• Her Close Call With Death A Ride with a Serial Killer. Story of Survival and Triumph. Special Episode.
    Sep 29 2024
    Her Close Call With Death A Ride with a Serial Killer. Story of Survival and Triumph. Special Episode. Imagine being a teenager, carefree and trusting, when a simple decision turns into a life altering ordeal. At the age of 17, she had a terrifying encounter that could have ended her life. She unknowingly accepted a ride from a man who later turned out to be a serial killer. Her near-death experience, harrowing escape, and how she turned that traumatic event into a story of survival, resilience, and success is a powerful and transforming interview. Be sure to check out the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Newsbreak, Medium and most all social media platforms. The Terrifying Ordeal Constance Drew our guest, recounts her teenage encounter with a man who would later be revealed as a serial killer. What started as a normal day turned into a nightmare when the man began threatening her with torture, rape, and murder during the car ride. The life-and-death situation she found herself in was unimaginable, but Constance managed to escape before becoming one of his victims. The amazing interview with Constance Drew is available as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. Years later, she and a friend were shocked to see his face plastered across the media, as the authorities identified him as a serial killer responsible for the deaths of multiple young women. Her story is not just about surviving but about what comes next—overcoming trauma, reclaiming her power, and building a life of purpose and success. The Aftermath and Her Journey to Success This close call with death was one of many pivotal moments for Constance. After narrowly escaping what could have been a fatal encounter, she chose not to let the experience define her in a negative way. Instead, it became a catalyst for change. Over time, she built a successful career as a business coach, motivational speaker, and author, using her personal story to inspire others. Her Close Call With Death A Ride with a Serial Killer. Story of Survival and Triumph. Special Episode. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. Her upcoming book, A Drive with a Serial Killer, details her harrowing experience, offering insight into her survival and resilience. Today, Constance coaches businesses and entrepreneurs, runs a podcast, and has become a powerful voice for women overcoming trauma and adversity. Serial Killers in the Spotlight Constance’s story taps into the horrifying reality of serial killers—predators who prey on the vulnerable. Her encounter occurred during a period when serial killers like the infamous “Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders” terrorized California. Between 1972 and 1973, a series of unsolved homicides shook Sonoma County, California. Young female hitchhikers were found murdered in rural areas, their bodies dumped near creek beds and roadsides. Despite extensive investigations, many of these cases remain unsolved, and the perpetrator of these crimes was never definitively identified. These chilling murders are believed to be the work of a serial killer who scouted his victims before killing them. The stories of these young women—Maureen Louise Sterling, Yvonne Lisa Weber, Kim Wendy Allen, and many others—serve as a reminder of how vulnerable women were during that era of hitchhiking. Unfortunately, serial killers like Constance's assailant often went unidentified for years, leaving devastation in their wake. The Dark History of Serial Killers, Her Close Call With Death A Ride with a Serial Killer. Story of Survival and Triumph. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. While the existence of serial killers is relatively rare, their impact on society is immense. Across U.S. history, names like Robert Lee Yates, Chester Turner, and Randy Steven Kraft have become synonymous with horror. These men committed heinous crimes against women, leaving trails of devastation. Yates was responsible for 13 murders, while Turner’s count reached 14, and Kraft, known as the “Scorecard Killer,” was convicted of 16 murders but believed to have killed as many as 67. Each of these men had their own horrifying modus operandi, whether it was dumping bodies in rural areas, like Yates, or keeping a scorecard of his victims like Kraft. Then there’s Robert Hansen, who hunted his victims in the Alaskan wilderness, and Randall Woodfield, known as the “I-5 Killer,” who terrorized women across three states. These predators left law enforcement scrambling for answers, leading to years of investigation and public fear. Understanding the Mind of a Serial Killer. Keep informed by following the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest, Newsbreak, Medium and other social media ...
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    40 mins
  • Police Shot His Life Was Saved By The Vest He Purchased. Special Episode.
    Sep 25 2024
    Police Shot His Life Was Saved By The Vest He Purchased. Special Episode. A Life-Saving Investment. Early in his career, as an officer with the Riverside Police Department in Illinois. Back then, it was common for police departments not to issue soft body armor, leaving officers vulnerable. But Tom, along with his wife, took matters into their own hands. They decided to purchase a bulletproof vest out of their own pockets, even though the price was steep. It was a considerable financial burden at the time, but little did they know that this investment would prove to be priceless. Be sure to check out the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. On what seemed like just another routine day on duty, everything changed. Tom found himself in a life-threatening situation when he was shot with a shotgun while responding to a call. The vest he had bought was the only thing standing between him and a fatal wound. It absorbed the impact of the shotgun blast, allowing him to survive the attack. The vest had done its job, shielding him from death and giving him the chance to recover. Rather than allowing the harrowing experience to derail his career, Tom made a courageous decision—he would return to the force, more determined than ever to protect and serve. The interview with Tom Weitzel is available as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. In the bustling city of Chicago, Illinois, where crime and safety dominate conversations, the story of one man’s resilience and foresight shines through. This is the story of Tom Weitzel, a police officer who made a life-altering decision to invest in his own protection—one that ultimately saved his life and propelled him to the role of Police Chief. In an age where news spreads rapidly across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and podcasts on Apple and Spotify, this story serves as a reminder of the everyday sacrifices and split-second decisions that law enforcement officers must make to protect themselves and their communities. Police Shot His Life Was Saved By The Vest He Purchased. Special Episode. The Journey to Becoming Chief After surviving such a traumatic incident, many might have chosen a different path, but not Tom Weitzel. He continued his service with the Riverside Police Department, his dedication only growing stronger with time. His bravery and leadership during this period of recovery did not go unnoticed. Over the years, Tom’s determination, combined with his passion for public safety, earned him the respect of his peers and superiors alike. Eventually, Tom was promoted to Chief of Police. It was a position he had earned through his unwavering commitment, not just to the department but to the principles of public safety and officer protection. As Chief, Tom led by example, inspiring not only those under his command in Riverside but also police officers throughout the greater Chicago area. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. Sharing His Story Through Social Media, Police Shot His Life Was Saved By The Vest He Purchased. Special Episode. Tom’s story of survival, recovery, and ascension has resonated with people far beyond the Riverside Police Department. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, he has shared his experiences, becoming a vocal advocate for officer safety and community engagement. Social media has allowed him to connect directly with citizens and other law enforcement officers, breaking down barriers between the police force and the public they serve. His story has gained traction across these platforms, where his message of investing in personal safety and preparedness reaches wider audiences. Through his posts and conversations on Facebook and Instagram, Tom highlights the importance of proper equipment for police officers, while also promoting the power of community partnerships in enhancing public safety. Keep informed by following the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest, Newsbreak, Medium and other social media platforms. A National Look at Police Safety, Police Shot His Life Was Saved By The Vest He Purchased. Special Episode. Tom Weitzel’s personal story is a compelling reminder of the risks law enforcement officers face daily. His life was saved by a piece of equipment that, at the time, was not standard issue. While Tom's foresight was exceptional, it also points to a broader conversation about officer safety, one that is especially relevant given recent trends in law enforcement fatalities and assaults. According to the 2023 Special Report on Officers Killed and Assaulted in the Line of Duty, the past three years have seen an alarming rise in the number of officers killed while on duty. Between 2021 and 2023, 194 officers were feloniously killed, ...
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    22 mins
  • City in Panic From Serial Attacks. He Escaped Jail. Special Episode.
    Sep 22 2024
    City in Panic From Serial Attacks. He Escaped Jail. Special Episode. The vibrant city of Miami found itself in the grip of fear. A serial attacker, later dubbed the Shenandoah Rapist, stalked the streets, leaving a trail of trauma and panic in his wake. This is the story of a community under siege, the relentless pursuit of justice, and the shocking twists that kept a city on edge. The interview with Detective Cox is available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. A Community Living in Fear From 2002 to 2003, Miami's Little Havana and Shenandoah neighborhoods became hunting grounds for a predator. The serial rapist targeted females indiscriminately, with victims ranging from children as young as 11 to elderly women in their late 70s. As attacks mounted, so did the fear. Residents locked their doors, watched their children closely, and eyed strangers with suspicion. Be sure to check out the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. The Miami-Dade Police Department found itself under immense pressure. Detective Wayne Cox, one of the lead investigators, shouldered the burden of tracking down this elusive criminal and restoring peace to the terrorized communities. The Elusive Predator, City in Panic From Serial Attacks. He Escaped Jail. Despite the best efforts of law enforcement, the Shenandoah Rapist remained a shadow. Described as an immigrant with a Central American accent, he blended seamlessly into the diverse Miami landscape. Each attack added to the growing frustration and criticism faced by the police department. As weeks turned into months, authorities increased the reward for information to $25,000, hoping to break the case. The community was on edge, desperate for any lead that might bring the nightmare to an end. Keep informed by following the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest, Newsbreak, Medium and other social media platforms. A Breakthrough and a Setback. City in Panic From Serial Attacks. He Escaped Jail. Special Episode. The case nearly cracked open when a brave Miami resident confronted the suspect during an attempted assault on his sister-in-law. In the ensuing struggle, the attacker managed to escape, but not before leaving behind crucial evidence - his DNA from biting his pursuer. The real breakthrough came on September 19, 2003. A sharp-eyed Miami police officer, acting on instinct, pulled over a vehicle matching the description of the suspect's car. The driver provided a DNA sample that would prove to be the key to unlocking the case. As the DNA results came back positive, Miami breathed a collective sigh of relief. The police department celebrated the arrest, believing the reign of terror was finally over. But the story was far from finished. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. Escape from Justice. City in Panic From Serial Attacks. In a shocking turn of events that seemed ripped from the pages of a thriller, the accused serial rapist orchestrated a daring escape from jail on December 20, 2003. Along with another inmate, he climbed through a vent in the ceiling of his cell, made his way to the sixth-floor roof, and used bed sheets as a makeshift rope to rappel down the building. The escape sent shockwaves through the community, reigniting the panic that had gripped Miami for months. Law enforcement launched a massive manhunt, leaving no stone unturned in their search for the fugitive. Neighborhoods were combed, airports and train stations were monitored, and ports were placed on high alert. The Final Capture. City in Panic From Serial Attacks. He Escaped Jail. For nearly a week, Miami held its breath. Then, a tip led detectives to a video store in southwest Miami. On a Monday night, Detective Cox and his partner closed in on their target. Despite the suspect's attempts to mislead officers by claiming to be a homeless man from Nicaragua, his true identity was quickly confirmed. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MeWe and other social media platforms. Articles about this are on Newsbreak and Medium. The recapture brought a wave of relief to the city, but the ordeal had left its mark. The community, while grateful for the resolution, was forever changed by the experience. Justice and Healing. City in Panic From Serial Attacks. The legal proceedings that followed brought a measure of closure to the victims and the community. In a powerful courtroom moment, one of the survivors - who was just 11 years old at the time of her assault - confronted her attacker. Now 14, she bravely read a statement, calling him an "evil person" while also expressing her determination not to let hatred consume her. The judge's sentence was swift and severe: five consecutive life terms without the ...
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    41 mins
  • Race and Life Bias Stereotypes Smashed. His Inspiring Story. 💥
    Sep 18 2024
    Race and Life Bias Stereotypes Smashed. His Inspiring Story. Discussions surrounding race, life, and the impact of stereotypes are more pertinent than ever. These conversations often highlight the biases and obstacles faced by individuals of color, especially those who grow up in disadvantaged environments. Yet, there are far more remarkable stories of people who not only overcome these challenges but shatter the stereotypes often imposed on them. Kevin Jackson is one such individual who has defied the odds, broken through societal biases, and built an inspiring life that stands as a beacon of perseverance and success. Be sure to check out the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. Kevin Jackson’s story is not the typical narrative we often see portrayed in Hollywood or mainstream media. In fact, his life stands in stark contrast to the one that might be expected for someone who lost his mother when he was just five years old and whose father was imprisoned. Many would assume that such a background would inevitably lead to a life of struggle, poverty, and limited opportunities. But Kevin's life tells a different story — one that smashes stereotypes and rewrites the narrative of what is possible. The interview is available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. At the tender age of five, Kevin Jackson experienced a heartbreaking loss when his mother passed away. To add to the challenges, his father was incarcerated in prison. With no parents to raise him and his brother, they were sent to live with their grandparents. This transition marked the beginning of what many would mistakenly assume to be a difficult and challenging childhood. Society might have written him off, assuming that with his family circumstances, he had little chance of breaking free from the cycle of hardship. But Kevin refused to accept the path others had set for him. Kevin often refers to himself as "The Black Kid Who Refused to Quit," a title that speaks volumes about his relentless determination. His refusal to give in is at the heart of his incredible success story. Despite the odds stacked against him, Kevin rose to become a media mogul, a syndicated talk radio show host, and a successful podcast host. He’s written multiple books, produced movies, and even carved out a career as a stand-up comedian and MMA fighter. Additionally, he served as a contributor to Fox News, regularly appearing on television and offering his unapologetically bold opinions. Race and Life Bias and Stereotypes Smashed. His Inspiring Story. Stay up to date by following the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest, Newsbreak, Medium and other social media platforms. Kevin Jackson’s rise to prominence in the media world is nothing short of extraordinary. In an industry that is often accused of perpetuating stereotypes and biases, particularly regarding race, Kevin’s success story offers a refreshing counter-narrative. His presence in these spaces, combined with his personal story and career successes, has allowed him to challenge the stereotypes about African Americans. Kevin’s journey proves that success is possible, regardless of background, and he has become a powerful example of breaking through limitations imposed by society. However, Kevin’s journey hasn’t been without controversy. One of the most notable incidents occurred during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Kevin made headlines for a series of controversial tweets, leading to his termination as a contributor from Fox News. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. While the controversy surrounding his comments raised questions about his approach to sensitive topics, it did little to derail his broader career. In fact, it only seemed to fuel his determination to speak openly about the issues that matter most to him — even when his opinions ruffle feathers. Kevin has continued to build his platform through his radio show, podcasts, and other media outlets, where he offers his unique perspective on politics, race, and culture. Race and Life Bias Stereotypes Smashed. His Inspiring Story. Kevin’s impact extends beyond the airwaves and television screens. He is also the author of the best-selling book "Race Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism", in which he critiques what he sees as the exploitation of race by political elites for financial gain. In his view, the politics of race have cost America trillions of dollars, with little benefit to the communities they claim to serve. Kevin argues that the cycle of race-baiting has enriched politicians and their allies while leaving behind the very people they purport to help. His sharp critiques of race and politics have won him both ...
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    42 mins
  • Couple Investigating Crime In Thailand and Across The World. Special Episode. ☀️
    Sep 15 2024
    Couple Investigating Crime In Thailand and Across The World. Special Episode. In the dimly lit streets of Thailand’s red-light districts, and the hidden corners of bars and brothels across Southeast Asia, an ordinary couple has been fighting against an extraordinary evil: human sex trafficking. Matt and Laura Parker, the co-founders of The Exodus Road, have made it their life’s mission to expose and dismantle sex trafficking networks. Their journey is one marked by immense courage, unwavering determination, and a significant impact on the global fight against human trafficking. Listen to the interview with Matt which is available as a podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website and most major podcast Platforms. Matt Parker is the guest on this special episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. He tells the amazing story of how he and his Wife Laura became accidental undercover investigators in the violent underbelly of Sex Trafficking in Thailand. And how this became their life's mission. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. The Beginning of an Unexpected Journey, Couple Investigating Crime In Thailand and Across The World. The Parkers’ path into the dangerous world of undercover investigations began in an unlikely place: a children’s home for girls in rural Thailand, where they were working as directors. There, they confronted the grim reality of sex trafficking and its devastating impact on vulnerable children. Witnessing the heartbreaking consequences of poverty and exploitation strengthened their resolve to take action. Matt started collaborating with local law enforcement, aiming to protect at-risk children from falling into the hands of traffickers. His efforts led to his deputization by local police, allowing him to work directly on anti-trafficking operations as an undercover investigator. Equipped with hidden body cameras, Matt assumed the dangerous role of a "john"—a potential customer seeking to purchase sex. This undercover work enabled him to gather vital evidence, which helped law enforcement identify traffickers and rescue victims. While this work was far from what the couple had envisioned when they first arrived in Thailand, their commitment only grew stronger. They saw firsthand the urgent need for intervention and realized how ordinary people could make an extraordinary difference. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MeWe and other social media platforms. Articles about this are on Newsbreak and Medium. Founding The Exodus Road In January 2012, Matt and Laura founded The Exodus Road, driven by their belief that justice is achievable through the efforts of ordinary individuals. Since then, they have built a diverse team of staff and volunteers who share their passion for ending human trafficking. The organization has expanded beyond Thailand, establishing operations in multiple countries and becoming a key force in the global anti-trafficking movement. Couple Investigating Crime In Thailand and Across The World. Central to their approach is the understanding that training and education are crucial in combating sex trafficking. The Exodus Road's TraffickWatch Academy program provides comprehensive education for law enforcement, NGOs, students, and community members. By leveraging expertise from leaders in the counter-trafficking field, this program equips more people with the knowledge and tools to identify and prevent trafficking. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. A Focus on Intervention and Rescue Over the past decade, intervention has become a fundamental component of The Exodus Road’s strategy. The organization has developed a robust model for assisting law enforcement in locating and rescuing trafficking victims, while also arresting traffickers to ensure they face prosecution. Their intervention efforts include training local investigators, identifying victims, building strong legal cases, and supporting law enforcement during operations. The results have been significant. To date, The Exodus Road has contributed to numerous successful operations, leading to the rescue of hundreds of victims and the prosecution of traffickers. However, their mission extends beyond rescue. The organization also provides vital aftercare support to help survivors rebuild their lives after escaping their captors. media platforms for the latest episodes and news. Aftercare: A Vital Component of Recovery. Couple Investigating Crime In Thailand and Across The World. The Exodus Road recognizes that a rescue is just the beginning of a survivor's journey to healing. Their aftercare program addresses not only the immediate needs of survivors but also offers ongoing support tailored to each individual’s circumstances. This trauma-informed approach is designed to be collaborative, ...
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    41 mins
  • Cartel Corruption of Federal Agents, FBI, DEA, at the Border and More. 🔥
    Sep 11 2024
    Cartel Corruption of Federal Agents, FBI, DEA, at the Border and More. The U.S.- Mexico border has long been a battleground in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime. Yet, a lesser-known and equally troubling battle involves the corruption of federal agents — from corrections officers and border patrol to FBI and DEA agents. This episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio show and Podcast explores how cartels corrupt federal agents, the investigations that unveil these betrayals, and the outcomes. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. Cartel corruption of Federal Agents often begins with small, seemingly harmless actions by federal agents. For instance, a border patrol officer might turn a blind eye to suspicious activity in exchange for a quick payoff or accept a small bribe for allowing contraband through. These seemingly minor transgressions can escalate, gradually entangling the agents in a web of cartel operations. Once compromised, agents find themselves increasingly beholden to criminal groups, leading to more significant acts of corruption. Listen to this interview as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. The journey from minor misconduct to severe criminal involvement is often marked by a series of careless, even mindless, decisions. According to Ken Strange, a retired federal agent with the FBI, USAID, and the Department of Justice (DOJ), "many major corruption investigations are triggered by stupid, mindless incidents by the officers involved." Strange's insights are informed by years of experience investigating cartel corruption among federal agents. His new book, A Cop's Son: One G-Man's Fight Against Jihad, Global Fraud, and the Cartels, sheds light on the multi-faceted corruption efforts by cartels targeting FBI and DEA agents. Ken Strange's career spanned three federal agencies — the FBI, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the DOJ — and involved conflicts with jihadists, cartels, and international fraudsters. In his book, he breaks down his federal career into three parts: the fight against jihad (FBI), the fight against global fraud (USAID OIG), and the fight against the cartels (DOJ OIG). The book has received praise from notable figures in law enforcement, including former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and former LAPD Chief William Bratton. Cartel Corruption of Federal Agents, FBI, DEA, at the Border and More. Strange's book is more than just a recounting of his experiences; it is a unique exploration of the variety of investigative stories accrued across three distinguished U.S. government agencies. His friend, a prominent Hollywood actor, has even suggested that the book's final chapter would make for a great movie. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MeWe and other social media platforms. Articles about this are on Newsbreak and Medium. The FBI has intensified its focus on corruption at the Southwest border. Out of the 700 agents dedicated to combating public corruption, about 120 are assigned to this region. These agents coordinate their investigative efforts with the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG), Customs and Border Protection Internal Affairs (CBP-IA), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The results of these efforts are significant: over 400 public corruption cases have originated from this region, leading to more than 100 arrests and over 130 state and federal cases prosecuted in FY 2009 alone. To further these efforts, the FBI has established 12 border corruption task forces along the Southwest border, which share intelligence with groups such as the Southwest Intelligence Group (SWIG), the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), and Mexican legal attachés to identify and disrupt Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). Cartel Corruption of Federal Agents, FBI, DEA, at the Border and More. The interview is available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. International cooperation is crucial in the fight against cartel corruption. The FBI, for example, has strengthened its ties with Mexican law enforcement. Recently, the FBI’s McAllen office hosted 30 Mexican police officers for a week of training and information sharing through the Mexican American Liaison and Law Enforcement Training (MALLET) program. This week-long initiative included modules on ethics, firearms, and investigative techniques aimed at building law enforcement contacts with the Mexican government. During a Senate hearing, Senator Mark Pryor expressed concerns about cartels infiltrating U.S. law enforcement, stating, "U.S. border defenses have been beefed up, which has helped to squeeze these ...
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    42 mins
  • Chicago Big Changes Are Trauma, Lawyer, Divorce and Family💥
    Sep 8 2024
    Chicago Big Changes Are Trauma Lawyer Divorce and Family. There is a saying that still waters run deep and that could easily apply to her story. She made big changes in her life, all of which were difficult and from the outside seemed to make no sense at all. From Divorce to graduating Law School and than making the decision to not be a practicing lawyer. Remarried with a total of 4 sons she decided to pursue her dreams of being a creative and helping other creatives prosper and grow. She openly talks about this in an interview which is available as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. Most of us judge someone by their outward appearance, without knowing their entire story. Thinking that they have had it easy. Appearances can be very deceiving. Julie Drost Lokun is our guest on this episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show podcast. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. There is another old saying that it his how we finish the last half of the race, that really matters. In our lives that is extremely accurate and Julie's story is a perfect example of that. When we think of lawyers, we often picture courtroom battles, lengthy legal briefs and a life of success. But what if a lawyer decides to rewrite the script of her life? Julie Drost Lokun is a powerful example of how big changes can come true, showing how she left being a lawyer to step off the beaten path and into a world of creativity, connection, and passion. From Divorce to Law School: Navigating a Journey of Change. Chicago Big Changes Are Trauma Lawyer Divorce and Family. Julie’s story is one of profound transformation. Her path was far from straightforward, from the emotional upheaval of divorce. Seeking a new direction, Julie made the bold decision to attend law school. She threw herself into her studies and earned her law degree. However, instead of taking the expected route of becoming a practicing attorney, Julie chose an unconventional path that left many baffled—she decided not to practice law at all. Why would someone endure the rigors of law school only to step away from the profession? For Julie, it was about understanding that appearances can be deceiving. From the outside, her choices might have seemed puzzling, but she was on a deeply personal quest for meaning and fulfillment that extended beyond the traditional boundaries of a legal career. The interview with her is available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. A New Life, Family, and a New Mission. Chicago Big Changes Are Trauma Lawyer Divorce and Family. Happily married and a mother of four boys, Julie realized that her real passion lay in helping others thrive creatively. She chose to channel her energy into a new mission: empowering entrepreneurs, podcasters, creatives, and anyone looking to elevate their voice. With this vision in mind, she co-founded The Mediacasters, a company dedicated to fostering growth and connection for those pursuing creative endeavors. Julie’s message is simple but profound: “Being an entrepreneur can be isolating.” She knows from experience that the creative path is rarely easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding. The Mediacasters provides a space where creative professionals can connect, share resources, and find inspiration in one another, making the journey a little less lonely and a lot more collaborative. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MeWe and other social media platforms. Articles about this are on Newsbreak and Medium. Podcasting, Growth, and the Power of Stories. Chicago Big Changes Are Trauma Lawyer Divorce and Family. Julie’s passion for storytelling shines through in her work as one of the voices behind "Get Obsessed: With Living Your Best Life," a popular podcast available on platforms like Apple and Spotify. This podcast serves as a guide to both personal and professional development, bringing in thought-provoking guests each week who share their experiences, insights, and practical tips for success. The podcast’s philosophy centers around the transformative power of stories. Stories have the unique ability to connect us, bridge gaps, and provide comfort in knowing that others are navigating similar challenges. Through this platform, Julie has built a community of listeners who are all on a journey to find their own answers. Cre8tive Con: A Hub of Innovation in Chicago Julie’s creative journey doesn’t stop at podcasting. She is also one of the founders of Cre8tive Con, a one-of-a-kind event that blends business insights with explosive networking opportunities. Held annually in Chicago, Cre8tive Con is where business intersects with creativity, innovation, and community. At Cre8tive Con, attendees have the chance to hear from top thought leaders across various fields, including business, ...
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    42 mins
  • Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers.
    Sep 4 2024
    Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers. His career as a Police Officer in Anchorage Alaska led to his assignment to the Hostage Negotiation team. In addition to his police experiences in Alaska he was a lead negotiator which brought him face to face with serial killers. He was able to successfully negotiate the surrender of two serial killers. He talks about all of that and more. Follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and most all social media platforms. Doug Fifer is our guest. He is a retired Alaskan police officer who specialized in crime scene analysis, deviant sexual crimes, hostage negotiations, and various special assignments throughout his twenty-five-year career. He started in law enforcement with the Anchorage Police Department in 1996 and retired in 2021. Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers. The interview with him is available as a free podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. In a career that spanned over 25 years with the Anchorage Police Department, retired officer Doug Fifer found himself at the forefront of Alaska’s most complex and chilling criminal cases. Assigned to the Hostage Negotiation team, Doug encountered some of the most dangerous individuals in the state, including serial killers. Known for his adept negotiation skills, he successfully convinced two notorious serial killers to surrender, an experience he openly talks about in this interview which is available as a free podcast on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most major podcast platforms. Doug Fifer’s story is not just about his police career in Anchorage, Alaska, but also about his deep connection to his Alaskan roots. Born in Homer, Alaska, his family hails from the Ketchikan area. He is Tlingit Indian and heavily connected to his Alaska Native culture and heritage. Together with his wife, they raised their children in Anchorage, immersed in the outdoor lifestyle typical of Alaskans, from fishing and hiking to snowboarding with their family dog, Malbec. In 2007, Doug and Kim also launched a wine business in Anchorage, blending their love for the outdoors with a passion for fine wine. Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers. Be sure to follow the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Newsbreak and Medium and numerous other social media platforms. Throughout his career, Doug specialized in crime scene analysis, deviant sexual crimes, and special assignments that often brought him face-to-face with criminals whose actions shocked even the most seasoned officers. His extensive experience is chronicled in his new book, Fifty Shades of True Crime: Sex, Drugs, and Killer Kink. This isn't a typical true crime book; it’s a raw, unfiltered dive into the darkest aspects of human behavior. Doug takes readers on a journey into the twisted minds of criminals whose actions are as terrifying as they are bizarre. Doug shares his philosophy on handling the stress of law enforcement, stating, “Humor plays a key role in keeping your sanity, not just in law enforcement but life in general.” His writing reflects this outlook, maintaining a balance between the gravity of his experiences and a light-hearted approach to life's challenges. Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers. One of the most notorious cases Doug was involved in was that of Joshua Alan Wade, an Alaskan serial killer convicted of multiple murders. Wade’s criminal history is both lengthy and disturbing. Born in 1980, Wade committed his first murder at the age of 14, shooting John Michael Martin, an unemployed schizophrenic, along a bike trail in Anchorage in 1994. Over the years, his violent tendencies escalated. In 2000, Wade brutally murdered Della Brown, an Alaska Native woman, and left her body in an abandoned shed. He continued his killing spree in 2007 by murdering his neighbor, Mindy Schloss, a nurse practitioner, after kidnapping her, robbing her, and ultimately shooting her execution-style in the back of the head. Wade’s arrest followed a dramatic police pursuit and negotiation. After his girlfriend and other witnesses identified him in surveillance footage using Schloss's stolen ATM card, Wade went into hiding. When finally cornered, he held hostages at gunpoint before being persuaded to surrender by then Officer Doug Fifer. The case was a stark reminder of the complexities and dangers law enforcement officers like Doug Fifer face every day. Alaska Police Career Talking to and Arresting Serial Killers. Doug also delves into the case of Israel Keyes, another serial killer whose actions shocked the nation. Keyes was responsible for multiple murders across the United States, including Alaska. Arrested in 2012, he confessed to the crimes while awaiting trial. He committed suicide in his cell, leaving behind disturbing clues about his...
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    42 mins