
  • Remember Jesus
    Jun 28 2024

    The battle at the Alamo and the cry “Remember the Alamo” coalesced a people for a political cause.

    But Christians have a greater cry.

    “Remember Jesus Christ” is not a political statement; it is not a defiant cry against a tyrant, nor a celebration of a historical event. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of a people living in a sin-corrupted world rejoicing that Jesus has already won the victory over sin and death. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of a people who have counted the cost and are giving everything they have to make Christ known. “Remember Jesus Christ” is the heart cry of those who may be tempted with discouragement but have placed their hope in the promises of the gospel and the faithfulness of God.

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    4 mins
  • Whatever keeps you from Jesus is not worth it
    Aug 7 2023

    What is holding you back from Jesus? What do you fear? What of the world do you love? What temporary pursuits are you chasing after? What worthless pride are you holding on to? What is it that you love more than the gospel of Jesus?

    I know this - whatever keeps you from Jesus today is not worth it.

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    2 mins
  • Now is the day of salvation
    Jul 31 2023

    The image of a train leaving the station has long been a helpful image for a present opportunity. When the train arrives, you have the opportunity to get on. However, this opportunity will not last. The train will leave, and when it does, you will lose the opportunity to travel.

    How many will miss the opportunity to get on board because they are too tied to the luggage on the loading dock? Weighed down by concerns and worldly affection other than the departing train, they will miss the opportunity. Likewise, how many will miss the opportunity of salvation? Clinging tight to the affections and concerns of this world, many will miss the gift of salvation.

    Now is the day of salvation.

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    2 mins
  • Salvation is in Jesus
    Jul 24 2023

    In late December 2004, over a quarter of a million people went about their routine without the slightest concern that a massive destructive wave of water was moving toward them. They surely would have hastily evacuated to higher ground if they had known that a wall of water was rushing toward them that would destroy whole cities and kill all in its path. But without warning, they went about their day's activities without concern for the approaching danger.

    The gospel is the good word that wicked sinners can be reconciled to God through the redemption of Jesus. God's judgment is coming. His wrath is great and terrible. Yet as an act of grace, God has commissioned the saints to be His ambassadors to proclaim to the world – salvation is in Jesus who, for our sake, God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

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    5 mins
  • Ambassadors for Christ
    Jul 17 2023

    An ambassador does more than live in a foreign country – they actively represent and promote the will of their sending country. If you are in Christ, you are not called to just dwell in the world while waiting for the glory to come. You are not called to be isolated and insulated from the lost world around you. You are called to be an ambassador for Christ, engaging the world - actively representing and promoting the work and will of God.

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    3 mins
  • Peace with God only comes through the cross of Jesus
    Jun 26 2023

    The wrath of God is a terrible thing. It is the total separation from God. It is the unmitigated fury of God. It is the righteous punishment of God.

    Everyone was born under the wrath of God. To be under the wrath of God is, by definition, not to be at peace with God. Only through the redemptive work of Jesus is God’s wrath satisfied. Either you are right with God through the saving blood of Jesus, or you are under the wrath of God because of your sin. Peace with God only comes through the cross of Jesus.

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    3 mins
  • Perspective changes everything
    Jun 20 2023

    Perspective changes everything. Perspective, vision, and site give understanding to reality. A young man discovered this truth when he awoke to find an invading army had surrounded his town. Unconcerned, his boss prayed that God would open his eyes. When the young man's eyes were opened to see what God was doing, his fear was gone because his perspective had changed.

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    5 mins
  • Knowing what is to come makes the present difficulties seem light
    Jun 12 2023

    For those in Christ, there is coming a day when death will be no more, grief will be forgotten, the names of diseases will no longer be spoken, disabilities will be unknown, wickedness will be defeated, sin will have no victory, and suffering will be no more. For those in Christ, the sufferings of this world are preparing you for an eternal weight of glory that has no comparison. Knowing what is to come makes the difficulties of the present seem light and momentary.

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    2 mins