Jul 25 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:11c The Laws of God's Chosen House ! HOLDING PATTERN FOR FRIDAY NIGHT. MINDING TIME & SPACE In past Episodes, we discussed the pre-dawn Priestly Guard Duty Sweep around the Azara (Beit HaMikdash Courtyard) perimeter. Torch-led groups set off in opposite directions and completed the circle at the appointed meeting place. In this new Episode we conclude with the final Halacha that emphasizes the need to maintain the pattern of this concluding ritual on the night of Shabbat as well. Yet, it is here that the Sanctity of Time and Space are set on Collison Course! To Hold the Pattern of Daily Guard Duty, and nonetheless Guard the holiness of Shabbat we reach a compromise by pre-placing torches, instead of holding them. This however sets off a firestorm of contradictory jurisprudence. According the Rambam's own Mitzva Metrics this precautionary methodology seems superfluous! By further developing and applying the Rebbe's novel Temple Watch Thesis many more questions continue to be resolved and answered!
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    45 mins
    Jul 24 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:11c The Laws of God's Chosen House ! COMPLETING THE WATCH BY A GREETING AND PROMPT TO BAKE In the immediate past Episode, we learnt how the nocturnal Priestly Guard Duty to Mind the Mikdash was completed by a circular sweep around the Azara (Beit HaMikdash Courtyard) perimeter. The two torch-led groups that previously headed off in opposite directions meet-up at the Chavitan Baker's Chamber. And now, as the circle is being completed -- special greetings are extended to one another. As day is about to break, it's time to conclude and hand-off the baton of mindfulness by getting the day going. Learn how that happens when the proverbial Sanctuary Sentries take the initiative to actively prompt the Chavitan Bakers. Why meet there, and what does the initiation of the daily schedule of services have to do with the Priestly Palace Guards? In this new Episode we'll further develop the Rebbe's Temple Watch Thesis that continues to clarify and answer so many questions!
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    42 mins
    Jul 24 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:11b The Laws of God's Chosen House ! FLAMING TORCH-LEAD SEARCH BY E/W DIRECTIONAL DIVISION After the delineating the respective Guard Duties of the Cohanim and Levites, we focused on the climatic walking of the dawn that ended the nightly Mikdash minding. What began with a gentle knock on the door swiftly evolves into an official perimeter sweep in the form of a flaming, ceremonial Torch-led Search. To proceed there's a required Directional Division, as one group heads East and other goes West. Walking near the walls a complete Courtyard Circuit must be achieved. As they made their separate ways around the Azara (Beit HaMikdash Courtyard), a thorough check of provisional Temple artifacts went down. The circle would only be closed when both fired-up groups arrived at Chavitan Baker's Chamber!
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    32 mins
    Jul 17 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:11a The Laws of God's Chosen House ! KNOCK FIRST, THEN OPEN. GET THE KEYS, YET USE THE WICKET In previous Episodes we learnt about Cohanim and Levites positioned each night to mind the Beit HaMikdash, as well as the official oversight and the methods employed to enforce compliance of this sacred Guard Duty. In this new Episode, we focus on the next order of business, walking the dawn to end the night and kickstart a new day. Now, a new Sheriff arrives on site and begins the process by knocking on the door first thereby activating the waiting Cohanim. The retrieval of the Keys and the informal opening of a door is next. Keys in Hand, this Mikdash Manager who oversees the division of daily priestly responsibilities will muster the young Cohanim to launch official walkaround as they enter the Mikdash Courtyard proper via a mere wicket door, rather than the regular Grand Gateway.
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    44 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:10b The Laws of God's Chosen House ' ! SCORCHED BY A TORCH, CRIES SOUND-OFF IN THE HOLY CITY In our previous Episode we learnt about a Powerful Officer who oversaw the 24 watches of Cohanim and Levites who were supposed to be minding the Har HaBayit perimeter, and Beit HaMikdash proper. Making torch-lit rounds he would review the sentries all night-long. And he would enforce full compliance. Anyone caught sleeping on the job would receive immediate corporal punishment. In the new Episode we learn more about radical methods of enforcement. In addition to striking the sentry with his staff, he was even allowed to light his clothes on fire! Were Cohanim included, or did this only apply to the Levites, were such extreme measure ever actually employed, and finally, how could that even be legal? Our illuminating analysis will shed much light on this hot button, burning issue!!
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    34 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:10a The Laws of God's Chosen House : GUARD - RISE & GREET THE SHINE OR BE GUILTY OF SILENCE! Over the past dozen Episodes, we have learnt much about the Honour Guard Duties carried out by both the Cohanim and Levite Clans. In total, 24 specialized groups of mostly adult (along with a notable contingent of minors) took up their positions, minding their appointed posts each night. They were strategically stationed around the Temple Mount circumference, as well as the outer scrimmage of the massive multi-tiered Beit HaMikdash Campus. After reviewing the three locations that housed the Cohanim, and then went on to delineate the 21 Levite placements at Gateways, Corners and Chambers. In the new Episode we are introduced to the 'Guardian Angel' Overseer who was appointed over all the watches. Making continuous torch-lit rounds, his mandate was to ensure and even enforce compliance. Each sentry was expected to rise and greet the Temple Campus CEO. Failure to verbally respond would be tantamount to a silent admission of guilt. This Honour Guard Overseer was granted overarching powers of enforcement, including the administration of corporal punishment!
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    27 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:9 The Laws of God's Chosen House OFFICES OF OFFERING & CURTAINS In the previous Episode we learnt more about guard duties of the Levite Clan at the only some of the gates of entranceways to the Mikdash Courtyard. We tallied locations and thus far reached Chai! In this new Episode we will continue with the Levites on Guard Duty in the final three, yet somewhat unusual locations. From the Office of Offering that was housed in a Chamber within a Chamber to the enigmatic Control Centre of the Curtains it seems that something different is actively at play here... a fascinating new theory will be suggested. As we conclude with the final Levite posting behind the Holy of Holies, e.g., the "House of The Covering" -- the surprising euphemism for the highest of degree of sanctity begs for clarification. As a glimmer emerges from medieval commentary in respect to the Shechina, where the smallest of openings is viewed as an active gateway. We'll contemplate biblical verses about sacred conventions of our connectivity with the Creator. The full illuminated development of which can easily lend stunning credibility to the veracity of the aforementioned novelty.
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    59 mins
    Jul 16 2023
    Rambam - Hilchot Beit Habechirah 8:8b The Laws of God's Chosen House FIVE OF SEVEN GATES | THE LEVITE COHEN CHAI DIVIDE In the previous Episode we learnt about the outer scrimmage duties and responsibilities of the Levite Clans: Guarding at Gates, and Minding Corners too. Some were posted on the inside, while others were pointedly kept out --- due to technical reasons and considerations. In this Episode we will continue with the Levites on Guard Duty, but this time our focus is exclusively on the gateways to an inner scrimmage of sanctity. We'll discover that, strangely enough, not all gates fall within the Levite mandate, as their purview includes only five of the seven formal entranceways to the Mikdash Courtyard itself. The Levites are on duty where they must be because there are some places that Cohanim get to go to instead. Finally, Rambam feels it's important to add up the numbers and state the tally. Incredibly we end up adding up to Chai!
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    20 mins