• Cultivating a Growth Mindset
    Jun 27 2022

    Cultivating a Growth Mindset

    Today we talk about GRIT and having a growth mindset. 

    Grit: Resourcefulness, Resilience, Courage, and Unstoppability = GROWTH

    When you grow, you are more aware.

    When you are more aware, you are ready to reveal.

    When you reveal a better version of yourself, you innovate. When you innovate, you are committing to action.

    When you take action, you transform.

    We are igniting a revolution in your current mindset.

    Own your stories, shift your mind, and redefine how you lead your life.

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    5 mins
  • 5 Ways to Improve the Power of Your Affirmations
    Jun 14 2022

    Affirmations are our self-talk. It is what we affirm to ourselves to be true and genuine. Affirmations are a reflection of our energetic state of being. For example, if you practice self-care and self-love, you can genuinely say that you feel loved and that you are loved. And it is so.

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    7 mins
  • What is it Costing You?
    May 31 2022

    If you are not showing up for yourself in the way you desire ask yourself, ask yourself why? And what is it costing you? 

    In this episode, we will discuss the number one cause for not manifesting your desires and how to overcome it. 

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    4 mins
  • The Power of Intentions
    May 23 2022

    Episode 12 -  The Power of Intentions

    With intentions, you aren’t just thinking a random thought about what you might want, but you are specifically asking the universe for something you deeply desire. The intention takes it to the next level, where you have made the decision, asked the universe, and begin the process of manifesting it. Intentions are very powerful when they are done correctly.

    If you want to be empowered, if you want to feel inspired, if you want to manifest your dreams, please subscribe to the podcast. We update weekly.

    Check us out on thesecretisselflove.com or join our private and supportive community at theselflove.network 

    Thank you, and you got this!

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    4 mins
  • Powerful Questions for Self-Actualization
    May 9 2022

    There are so many ways to honor your presence and your process of self-transformation. In this episode, I invite you to think about the things in your life you want to change and give yourself permission to do so.  Then make a list of those things in your journal so you can reflect on them as you continue your journey to full self-acceptance, self-love, and self-actualization. Because through any pain you’ve endured, you’re allowing room in your heart for something greater. Love, resilience, growth, and abundance to name a few.

    If you want to be empowered, if you want to feel inspired, if you want to manifest your dreams, please subscribe to the podcast. We update weekly.

    Check us out on thesecretisselflove.com or join our private and supportive community at theselflove.network

    Thank you, and you got this

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    3 mins
  • The Answers Within
    May 3 2022

    Episode 10 - The Answers Within You

    Often times the answers you seek are within. Today, I’m going to lead you through a powerful and transformative  exercise so that you can access your inner wisdom.

    Check us out on thesecretisselflove.com or join our private and supportive community at theselflove.network 

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    3 mins
  • Your Power is Your Purpose
    Apr 26 2022

    In Episode 8 we talked about steps to take action on your purpose. In this episode we’ll talk about the importance of your purpose.

    Beautiful soul, what is your purpose? Because your purpose, your deep “why”, is going to bring you through when you are feeling challenged, triggered, alone, misunderstood, or feel unsupported. Your “why” is ultimately why you made the decision to grow, to learn, and to help others and it is what is going to bring you through the days when you need it the most. Ask yourself what is the change you want to make for yourself and in the world? What is your bigger mission and your deep-level why? What is the impact you want to leave on the world?  What is the legacy you want to leave in the world, in your community, within individuals, within your family, your friends, and others? What is the impact?  Because we are in a time when the entire vibration of the planet is at stake, and every good thought you send out, every kind deed that you do, every person that you empower; it raises the vibration of this planet. You are in a position, a very important position right now to inspire, uplift, encourage, transform, and bring forth everlasting results, everlasting goodness. And I just want to remind you, that you are not alone, you are enough, you can do it, you are supported. However that support may look like to you. 

    If you want to be empowered, if you want to feel inspired, if you want to manifest your dreams, please subscribe to the podcast. We update weekly.

    Check us out on thesecretisselflove.com or join our private and supportive community at theselflove.network 

    Thank you, and you got this.

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    4 mins
  • 4 Steps To Take Action on your Life's Purpose
    Apr 19 2022

    4 Steps to take action on your life’s purpose 

    In Episode 7 we talked how to handle triggers and unhealthy attachments that are keeping us from our full potential. In this episode I ask you today, what do you want to experience in your life, what do you wish to be accomplished, 2, 5, 10, 20 years from now so that you can gain clarity on uncovering your purpose.

    Check us out on thesecretisselflove.com or join our private and supportive community at theselflove.network 

    Thank you and you got this!

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    3 mins