
  • Episode 102: On Anger
    Dec 2 2024

    Dr. Bourgeois and Mr. Miller discuss anger and how it is manifested in modern culture and to what degree it is helpful. We also take a look at how religions and philosophies have attempted to address the issue of anger. In the discussion, we move from Christianity to Buddhism to Stoicism in search of an answer. And like most things, perhaps the answer lies within ourselves.

    During the podcast, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh's book Being Peace was referenced as a guide to disciplining one's mind from the chaos that surrounds us on a daily basis.

    Prior to the episode's focus, Mr. Miller referenced two historically bent podcasts he finds particularly intriguing.

    The first is The Ancients - a podcast found on all platforms that focuses on the ancient world, its people, civilizations and moments in time that altered the history of the regions set in.

    The second is American Elections; Wicked Game - a podcast does a deep dive on each presidential election. This is a fascinating look at the forces and people that have shaped those who have sought the highest office in the land.

    This episode is sponsored by Ahart Solutions.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 101: On Literary Influences with Dr. Paul Weinhold
    Nov 18 2024

    There is no better way to start the second 100 episodes of The Old School then with a return appearance of Dr. Paul Weinhold. In this episode, the three readers discuss their first literary influences - either authors or literary characters. The three also discuss the notion of younger generations and the reading of entire books. This includes a look at curriculum as well as how testing has impacted the reading of books by students; be they good or bad ramifications.

    Please check out Dr. Weinhold's first appearance, where the conversation took the episode into a deep dive of Shakespeare.

    Correction: Mr. Miller got tongue-tied with his two references of Sherlock Holmes' books - he meant to refer to the A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four.

    This episode of the Old School is brought to you by Ahart Solutions.

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    1 hr
  • Episode 100: On Looking Back and Looking Ahead
    Nov 4 2024

    The hosts, over some Scotch and snacks, sit side by side to look back at how the podcast has developed over the last 100 episodes and what might happen in the coming years. It is a collection of shared stories, ideas of what's ahead and the people who have listened to the hosts ramble - sometimes coherently and intelligently - about the issues facing education and some not-so-serious experiences such as travel, history and culture. The hosts also want to make sure that the listeners know how much they are appreciated and valued - the hosts are humbled by those who choose to listen and are forever grateful.

    Consider leaving a comment about an episode or moment you've appreciated or enjoyed the most.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 99: On Our Favorite Films
    Oct 28 2024

    During the Old School's 99th episode, the hosts dive into their favorite films - but not necessarily the best films. One film from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, the list is meant to show the films that most impacted the hosts throughout their lives. Additionally, the hosts asks listeners to consider joining the conversation in the comments, either to add your own favorite films or to tell the hosts how well they are doing. If you do not like the episode, in the words of Rich Lowery from The Editors podcast, forget anything was said about leaving a comment or rating the podcast.

    This episode of the Old School is brought to you by Ahart Solutions.

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    53 mins
  • Episode 98: On the Future of the Teaching Profession
    Oct 21 2024

    Dr. Bourgeois and Mr. Miller, trying to sound as even handed as possible, discuss what they see as the future of the teaching profession. While good things and people exist in the profession, other forces could irrevocably alter the profession. The two hosts consider what teaching might look like, the training of teachers and what it means to educate the youth of America.

    Some of the issues discussed in this episode are also discussed at length in the book The Center Cannot Hold: A Critical Look at Contemporary Education. Pick up a copy at Amazon.com.

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    51 mins
  • Episode 97: On Dr. Bourgeois' Grievances, #1-6
    Oct 13 2024

    Today is Dr. Bourgeois' turn to air his grievances. Unlike Mr. Miller, he has many more than one. The hosts go through a litany of issues in an attempt to bring solace and ultimate comfort to Dr. Bourgeois, as Mr. Miller experienced last week. The episode ends with the promise of more grievances in future episodes...but not right away...maybe.

    This episode sponsored by Ahart Solutions.

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    53 mins
  • Episode 96: Mr. Miller's Grievance #1
    Oct 6 2024

    In what was meant to be a litany of lamentations from both hosts, Mr. Miller's top concern takes priority - as does baseball. While the hosts promise a more equitable presentation of gripes for a later date, the hosts focus on baseball and the ambivalence of owners to the suffering of fans.

    The hosts compare the lack of representation of fans to those fans of German soccer, as detailed in episode 79, linked here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7uttUhkJ0UpfrFWsivztLx?si=c554-gx7SfiH-e5PEyWWaQ

    This episode is sponsored by Ahart Solutions.

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    52 mins
  • Episode 95: On Tutoring
    Sep 22 2024

    The hosts tackle an aspect of education that has always been present - tutorials. The hosts examine the qualities and effectiveness as well as the difference between tutoring in school with one's teacher and hiring it out to be done - a field of endeavor that Mr. Miller is currently engaged in. Not only does tutoring look different in or out of school, but also through various subjects.

    Are you interested in a wider look at the education system, check out the hosts' book, The Center Cannot Hold: A Critical Look at Contemporary Education, available exclusively through Amazon.

    This episode is brought to you by Ahart Solutions.

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    52 mins