
  • Interstellar Travel Challenges - Vacuum, collisions, the unknown
    Jan 12 2025

    The vacuum of space presents navigation and habitation challenges for interstellar missions. It takes a lot of energy to slow down, and a livable pressurized atmosphere must be maintained throughout the mission. This is costly, and beyond our current capabilities. Space has much matter in the form of dust, particles, and larger bodies. These can easily collide with any speeding spacecraft, and avoiding such fast-moving bodies is currently impossible. Especially when considering high speeds requirements. The unknown presents any interstellar mission with almost endless concerns, dark energy and dark matter are only the start of these.

    Hector Vladimir 2025©

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    6 mins
  • NASA's 5 hazards of human space flight - Layman's commentary - part 3
    Jan 11 2025

    Here I discuss NASA's five hazards of space flight and provide my extended layman's commentary along. These hazards include radiation, gravity fields, distance from earth, isolation, and hostile environments.

    Radiation. The large and severe hazard of radiation. Ionizing radiation is zipping through space unabated and endlessly from the moment we leave the earth's protective atmosphere and magnetic field. It causes all kinds of harm to cells which cause deadly illnesses like cancer. Radiation shielding is an option, but one that is undeveloped and primitive currently. We are yet to build any space craft with radiation shielding adequate for long term space flight.

    Gravity. Changing and weak gravity fields remain debilitating problems for astronauts. Too much, too little, or shifting gravity harm the human body. The more often and longer the body is exposed to these irregular gravity fields, the more the body decays and vital systems are strained. Artificial gravity or even adequate centrifugal force gravity are undeveloped technologies as of now. Germs, disease and bacteria remain health problems with low gravity, as they may mutate much faster and morph into deadly strains.

    Isolation. Isolation will likely be inevitable is early deep space missions. Space is vast and distances to other planets are bafflingly large. And, problems of stress, crew health, and crew interactions remain unsolved problems. Germs, disease and bacteria remain health problems with isolation. Communication and many other human factors are also unsolved problems with isolation in space flight.

    Distance from earth. The distances that humans will need to traverse to go to places like mars and beyond are vast. No human has traveled so far and for so long while isolated in a small spacecraft. Our current propulsion technologies are primitive and wholly inadequate to achieve speeds that would allow for shorter travel times to mars and beyond. Round trip times remain over 24 months at the very least. And, the distance of other celestial bodies are much more. So, our technology would need to leap ahead to shorten these vast travel times or to make the travel less harmful to the human body.

    Hostile environments. Finally, hostile and confined spaces. That will be very hard to overcome. Our current technology limits the size of any spacecraft. And, rocket power limits us to very small payloads to be lifted into space. This severely curtails the size of any trans mars' ships. Again, bacteria, germs, and disease pose threats to human health in confined spaces. They can evolve rapidly to very harmful strains in the micro-gravity of space. And, confined spaces may bring conflict and unearth many disagreements among the crew. Natural human traits may allow hostility and violence onboard.

    Hector Vladimir 2024

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    36 mins
  • Jonbenet Ramsey case - top suspects - part 2
    Jan 9 2025

    The Case Of Jonbenet Ramsey – Top suspects – part 2. Discussions on intruder theory suspects on the Jonbenet Ramsey case. Here I discuss why and how John Mark Karr, Chris Wolf, and Linda Hoffmann Phew were considered persons of interest.

    Hector Vladimir 2025©

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    10 mins
  • Challenges with Interstellar Travel - Radiation, gravity & temperature
    Jan 9 2025

    Challenges with interstellar travel – Radiation, gravity and temperature. Discussion on the challenges of interstellar travel specifically as it relates to radiation, low gravity, and temperature. Radiation is a major problem to any space crew. Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause diseases and cancer. Low gravity can cause muscle and bone density loss over time. And the extreme low temperature of space requires massive energy and protection. These are challenges, some daunting, others not so much, that stand between us and the stars.

    Hector Vladimir 2025©


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    Substack page: https://hectorvladimir.substack.com/

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    8 mins