• 88: Podcast Completion & Celebration
    Dec 11 2020

    After 2 1/2 years, 88 episodes, and almost 24,000 downloads, it is time for me to call the podcast complete. It has been a joy and honor to share the energy and message of Purification with you! Tune in to the episode for more details. Until we meet again, keep on Purifying!

    Top 5 Downloaded Episodes of The Let’s Purify! Podcast

    1. Three Steps to Reclaim Your Decluttering Motivation (episode 83)
    2. Podcast Pause: September & October 2020 (episode 84)
    3. The Essence of Home Energy Purification (episode 1)
    4. Overcoming Overwhelm & Confusion As You Declutter (episode 40)
    5. Mindful Organizing in 7 Steps with Pam Holland (episode 19)

    Be sure to check out my decluttering and organizing colleague, Pam Holland of Mindful Decluttering & Organizing. She is doing great work in the world and may have just the energy you need to jump start your process!

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    20 mins
  • 87: From Resistance to Acceptance: Mary Jane's Story
    Nov 27 2020

    If you're planning a big downsizing process or supporting someone who is, be sure check out this episode!

    I talk with my mom, Mary Jane Spencer, about her journey from resistance to acceptance of her downsizing experience.

    You'll hear insights about her challenges and successes, and what she loves about her new (much) smaller space.

    You may recall that I interviewed Mary Jane way back in episode #6 The Power of Starting Small: Mary Jane's Story. The lessons from that episode helped to pave the way to the completion of her downsizing process.


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    27 mins
  • 86: On Racist Memorabilia
    Nov 11 2020

    Here are the links I referred to in this episode:

    CONTENT WARNING: Could contain images and concepts that are upsetting or triggering related to racism and racial violence.

    • Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia WEBSITE
    • Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia Wikipedia ARTICLE
    • The New Jim Crow Museum VIDEO
    • Dr. David Pilgrim TEDx TALK
    • Dr. David Pilgrim ARTICLE - The Garbage Man: Why I Collect Racist Objects
    • Jim Crow Museum VIRTUAL TOURS

    May the information in this episode serve the mission of the Jim Crow Museum:

    To use objects of intolerance to teach tolerance and promote social justice.

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    14 mins
  • 85: Checking In: Let's Receive a Breath Together
    Nov 4 2020

    Hi! It’s been a while and I wanted to check in with a reminder to breathe. In times of uncertainty (like what we’re experiencing with the US Presidential election, for instance…), it is vital that we remember to tune in with the breath. In this short episode, I share 2 upcoming episode topics and also give some specific tips on breathing.

    Until next time, keep on breathing and keep on Purifying!

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    9 mins
  • 84: Podcast Pause: September & October 2020
    Sep 9 2020

    As I shared in episode 83 on reclaiming motivation for Purifying and decluttering, I’ve been struggling with my podcasting inspiration. I thought I had it back, and I’m realizing now that I don’t.

    In order to honor you as the listener, myself as the podcast host, and the energy of Purification itself, I’m pausing the podcast for September and October 2020. The pause may extend until the end of the year. We’ll see! I’m excited to see what this time may bring.

    I will be continuing to see individual coaching clients during this pause, so if this autumn feels like the right time to ignite your Purification process and you’d like my support,  schedule a 20-minute free consultation call.

    To learn more about my current offerings visit my Work With Me page.

    Let’s keep in touch during this pause! Join the Let’s Purify! email newsletter for updates, offerings, and Purification musings.

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    7 mins
  • 83: Three Steps to Reclaim Your Decluttering Motivation
    Sep 2 2020

    We all lose our motivation sometimes… including me. As I was preparing to record this episode, I had to face my own lack of motivation and inspiration for podcasting. Fortunately, by following the steps I outline in this episode I was able to reclaim my motivation!

    It is very common to start the decluttering and Purification process with gusto just to feel deflated a few hours, days, or weeks later. These 3 steps will help you understand what’s at the root of your lacking motivation – and take your next steps.

    Three Steps to Reclaim Your Decluttering Motivation (and even get inspired & excited!)

    1. Acknowledge without Judgment – Name what has occurred. Be compassionate and open with yourself. This way you can take responsibility for where you are, without condemning yourself for it.
    1. Explore – Think back to what was happening in your life and your Purification process when you got derailed. See if you can identify what happened that caused you to stop. It could be external circumstances or internal experiences. Simply be curious – explore and notice.
    1. Prioritize – Without judgment, determine if Purifying is a true priority right now. Check in with your why: Why did you want to Purify and declutter in the first place? It may be that you need to intentionally pause your process so you can attend to other things right now. Or, after exploring the reasons you really want to do this, you may realize you want to get started again right away!

    3a. Pause with Purpose – If you need to take a pause from Purifying, pause with purpose. See if you can bring your current process to an intentional close – pack things back up and seal off the energy of your process so you can move onto other priorities without guilt.

    3b. Stoke the Fire – If you decide you want to re-start your process, deepen your inspiration. Journal about your why, visualize your Purified home, get excited! Talk with your bestie about your why and what will be different in your life after you’ve Purified away the excess. Create a plan to address the things you discovered when you were exploring in step 2.

    May these steps help you to clarify your priorities and determine which next steps are right for you.

    If you need some help getting motivated…

    I’d love to help! Let’s see how we can work together to get you re-inspired and motivated. TAP HERE to schedule a free 20-minute consultation now. You’ll answer a few questions and we’ll connect for your consultation over the phone or video conference (your preference!).

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    18 mins
  • Part 10: Inner Art of Decluttering "Staying Curious & Having Fun"
    Aug 29 2020

    In the final part of The Inner Art of Decluttering, professional organizer Pam Holland and I talk about staying curious and having fun as you declutter and Purify.

    Thank you for joining us for The Inner Art of Decluttering!

    If you're ready to take your decluttering and Purifying to the next level, consider a free 20-minute consultation with Pam at Mindful Decluttering & Organizing or Michael at Let's Purify! Holistic Declutter Coaching. Get the support you need to move forward with your process today.

    See full show notes for the series at letspurify.energy/innerart.

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    9 mins
  • Part 9: Inner Art of Decluttering "Inherited Items" & "Grief"
    Aug 26 2020

    In part 9 of The Inner Art of Decluttering, professional organizer Pam Holland and I talk about facing inherited items and grief (and paperwork too!) as you declutter.


    • Blog Post: Create A Filing System That Actually Works!
    • Blog Post: How to Transform and Organize Your Office (If you want to!)

    Join us next time for the final part of this series as we talk about staying curious and having fun as you declutter and Purify!

    See full show notes for the series at letspurify.energy/innerart.

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    7 mins