• Simple Truth Moments | 09.22.24
    Sep 23 2024

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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    52 mins
  • Full Simple Truth | 09.15.24
    Sep 16 2024

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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    51 mins
  • Thy will be Done vs. Legalism
    Sep 9 2024

    The contemporary Gentile church, now more often than ever before, teaches that it is legalism to try to obey God's Commandments.

    Question: Did Jesus come to expand the Torah or or did He come to shrink it down? Comparing the Old Testament with the New Testament; is more required of us in the New or the Old

    covenant as to our Covenant commitments?

    The answer may surprise you.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    53 mins
  • Is there any scriptural evidence to authorize us to pray directly to the Holy Spirit?
    Aug 26 2024

    There is a trend amongst Gentile churches to pray directly to the Holy Spirit, to sing worship songs directly to the Holy Spirit, to bypass protocols established by Jesus on how to pray to the Father.

    It is playing with fire to pray to spirits outside of the protocol established by Jesus on how to pray.

    The protocol established by Jesus in the Lord's prayer is for our protection. We are to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Jesus instructs us that we are to pray to our Divine Father in Jesus' name.

    Satan is so good at masquerading and impersonating other entities within the spiritual realm, that there is a bible verse warning us about this tactic of the Adversary: 2Cor.11:14. "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."

    The context of the verse above is Apostle Paul warning the Church of Corinth of false apostles who disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.

    I find no biblical evidence in either the New or Old Testament that exemplifies or encourages directly praying to the Holy Spirit.

    Apostle Paul warns us often in his writings that in the End times there will be great deception aimed at deceiving the Church.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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    53 mins
  • Have we, as the Church, been preaching a partial gospel?
    Aug 20 2024

    Scripture advises us that we are to be preaching the "whole counsel of God". Yet, when we evangelize without mentioning the Kingdom of God, we end up with the story of Jesus coming to Earth to forgive our sins, so that when we die we get to go to heaven.

    Yet, nowhere in the Scripture does it say that the purpose of the coming of Christ was to be a transportation ticket.

    What the Scripture does say is that the purpose of Christ coming to Earth was to transform us into His image and to reconcile us back to Father God. 2Cor. 5:17-21.

    What the Scripture does say is that Christ came to Earth to do away with the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

    Question: Did Jesus come to earth to save us in our sins or from our sins? The answer to that question is critically important as it impacts our everlasting lives and destiny. Matthew 19:16-17

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

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    52 mins
  • God's Covenant with Earth
    Aug 12 2024

    Did Father God as Creator, actually make a covenant with the earth both in Genesis chapters chapter 6 and chapter 9?

    If so, would that change our perspective as to mankind's purpose and earthly destiny?

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    52 mins
  • Summary and Conclusion of Gentile "sacred cows" blocking the formation of Jew and Gentile as One New Man in Messiah Jesus and Abba Father per Ephesians chapter 2
    Aug 5 2024

    The identification and removal of these Gentile belief blockages is crucial if the unity of Jew and Gentile as One New Man per Ephesians chapter 2 is ever to take place. Jew and Gentile united together to advance the Kingdom of God is a serious threat to the Kingdom of Darkness and Deceit. (See Ephesians 3:10)

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    52 mins
  • Simple Truth Moments | 07.28.24
    Aug 5 2024

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WNDxXYbR-oE485_Wkh5RQ

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    51 mins