• Special Guest – Patrick Kilpatrick, Actor/Screenwriter/Producer’s Journey to People’s Politician – Episode 40
    Aug 13 2021
    This is a second interview with my special guest Patrick Kilpatrick, the last one was about 2 years ago. That noted, Patrick has become one of my favorites because of being an absolute prince for continually sharing his stories and current projects... I could listen to him all day. This particular episode is very different than any other interview, because our conversation was while Patrick was having a dental appointment, the dentist was kind enough to step out for 45-minutes for us to chat. This is my first Hollywood interview from a dental office... how fun! One of the attributes about this gentleman is his desire to make a difference, to contribute his learned experiences for future generations. Patrick's desire to make a difference has elevated as becoming a candidate in Governor's race in California, and this is why you NEED to listen to this episode! From a successful Hollywood career and author to campaigning to become the CEO of the State of California... what more would you expect from anyone who knows Patrick Kilpatrick! Check out Patrick's campaign to learn more why he is the sensible and practical choice! www.KilpatrickForGovenor.com... Here you can Give and Get Involved... To buy his book Dying For Living and to connect with Patrick click here to follow the dynamics of this fascinating professional. I hope you enjoy this episode of Sound Behavior and if you live in California don't forget, go out and vote for Patrick on September 14th! Tell him Don Crosby sent you! Cheers!
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    21 mins
  • The Difference One Child Can Make – Eric Cook – Episode 39
    Apr 7 2021
    What types of emotions would flood your mind if you were witnessing a little girl who was the fighting victim of neuroblastoma cancer? This episode is with my long-time friend Eric Cook, the theme is what can happen when just one person launches an act of kindness, striking the match touching the hearts of many others. Christi still lives in the hearts of everyone who knew this beautiful, 9-year young angel, so both Eric and I hope you enjoy this episode because just maybe it will inspire you to make a difference. Eric Cook, started building websites back in 1995 as a community banker (for his bank) and now serves the banking industry heading up a digital agency focused on helping community banks with website development, digital marketing and online strategy. Taking his passion for connecting and helping others, he founded TheLinkedBanker in 2020 as a way to assist banking professionals connect and serve through the power of digital and social technologies. He was blessed with the memories and stories of his four amazing years as "Christi's webmaster" and knows first-hand how one connection online can lead to another… click this link to connect with Eric on Linked in. Thank you for listening to Sound Behavior where I share the journey of How Celebrities Are Born and the lives of everyday people. Cheers, Don  
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    31 mins
  • Pure Inspiration, Kathy Casertano – Episode #38
    Mar 27 2021
    We are all subject to trials and tribulations and some more than others, but what does the song say... "That's Life"! Here Kathy Casertano shares her early age experience and explains how this became her spiritual and mental preparation for what was to be her destiny. Listen for yourself as Kathy shares about the loss of her son, then her marriage dissolved to leave her in a state of practical homelessness. No matter your situation don't let your the extent of your condition be your focus. Put God first and trust in Him by slowing down to listen to His soft sweet words speaking into your life. The trick is slowing down, take a breath and emotionally preventing the fear of the unknown become your focus. I trust you'll enjoy my conversation with Kathy and be sure to share this with someone who needs the encouragement of More 2 Live 4. Click here to buy a copy of Kathy's book ... and be sure to connect with her by email, pureinspirationpublishing@gmail.com. Thank you for listening to Sound Behavior where I share the journey of How Celebrities Are Born and the lives of everyday people. Cheers, Don
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    30 mins
  • Wonderfully Motivated, Terry Allan Christian – Episode #37
    Mar 18 2021
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    48 mins
  • Hollywood Actress & Model Christy Chilton – Episode #36
    Mar 11 2021
    Welcome to Sound Behavior Podcast, episode 36 with special guest, Ms. Christy Chilton, Hollywood actress and professional model. With determination, hard work and a relentless ability to trust in herself, listen to how an independent mother took her heartfelt passion to Hollywood and onto world-wide stardom. Christy’s story enables her to have an natural ability to speak with authority to encourage others as motivator, teacher and mentor. Bottom line our world needs more people like Ms. Chilton. Here are some nuggets of her accomplishments: Chilton starred in Vin Diesel's, Global Race Foundation film, The Paint Job (2015) which premiered at The 2015 Cannes Film Festival. She also starred in the independent films,Limited Liability, working title, Get Rich (2014) Love and War (2014), Choices (2015). Chilton had supporting roles in Dylan McDermott's Sugar (2016), Soltice (2014), The Truth about Monsters and Rogue Island, which was chosen as the Official Selection at The 2016 Gasparilla International Film Festival, The 2016 Real Time Film Festival and as a semi-finalist at The Los Angeles CineFest. Chilton played the role of 'Fantasy Wife' in noir comedy The Lost Digit (2016) and held the lead role as an overwhelmed campaign manager in the political series, Our Party (2015),backed by Comedy Central. Chilton also starred in the TV series Darkest Case:Season One (2015) as Emily and in Surround Filmworks series Raiders (2014) as Detective Lisa Koch. To connect with Christy CLICK HERE.  Thank you for listening to Sound Behavior, Where you here... "How Celebrities Are Born."  
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    33 mins
  • Living Strong, Steve “Stealth” Miller – Episode #35
    Mar 9 2021
     Stephen Miller is a martial arts expert, world-record holding strength athlete, a dynamic speaker and pastor, and renowned motivator of men. Stephen has appeared on Ripley's Believe it or Not, the docudrama “Pass it On,” and a plethora of TV interview programs. One of Stephen's passions is focused on helping men to develop their moral masculine leadership. As he put's it... my life mission is to encourage and to build men so they can be more, have more, and achieve more." He is the author of "Dynamite Comes in Small Packages," and "The Adullam Experience."He is the author of "The 30-Day Family Challenge," "Dynamite Comes in Small Packages," and "The Adullam Experience." Hearing Steve talk about his youth, father and grandfather in itself thought provoking. We hope you enjoy this conversation with my new friend, Mr. Steve Miller. To learn more about Steve and to buy his books visit Legacy 365. Thank you for listening to Sound Behavior, "How Celebrities Are Born"
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    41 mins
  • Motocross Champion, Hollywood Stunt Man – Will Harper, Episode 34
    Mar 8 2021
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Thinking Big! Lloyd Bustard – Episode #33
    Jan 20 2021
    Welcome to episode 33, with another dear friend, Lloyd Bustard. The journey of a child naturally becomes a blueprint for adulthood and for some it is easy, while others just have to work harder and dream bigger. One can easily describe Lloyd as a gifted musician, fascinating speaker, seasoned evangelist,  experienced pastor and  a disciplined man who loves to encourage others to be their finest by reminding them to THINK BIG! Every Sound Behavior episode we talk about each other's stories and once you hear how Lloyd grew up and the obstacles, he overcame to be the man he is today, you'll be amazed. He's been on a serious journey anchored with grace and honor... I have his albums... and truly appreciate his voice and expression through a beautiful piano and guitar. You need to share this episode with your friends and family... because this is another great episode of "How Champions Are Molded and Celebrities Are Born." Check out, connect and support Lloyd @ www.LloydBustard.com
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    44 mins