• Created to be Seen
    Oct 1 2024

    The main contention of our series in the beginning of Genesis is that these "origin" stories(Genesis means "origin") have ongoing effects and relevance in our lives. We were made to be seen by God and by other people, seen clearly and looked upon lovingly and intimately. Of all things, before sin entered the world, God says that something is not good, and that something was human isolation. Out of that, God made the woman to be an accompaniment and they were naked and unashamed. They saw each other perfectly and were perfectly seen by God. But when they sinned, they hid. They covered themselves up and hid from one another and from God. These facts of being made to be seen and sin creating distance are ongoing in our lives today to our detriment and the detriment of our world. What we need is to recover a sense of how significant and awful sin is and the awe and praise that comes from knowing the grace and care that God has for us as he calls us out of our hiding ("where are you") and covers our shame.

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    38 mins
  • Created in the Image of Love
    Sep 24 2024

    What are we? What are we as humans? Sometimes we feel and we know that we were made to be more majestic than we experience. We are like a spray-painted dog who looks like a panda, but we haven't been made to be a farce or to be hollow but to be whole. The Bible teaches at the beginning that we are made with love and care and attention, that we were made in the very image of God, and that we were made for a life of dependence. This image bearing is who we are as humans (marred though it now is). This dependent life of faith and trust was not just a call to not eat the fruit of the garden, but an ongoing call from God to a life of Faith.

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    36 mins
  • Created in Love: The True Myth
    Sep 17 2024

    Genesis means "Origins". This Fall we are looking at the first 11 chapters of Genesis and considering how these "Origin" stories come to bear in our lives in an ongoing way. Genesis 1, in indirect poetic confrontation, presents us with a story of creation origins that is far more compelling than any of the myths of the ancient world or the random chance or survivalist beliefs of our modern times. Here we find a text, while not scientific per se, that gives us grounding for scientific exploration in the order and predictability from which God made all things. Here we find a text that is not violent like the ancient creation myths of the "bangs" of creation-belief in our day, but one that is intentional and caring. Here we find a text that speaks of creation not out of need, but out of desire and love. The bottom line is that the Bible presents us with a far more beautiful and compelling creation than anything else you can find.

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    35 mins
  • What Are We About
    Sep 10 2024

    Coming back from sabbatical, Pastor Peter offers some reflections on our church and how we are to follow Jesus in our time by looking at Jesus' incredible interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well. What Are We About? Well, Jesus is about seeking after the outcast and the sinner and the stranger, so we are to be about delighting in diversity and seeking the stranger. Jesus, somewhat oddly enough, in a conversation with this woman about worship, declares "we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews." He grounds his compassionate engagement with this woman in the long salvation-history of God with his people and their practices. So, SCC is about being historically rooted and embedded in time and place. Finally, this woman makes a massive shift in her understanding of Jesus. As Ephraim the Syrian wrote in the early 3rd century, "First she caught sight of a thirsty man, then a Jew, then a Rabbi, afterwards a prophet, last of all the Messiah." How was this shift possible? Because she was with Jesus. The conversation about water was a conversation about Jesus, her concept of men was shifted because of the presence of Jesus, the conversation around worship found its end in Jesus. So, SCC is about being with Jesus and allowing his person and work to transform us.

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    37 mins
  • A Praying Way of Life
    Sep 3 2024

    Developing a praying way of life is at the core of the life of a Follower of Jesus. The apostle Paul urged Timothy as he led the early church in Ephesus to first of all, pray all kinds of prayers for all kinds of people. This included even kings and those people in high positions. This was to be done so that the people of God, the everyday people, may lead peaceful, quiet, and godly lives. This is important because God purposed these prayers to be part of His plan to save all kinds of people through faith in the one and only mediator between God and mankind, the man, Jesus The Christ.

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    41 mins
  • Be Still and Know that I Am God
    Aug 27 2024

    Psalm 46 is a call to be still and know God amidst the turmoil around us; mountains quake, seas roar, and nations rage. We are not good at being still, even in the quiet moments. Our tech-inundated world means unceasing noise. And so many of us are burdened by personal conflicts, internal turmoil, tensions, and anxieties within. Yet, it is in stillness that we ‘know’ God, which is the foundation of trust. We see the God who is with us in the storms, the God who often stills the storms, and who will one day bring stillness to all the world. The call for us, this side of the cross, is to be still and realize the love of Christ.

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    32 mins
  • He Gives More Grace
    Aug 20 2024

    It is an undeniable characteristic of human personality to think of ourselves as good. Deep down we say to ourselves “I am alright – I’ve got this. The Bible is unflinching in its condemnation of our foolish high view of ourselves. But God does not leave us in despair. There is hope in the unmerited favor found only in Jesus. Listen to learn more….

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    36 mins
  • Rest for Your Souls
    Aug 13 2024

    Matthew 11:25-30 records six verses that are some of the most lovely and precious in all of God’s Word. Jesus praises His Father in heaven for revealing Himself to those of His choosing. He rejoices that their fellowship is complete with each other and revealed to those whom the Son chooses. Therefore, Jesus calls to those who are weary and burdened to come to Him for He alone is able to give them rest for their souls because He will carry their sin and give them rest, both now and forever.

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    17 mins