
  • Episode 042- Lost Dreams - My Life Should Have Been So Different
    Sep 7 2022

    "For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'" - John Greenleaf Whittier  

    Sometimes life is... well... disappointing. We sit down for a great 5-star meal and get served stale crackers and warm beer. What happened? It SHOULDN'T be this way! But it is.  

    Oftentimes we make choices that, through no fault of our own, lead not to some promised land, but in the opposite direction from it. And, often, by the time we realize it, we can't even see our glorious destination, it is so far over the horizon.   

    1Dream lost! So what do we do now? Let go? Settle? Reframe? And my personal favorite, be realistic?

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    58 mins
  • Episode 041- Hard Conversations
    Sep 7 2022

    How to set boundaries where there weren't any before  "Boundaries define us. 

    They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership. 

    Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for gives me freedom" - Henry Cloud  We all have experienced it. 

    There are always people who seem to completely ignore your needs, interests, desires, preferences. In other words, people who simply ignore your boundaries. Or is it really that simple?

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode 040- The Buddha Land of the Soul
    Sep 7 2022

    The Buddha is a metaphor. It represents you.

    In today's episode, GP will be flying solo. Lisa is attending to family affairs and and, rather than. jus running a rerun we decided to do a brief discourse, a meditation and a and Q&A period.  

    Love to you all Lisa & GP

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode 039 -The Dark Side of Self-Help
    Sep 7 2022

    No, it is NOT all your fault  "Judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree and it will believe itself stupid for the rest of its life" - Albert Einstein  The foundation of the entire self-help/personal development movement that began back in the 1980s was a major step forward in human psychology and emotional health. Prior to then, the possibility that someone could overcome difficulties, limitations and tragic life events, was the stuff of heroes, movies and myths. Not for the everyday person like you and me.

    Something shifted in this time and the realm of overcoming our own limitations became a widespread, accepted possibility. It brought with it a great promise of personal growth and a clear step-by-step process for achieving wealth, happiness,  success and all the goodies of life.  It grew from a couple of books on a shelf in the back corner of the bookstore to a multi-billion dollar industry of books, programs, courses, audios, videos, coaches, schools and eventually entire radio and video channels. 

    In all this enthusiasm there was a major thing that was overlooked. We were all quite naive about the depth and tenacity of our personal and cultural conditioning. And so, while we all, with sincerity, took on the task of improving ourselves, some rather old and nasty assumptions still lingered deep in our unconscious and it didn't take long before they once again began to arise.  We made a noble attempt to improve ourselves and our circumstances but failed to realize even a fraction of the promise.

    What happened?   We ran straight into the old pattern that has been around since Eve and Adam had that snack. GUILT!  Guilt, self-blame, judgment, discouragement and a resurgence of the kind of self-punishment that has been with us for a very long time.   In a study at Harvard a few years back, they tested the efficacy of positive affirmations. It turned out that, if the individual already had high self-esteem, the affirmations gave them even more. But, if they did not have that level of self-regard, they actually got even more down on themselves.

    When we are children, vulnerable and dependent, we take in and embody everything our parents teach us, both directly and energetically. To a greater of lesser extent, everyone was taught that there were things wrong with you that had to be fixed. We accepted this true and strove to meet those standards set before us. We did not have the capacity to discern whether or not our supposed flaws were simply what our parents, and the culture at large, found unacceptable. And the message was clear. You are not OK as you are and need to be improved.

    Fast forward, to you adult life and doesn't that sound a whole lot like the mantra of self-help?  What if there never was anything wrong with you but who you were was simply unacceptable to those around you? As Albert said in the opening quote "Judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree and it will believe itself stupid for the rest of its life."  Let me say that again... what if there wasn't then and isn't now anything wrong with you? Can self-help fix something that isn't broken? You could, quite literally spend your entire life looking solutions to the flaws in you and never succeed, simply because there aren't any. You would walk the self-help treadmill and we all know how far you walk on a treadmill.

    The spiritual path takes a completely different approach. It starts from the assumption that there is nothing wrong with you. You are NOT broken. And it sets you on the path to discover who was there before all the conditioning and mistaken assumptions ever happened. 

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 038- The Spiritual Entrepreneur
    Aug 30 2022

    The Spiritual Entrepreneur Transforming the system from the inside out “They must find it difficult, they who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.” - Gerald Massey, Historian Recently I and my producer Lisa were asked to contribute a chapter to a book titles "The Magnetic Entrepreneur - The Spiritual CEO." At first, it felt a bit odd. But I decided to give it a shot anyway.   

    What wisdom can I offer to someone who is seeking to create something new in the world? Someone who wants to deliver an important message or help people live fuller and more meaningful lives, but finds themselves bogged down in "the business."   

    It is true that business, as it has come to be practiced almost everywhere in the world, does not have the best interests of all humanity as its focal point. Yes, as someone with deeply spiritual motivations, we have little choice but to participate in a system that is, quite frankly, the antithesis of what we stand for.   

    While there is a well promoted image of the entrepreneur as an aggressive, go-getter, sacrificing everything for success and being lauded in Forbes magazine of the Shark Tank. The face it, anyone who works for themselves, in any capacity, is an entrepreneur. From the hairdresser to founder of a budding tech company, being the head of your own enterprise is entrepreneurship.   

    So how do we "do business" keep our spiritual perspective.  

    That is what todays show is all about. Join us for the next episode of "OM School Live" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Episode 037 - Scratching Your Nose When Your Butt Itches
    Apr 17 2022
    Right Action... Wrong Place

    Bart: "They ruined my childhood!:
    Lisa: "Your childhood is currently happening

    That humorous title sums up our current clumsy means of dealing with human suffering.

    No one can deny the fact of human misery. But wouldn't you think, that after all this time, we might have a clue as to how to alleviate it?

    For literally thousands of years we have been scratching our collectives nose when it is our universal butt that is itching. There can be no relief to the annoying itch until we scratch in the right place. I mean when you're cold you don't put a sweater on the coffee pot. You put it on you.

    Needless to say, this isn't the result of a lack of sincerity or persistence. It is simply our ignorance as to the source of our discomfort. We have completely mistaken the cause and, as an inevitable result, have come up with consistently failed solutions.

    In every field of human activity we have learned to assess our results and alter course appropriately. Yet, in this endeavor to be free of suffering we don't scrutinize our most fundamental assumptions about its cause and cure. We seem to be stuck in the idea that somehow human suffering arises from conditions and therefore we engage relentlessly in the activity of trying to change conditions.

    We change partners
    We change jobs
    We change locations
    We change clothes
    We change leaders
    We change political systems
    We change economic systems
    We change religions
    We change attitudes
    We even rearrange the furniture

    Yet the suffering remains. And it will continue to. Why? Let me ask this. What do all of those changes have in common? They all are an attempt to change external conditions in the hopes of alleviating the experience of suffering, discontent, discomfort. We keep scratching in the same place, despite the failure to achieve relief.

    2500 years ago Buddha suggested a path to the end of suffering. The first step in that path was simply "Right views." In other words, seeing things as they actually are. We can infer from that, that the first cause of suffering would be wrong views. Needless to say, trying to alleviate suffering while being steeped in wrong views of how suffering actually comes to be, would definitely be scratching your nose when your butt itches.

    The incredible profundity of non-dual self-inquiry is that its whole thrust is to question those assumptions that have led to human suffering.

    Join us for the next episode of "OM School Live" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in the private facebook group https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh
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    59 mins
  • Episode 036 - World War III - The Battle for the Mind
    Apr 15 2022
    “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” – Albert Einstein

    World War III does not loom in the future. We are in it right now and have been for a while.

    Wars are a result not a cause. The actual armed conflict is the last step in a long process. We tend to think only of the gunfire and bombs as the war but the war begins long before the first shot sounds. No war or battle can take place without a storyline to support it. In other words, the mind must be captured, influenced, convinced and thus moved to action. So the real war is always for the mind.

    In our modern time with mass communication, this influence has been kicked into high gear. We are constantly bombarded with memes, images, slogans, sound bites and talking heads in an attempt to influence us into supporting their position.

    Although this means of influence has always been known and practiced by those in a position of influence, there is something different about what is happening now. For the first time ever this is global, it reaches everywhere and almost every moment of every day there is an attempt to influence our minds. Actually that word influence is too weak. It is an attempt to control it.

    But I see something else at work, something unprecedented. These attempts at control are only effective when the one being controlled is unaware of it. Once awareness is present, it completely falls apart. The idea or story that someone wants to instill in you must be believed by you in order to have any power or activity. If you don't believe it it is dead in the water. And so these self-serving storylines are always presented as the truth.

    But they are not. Beliefs need to be believed. Truth is true whether anyone believes it or not. True is self-sustaining, self-existent, self-luminous and incorruptible. Humanity as a whole is seeking truth, not just another set of beliefs. Which is why I call this World War III.

    There is a global upheaval of the mind happening. The old paradigm has long ago betrayed its falsity. The old way of human organization has proven to be wholly inadequate, a fact made stunningly apparent in the dismal response to the pandemic and the blatant profiteering where there should have been selfless cooperation.

    But I have to put forth a warning.

    In this time of enormous ambiguity, propaganda, divisiveness and polarization it is easy to jump to a new position. Once you realize that you have been deceived there is a tendency to grab on to a new position that is simply the opposite of the one abandoned.

    This knee jerk reaction gives rise to what are called conspiracy theories which are, in many cases, just as deluded and dangerous as the falsity they are a reaction to. We can go beyond all this.

    We don't seek a better story, we seek the truth and the truth is not a story. It is not just a different belief, even if it is an improved belief. Let me propose a standard by which all human interaction, behavior, organization and relationship should be informed and it is the only one that will make WWIII the last war ever.

    That standard is Love!

    We are not at war with people. There is a pervasive belief system that needs to be exposed as a belief. But that exposure must happen within each of us.

    Can we drop our position and open to something beyond positions?
    Can we embody that universal love?
    Can we become conscientious about our choices?
    Can we recognize our total interconnection, that suffering, anywhere in the world, is my suffering?
    Can we transcend the modern universal narcissism we have all succumbed to?
    Can we stop with the selfies and move beyond "I" to "We"?

    If every act we engage in is devoted to the benefit of all, war will end, poverty will end, the destruction of the...
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode 035 - No Strings Attached - Resolving the Conflict Between Love & Attachment
    Apr 13 2022
    Resolving the Conflict Between Love & Attachment

    “This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” ― Rumi

    In our modern approach to the human necessity of relationship we often try to draw a hard line. We insist that love and attachment are opposites and you have to let go of one in order to experience the other.

    Ah, life is not so simple.

    Attachment is a term that seems to have nothing but negative connotations. Perhaps we should use this word instead... BONDING.

    The positive side of what we call attachment is bonding. If a child does not bond with its mother it will struggle with emotional difficulties its entire life. Attempting to compensate for the absence of this essential human need results in all of the psychological distortions and even physical ailments we experience throughout life. It will also means that future relationships will be filled with the attachments in the sense we now commonly use it.

    So the real issue we must look at is not attachment, but a lack of genuine bonding.

    There is an enormous gift that comes with being a human being. It is a gift that, as far as we know, no other critter on the planet possesses. It is the capacity for introspection and compassionate discrimination.

    Unlike our non-human brothers and sisters, we can recognize conditioning and conditioning. In this recognition we can bring to ourselves the quality of love, self-acceptance and appreciation that was lacking in those formative years. In other words, we can create an inner environment where a miracle takes place. We SELF BOND.

    This bonding is not one thing bonding to another. It is the bonding with our Original Innocence.

    You see, the process of healthy bonding with parents is actually creating the inner environment where we are comfortable in our own skin. We feel a sense of completeness, of resourcefulness. The loving acceptance of parents creates a loving acceptance of ourselves. This is the natural bonding that, in adulthood, expresses itself in the healthy bonding in relationships and minimizes, even eliminates the potential for unhealthy attachments, that is relationships with strings attached.

    If a relationship, of any kind, is an attempt to compensate for something very essential missing from you, it will inevitably have strings attached. It can't help it. The need we have to this bonding with ourselves is to critical it simply must be either fulfilled or compensated for.

    When this inner environment of self-acceptance is present there is no need for the nervous system to create the layers of self-protection that make up our self-defeating conditioning.

    Instead, there is more direct access to your true nature. That means you really do know what you need and want. Then, inevitably, you will be finding experiences and relationships that express your wholeness, instead of finding experiences to try to compensate for its absence. You will be bonding and not attaching. There will be no strings.

    The good news is that this Original Innocence is always present. Because it is what you are It can never be destroyed. it can only be obscured by the nervous system's primary mandate to keep you alive. And everything I teach is a path back to that Innocence, sometimes through some difficult inner spaces, but always arriving at the place where this is nothing but light and love.

    Then even the word bonding falls away, since there is no need to bond with what you already are. Bonding dissolves into Oneness and in that Oneness there are no strings, no attachments. There is only Love.

    Join us for the next episode of "OM School Live" every Tuesday at 12 noon eastern time. at http://youtube.com/gpwalsh or in...
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    1 hr and 3 mins