• EP 095: Frequency As Medicine: Updating Our Mental Health Models
    Sep 19 2024

    “When we have things that work for people, it’s because of frequency, and I would never have thought that,” says Kelli Ritter, PhD, trauma competent practitioner who returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss what she believes is the true nature of anxiety versus the traditional paradigm which, while not wrong, doesn’t provide the full picture, and looks to merely manage anxiety rather than heal it from the source. And that source, Dr. Kelli says, is not negative thought patterns leading to negative emotions, but trauma, old wounds we aren’t aware of or haven’t truly dealt with, which then block frequencies in our fields.

    And our personal frequency, which is developed when we do the work to heal ourselves, is a major part of finding the best practitioner for us. Dr. Kelli believes that a practitioner stands to benefit from a mutual healing with a client when their frequencies complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

    We are on the cusp of entering a new paradigm for treating anxiety and people are hungry for it, Dr. Kelli says. Join today’s discussion to learn her thoughts on the importance of self love, safety, stability and trust to the healing process, and how to join her workshop to become more trauma-informed.


    • “The idea—I get it, it makes sense—that you’re going to give somebody a diagnosis and if you get the correct diagnosis…you’re going to get the right treatment. But I didn’t ever see that happening. And my thinking now is that when it does work, when we have things that work for people, it works because of frequency, and I would have never thought that.” (9:43 | Dr. Kelli Ritter)
    • “When you have a practitioner of any kind that has, in their field—I know this is really woo-woo, but just stick with me, this is frequency—when they have worked on themselves and they are healthy and their field is very vibrant and there aren’t the breaks in the same places that you as the ‘client’ have breaks, there’s an exchange of healing. And so, we—I think—are meant to help each other heal in this way, in this very vibrational frequency way.” (10:43| Dr. Kelli Ritter)
    • “Literally what we’re talking about on a basic, basic level: you’re either working with a frequency of fear, or you’re working on a frequency of love. So, my view now—which I was not taught—is that anxiety is just a fear frequency and sometimes it can get stuck there.” (14:09 | Dr. Kelli Ritter)


    Connect with Kelli Ritter, PhD







    Trauma Informed Workshop Registration: https://www.appliedquantumbiology.com/traumainformedquantumcoahing

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    42 mins
  • EP 094: Navigating Nature Based Health In A Big Tech Dominated Culture
    Sep 12 2024

    “There is so much more to health and vitality and wellness than the previous checklist and model that we’ve been given,” says today’s guest Dr. Catherine Clinton. She joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss the paradigm shift taking place across humanity as to how we view the body, the universe and our place in the latter. As a result of the pandemic, she says, people’s eyes—and hearts—have been opened not only to new information but just how much that information affects our bodies but, essentially, runs them. Today she discusses quantum coherence and why the universe acts like a loving parent.

    Unfortunately, despite the myriad of scientific proof to support Dr. Catherine’s message, because it is not wrapped in the accepted language it is often dismissed—or even censored. She talks about being thrown in “Instagram jail” for posting about structured water and being one of many who were flagged for using the hashtag #sunshine. In the bigger picture, though, she sees the quantum space as the rare space where left-brained and right-brained people find common ground and mutual support.

    Join today’s conversation to hear Dr. Catherine reveals what actually fills the universe that was once thought to be empty and why she says we’re in the middle of one of the largest chronic disease epidemics known to humankind.


    • “We weaponized the human body. You could get in trouble for being human. You could be in trouble for going outside and being human. It became a weapon.” (12:32 | Dr. Catherine Clinton)
    • “Understanding that we can utilize this information of light, sound, our water within us, frequency information in the fields around us, just even this idea of being a part of this flow. It isn’t a device that we get this information from, it’s the world. The solar radiation coming into our environment and sending all those photons of information throughout every plant and animal and human on this planet and the more we stand in that, the more we stand in our place on this earth as humans.” (16:12 | Dr. Catherine Clinton)
    • “It’s like the unconditional love of a parent. That’s how we are meant to thrive. We run to that parent, they scoop us up. Unconditional love, unconditional safety. We are where we belong. The world around us offers that, the natural world around us offers us that same embrace.” (20:01 | Dr. Catherine Clinton)
    • “The way that information is given, too, this idea that we are energy beings, if I say that, we are energy beings, that our cellular function runs on information, our cells communicate in light and information people think, ‘Agh! Get her!’...scientists aren’t censored because there’s still this line of science is science and the metaphysical is not something to mix with that.”(37: 38 | Dr. Catherine Clinton)


    Quantum Biology Wellness Summit

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    56 mins
  • EP 093: Authentic Success: There Is No Competition In The Quantum Field (BONUS EPISODE)
    Sep 9 2024

    “We live in divine direction and divine time,” says today’s guest David Meltzer, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast for the show’s first-ever bonus episode. Though he is a legendary sports agent—as well as a lawyer, entrepreneur, speaker, author and lawyer with a huge online following—David’s journey and transformation using quantum principles has led him to believe that competition with anyone but oneself is a zero sum game. Instead we are all interconnected and have access to infinite abundance, love, promotion and protection. To achieve our goals we must simply learn not to interfere with what we’ve already been given.

    In today's episode, David explains that as humans we bear not only a genetic inheritance but an energetic one, and that our attitudes, beliefs and thoughts deeply impact our reality. He discusses quantum healing, both on the conscious and subconscious level, why sleep is not only important for physical restoration but as a means of accessing another level of consciousness not available to us when we’re awake, and what it truly means to surrender.

    David’s journey exemplifies the importance of meeting people where they are in their spiritual journey rather than where we think they should be. Stay tuned to learn how you can obtain a complimentary copy of his book wherein he shares more lessons from his remarkable journey.


    • “So everything was a trade and negotiation. I was born to buy things I didn't need to impress people. I didn't like to live within the energy interference or suck between ‘I am,’ and ‘This is what I want people to think I am.’ But I met at the right time someone who elevated my understanding and awareness to two things: meditation and quantum healing…Dr. Sengita Sahi, explained to me awareness and the power of awareness and perspective aligned with my values of gratitude, forgiveness, accountability and inspiration. But she hooked me by telling me she could elevate my awareness when to buy or sell…And as I started to understand more and more of that over the last 18 years and to make it a daily practice and surround myself with the world thought leaders in this space, as you have.” (5:27 | David Meltzer)
    • “I think about it in the realm of consciousness because it is relative to awareness. So, I will look within the cellular structure of the cellular memory of our cells in the conscious being, and then I look at the 40,000 of the same thoughts that are hosted in the subconscious.. we inherited--at least, we can scientifically prove—four generations of genetic inheritance, but energetic inheritance is, in my opinion, millions of lifetimes.” (8:38 | David Meltzer)
    • “I then realized, ‘What am I doing to interfere with what I’m already given?...so I look at things—what time I wake up, my sleep, what I eat, how I exercise—[as] what am I doing to interfere with my potential? My truth? My higher self?’” (16:40 | David Meltzer)


    Connect with David Meltzer: Website: dmeltzer.com

    Socials: @davidmeltzer

    Todd's marketing research: https://thegrowthsuite.com/free-resources/

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    24 mins
  • EP 092: The Orthopedic Case For Quantum & Circadian Biology
    Sep 5 2024

    “I genuinely don’t believe that the natural state of humanity is to hurt just because we are getting older,” says today’s guest Dr. Eric Novack, orthopedic surgeon. Yet, it’s the sharp increase of incidents of musculoskeletal issues in increasingly younger populations that he is dedicated to understanding, and he shares his findings with host Meredith Oke on today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. More and more kids are, in an effort to make themselves look more viable to college admissions’ officers, enrolled in often multiple sports all year-round thus burning out their bodies, in addition being bombarded with blue light, non-native EMFs, lack of circadian lighting and increasingly poor-quality food.

    Throughout the discussion, Dr. Novack explains how inflammation is formed in, and ultimately affects, the body and contributes to chronic illness. He warns of the doctors’ incentives and motivations, and the limitations of their advice when they perpetuate the outdated paradigm that human beings are merely mechanical beings. He emphasizes the power of the mind to heal the body and the importance of doing our own research and self-advocacy.

    Join us to learn how pharmaceutical companies use the power of the placebo effect against consumers and how we can begin to give our bodies the right inputs in order to receive their best output.


    • “I genuinely don’t believe that the natural state of humanity is to hurt just because we’re getting older…that is highly unsatisfying and, I don’t think, fair or correct, because that’s not what we’re meant to do.” (6:49 | Dr. Eric Novack)
    • “The optimal state involves getting information from the sun, reproducing it inside and also our own electrical signals. So, when that goes out of balance, that eventually—sometimes fast, or sometimes slower—creates chaos, and that chaos is what is called inflammation. That’s the easy way to think of it. And the primary—not the only—but the primary conductor that connects all of these signals and what happens in the body is what happens in our mitochondria. So mitochondrial chaos is the result of inflammation.” (19:30 | Dr. Eric Novack)
    • “So, Number 1 [teenagers] are not getting their morning sun, or sun throughout the day... Then they’re getting basically a poison, to a certain degree, of these non-native EMFs from their Bluetooth headphones and their Wifi routers and their iPad up against their face, and all these other devices that they have up against their body that are also impairing, essentially, energy maintenance, homeostasis and production.” (33:37 | Dr. Eric Novack)
    • “Diet contributes as well. The truth is that, I do think that the crap food that we ate, that I ate, 45-50 years ago, is actually not as bad as the crap food people are eating today. The food is worse and the environment we’re eating it in is worse, and we’re getting less sunlight.” (37:43 | Dr. Eric Novack and Meredith Oke)


    Connect with Dr Eric Novack:


    Twitter / X: @eric_novack

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • EP 091: The Quantum Effects of Gentle Movements: Primitive Reflex Integration
    Aug 29 2024

    “Everything is connected to everything,” explains Amanda Stencken, PhD, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective Podcast to discuss the way small movements—rhythmic integrated movements to be exact—can create huge changes in the body. As Amanda explains, during our development in the womb and in our earliest years, our bodies make unconscious movements to help us develop and connect all of our parts to help us function optimally. When these movements, after serving their purpose, fail to phase themselves out, issues ranging from ADHD and autism to anxiety and weight gain arise.

    On today’s episode, Amanda explores the idea that the body stores all of our life baggage in our water, particularly in our fascia. And when we engage in movements that the body associates with safety, we open up pathways to allow for the rapid movement of information and ultimately healing. You’ll hear her explain why we need to learn to slow down, listen to our bodies, and trust that if we learn to give the right inputs, it will take care of the outputs.

    The best news is that it’s never too late to start to heal. Today Amanda and Meredith will share personal stories of healing through rhythmic integrated movements, as well as its benefits to women at all stages of menopause and its effects on trauma recovery.


    • “What a lot of people have figured out from observing babies and kids is that a lot of behavior issues, learning issues, reading disabilities, reading deficits, all go back to primitive reflexes that, for whatever reason, didn’t disappear when they were supposed to. They remained active…So what happens is these reflexes are active until different brain parts are linked up.” (9:20 | Amanda Steencken)
    • “The gentle movements that we do in rhythmic movement training, what are those doing? Could it be that those gentle movements are also generating electrons and charging our fourth phase water…could the water associated with that hold safety signals and safety information that got cut off life happens?” (33:03 | Amanda Steencken)
    • “Trauma. Abuse. A surgery. A disease…All these things affect our water, and if our water is so integral to information transmission and to memory storage, could it be that something so gentle as rhythmic rocking… is unsticking the water in us and allowing information to flow again?” (33:41 | Amanda Steencken)
    • “As we go on this journey of true healing, a key part of that is learning the language of the body, learning how to listen. And most of the time the things that the body says in terms of symptoms, pains, so on and so forth are the body’s way of telling us to, ‘Slow down. Chill out. I’ve got what I need. Trust me.” (43:50 | Amanda Steencken)


    Primitive Reflex Integration - https://mailchi.mp/horaioswellness/sakpen0807

    Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training - https://www.brmtusa.com/primitive-reflexes

    Connect with Amanda Steencken, PhD:

    Website: https://horaioswellness.com

    Book A Call w/ Amanda: https://calendly.com/horaioswellness/complimentary-discovery-conversation-video?month=2024-08

    Socials: https://www.instagram.com/horaioswellness/

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • EP 090: Sitting Still Outside: How To Ditch The Chronic Illness Trap
    Aug 22 2024
    “My life was giv[ing] me that door to say, ‘You need to stop and slow down. You don’t have another choice,’” says today’s guest, Vanessa Baldwin, a school teacher turned classical homeopath, ancestral health expert, and circadian biology coach. Vanessa’s health journey began with a series of chronic UTIs and bladder infections at the age of five. Over the years, she faced numerous health challenges that conventional medicine either failed to treat or, in some cases, worsened by suppressing her immune system. Living under constant stress, it wasn’t until she spent quiet moments outdoors that she discovered the healing power of circadian biology and homeopathy. In today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, Vanessa opens up about her experience as a vaccine injury survivor and the struggle of not being believed. She delves into homeopathy, explaining how healing can seem counterintuitive until we shift our perspective. Vanessa also discusses working with people’s energetic imprints and what symptoms are truly trying to communicate. The same Type-A personality that once contributed to Vanessa’s chronic stress now fuels her mission to share her insights with the world. Tune in to today’s discussion to learn what she wishes more people understood about circadian biology. Quotes “Just this go-go-go, hustle culture. When I look back at my life then, I think, ‘How did I survive that?’ I had to have been living on chronic stress hormones. I never stopped and repaired…all this depleting stuff. So, then I started racking up diseases all of a sudden. Here I am this really healthy, fit-looking person who runs a lot, and exercises a lot, and does meditation and yoga and all the things, people [would say] ‘You are so healthy.’” (15:18 | Vanessa Baldwin) “Nobody believed me that I had a jab injury. They totally didn’t; I was so dismissed…They said, ‘Here are your antidepressants. Move on.’ That’s how it felt.” (30:27 | Vanessa Baldwin and Meredith Oke)“That’s the magic, where it’s this strong aggravation, which is the immune system ramping up, the symptoms are causing—they’re nudging the body to do what it needed to do that it wasn’t doing. It’s telling the body, ‘OK, this is what you need to work on.’ So, that’s why the symptoms intensify. That’s the immune system finally revving up and doing its job to remove what needs to be removed.” (42:31 | Vanessa Baldwin) “The thing about homeopathy that I think is the most interesting is that you’re only taking an energetic imprint…that’s why it’s so pooh-poohed, because people say, ‘It’s nothing. You’re taking nothing.’...and people don’t understand that, but that’s what makes it so powerful and what makes it so effective.” (44:34 | Vanessa Baldwin) Links Connect with Vanessa Baldwin: Vanessa's Website: https://brightlightwellnesscoach.com/ Vanessa's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bright_light_wellness/ https://www.instagram.com/healingfamilieswithhomeopathy/ Vanessa's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-quantum-connection/id1687318126 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@BrightLightWellness/videos Free Homeopathy At Home Guide http://gem.godaddy.com/signups/425d2c01be2848b79193824b3e00c71f/join Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off https://us.boncharge.com/collections/blue-light-blocking-glasses **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense** To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve Twitter: @quantumhealthtv Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • EP 089: Circadian Regulation Starts At Conception & Matters For Life
    Aug 15 2024

    “A lot of people think that the placenta is just nourishing the baby, but it’s the portal where they’re getting these hormonal cues from,” says today’s guest, Nikko Kennedy, who returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. In this episode, she delves into the crucial role of circadian regulation starting at conception—even earlier. Nikko explains how a mother’s circadian rhythm influences everything from fertility and childbirth pain to the postpartum experience, shaping the baby’s vital early years. She also emphasizes the significance of nutrition and well-timed eating, particularly after birth, and draws insights from countries with extreme seasons.

    On a broader scale, Nikko highlights the societal impact of regulating light environments. She discusses how adjusting street lighting has protected endangered species, reduced crime, and supported the mental and emotional health of various communities. She also reveals the growing importance of circadian alignment in the medical, military, and airline industries and how these fields are working to better support their employees.

    Tune in as Nikko shares practical tips for enhancing circadian regulation in daily life and debunks one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding it.


    • “This whole idea that [during] motherhood and postpartum you’re going to be completely fatigued, you’re going to be feeling terrible, it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever been through…It still may be the hardest thing you’ve ever been through but it doesn’t have to be difficult in those particular ways if you can actually get your environment right, then we can naturally go into a polyphasic sleep.” (18:16 | Nikko Kennedy)
    • “You can’t have a healthy circadian rhythm that’s not in line with the sun. So, it doesn’t matter what your schedule is, it matters that your body understands what solar time it is.” (32:36 | Nikko Kennedy)
    • “When you think about the effects of circadian disruption on people who are living out on the streets…the potential impacts for a society where we actually had full circadian lighting in all public spaces [would be] so amazing and that group advocacy and awareness-building and moving into policy is really inspiring.” (38:34 | Nikko Kennedy)
    • “A lot of people think that the placenta is just nourishing the baby…That’s the portal where they’re also getting these hormonal cues from the mom to know day from night, just to control all the things so that they happen in the right order across the day.” (48:31 | Nikko Kennedy)


    Connect with Nikko Kennedy:

    To work with Nikko: https://nikkokennedy.com

    Nikko's Substack: www.brighterdaysdarkernights.com

    Instagram: @brighterdays.darkernights


    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • EP 088: From Hospital Doctor To Unconventional MD: Navigating The Quantum Paradigm Shift
    Aug 8 2024

    “If you don’t create your reality, your surroundings are going to create it for you, whether you like it or not,” says today’s guest Rachel Maurice, MD, on the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. Dr. Maurice discusses navigating personal and professional paradigm shifts, the power of the subconscious mind, and breaking out of the cult of medicine. After decades as an anesthesiologist at a leading hospital in British Columbia, Canada, the pandemic prompted her to question the traditional medical system. Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work, she realized our potential to control our circumstances and explore possibilities beyond the status quo.

    In today’s episode, Dr. Maurice and host Meredith Oke delve into how conditioning keeps us in a state of fear. They discuss Jason Christoff’s work and the absorbency of the subconscious mind compared to the conscious mind, emphasizing the importance of cleaning up our systems to access our subconscious power.

    Tune in to hear Dr. Maurice share a story about a former patient that illustrates the possibilities beyond the limitations of our five senses.


    • “Dr. Jack Kruse talks a lot about that, just how things have been designed and these protocols that are passed down from the people who make them and you just follow these protocols. That’s, in a sense, how evidence-based medicine was born…as opposed to doing individual-based medicine.” (22:26 | Rachel Maurice, MD)
    • “Upon working through Joe Dispenza’s work, my whole outlook on life changed, and instead of focusing on a lot of fear and potential catastrophes that could happen… I really started to open myself to the possibilities that could happen and realize that I could make those possibilities happen, and that’s what started happening in my life.” (29:00 | Rachel Maurice, MD)
    • “The more fear you’re in—and I think a lot of people can understand and see what comes out of the media, what’s on the news, what’s in our entertainment, who we surround ourselves with—that really helps shape how we see the world and actually how our physiology is run. So, the best way to empower yourself is to clean yourself up—clean up your mind, clean up your body, clean up your emotions.” (42:21 | Dr. Rachel Maurice)
    • “A lot of people are really still stuck in wanting to go to the doctor, wanting them to give them something. They really want something to take, and that’s really conditioning. And some external authority figure to diagnose…we want that certainty and that finality and give me the things that’s going to make this better.” (50:52 | Rachel Maurice, MD and Meredith Oke)


    Connect with Rachel Maurice, MD:

    To work with Rachel as a client: rachelmauricemd.com

    To join Rachel's team as a Lifewave patch distributor: https://www.lifewave.com/rachelmaurice/enrollment/packs

    Instagram: @rachel_maurice_md

    FB: Rachel Maurice

    To purchase Lifewave X39 patches retail: lifewave.com/qbcpodcast

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off


    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**

    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb

    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org

    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com

    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve

    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv

    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 21 mins