• 24 Empowering Our Children by De-Conditioning Ourselves
    Mar 27 2023

    In this episode, Tanya and I discuss how we can empower our children if we are willing to de-condition some of our beliefs about parenting and how children "should" behave.  

    We discuss parenting from survival vs. thriving and how it’s never too late to empower ourselves and our children.  It’s never too late to change your identity within these various roles.   

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Allowing our children to have their own experiences vs. forcing 
    • How our intention to empower our children often comes with conditions
    • When we aren’t resourced as parents, we can’t give what we don’t have (and if this is where you are, PLEASE give yourself some grace)
    • All the expectations we put on our children
    • Learning how to say no is healthy

    Questions you can ask yourself when you think about how you want to parent and empower your children:

    • What are your hell yeses and hell nos?
    • What are your defaults?  Are you saying yes to things you don’t want to?
    • How can I ask my children more questions versus telling them what I think?
    • Is my child’s safety or health at risk in this moment (could they actually die?) 

    Works discussed during this podcast:

    Karen Curry Parker

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

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    50 mins
  • 23 Do You Have Your Kid(s) Back?
    Mar 20 2023

    How do we continue and nourish our children with their growth and development? 
    How do we empower them with the ability to say yes or no for what is correct for them? 

    In this episode, we explore the above questions because that is going to be something we as humanity are constantly exploring and evolving towards.  

    We discuss the difference between empowerment from the energy of love and compassion vs. power that comes from the energy of fear/frustration/anger.  And the truth is, it's not just having our kid(s) back, it’s having our own back too.  

    We are constantly in the process of reparenting ourselves and so much love, grace and compassion are needed to do this.

     In this episode, we discuss:

    • What the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is, when it goes offline and how we react
    • Being the example with our kids and showing them repair in real time
    • It’s never too late for repair if your children are grown and don’t live with you
    • NO is actually empowering, there are 2 places where we practice learning to say NO in childhood (around age 2 and the teenage years)
    • Owning our NO’s

     Works mentioned in this episode:

    Dan Siegel

    Karen Curry Parker

    Healing Your Inner Child Videos by Karen Curry Parker

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 22 You Gotta Slow Down to Speed Up
    Mar 13 2023

    In this podcast Tanya shares that as she’s figuring out what she wants, at times, it might illicit anger and frustration in others.  

    We explore the concept of changing the direction from what we don’t want to focusing on what we DO want.  

    We discuss that what we are really afraid of isn’t failure but success and how that is actually stopping us from moving forward.  We discuss the survival response of staying connected to each other and our “tribe” because primitively if we were separated, that meant death.  

    We discuss in this episode:

    • Training our brains to focus on what we WANT not what we don’t want
    • Having compassion for our loved ones as we are making changes in our lives
    • Being in the question with your heart vs. your mind
    • Feeling fear, doubt and uncertainty are all normal when you are going after what you want

    If you want to receive your Human Design chart for free, you can go to our website and enter your data to receive it.

    Works mentioned in this episode:

    Polyvagal theory

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    56 mins
  • 21 Are you practicing just being YOU? (Travel episode)
    Mar 6 2023

    In this episode, Tanya shares her insights from packing for her Egypt trip as the “new” Tanya and noticed old struggles that wanted to emerge.  She continued to stay present with herself and practiced feeling calm during the process.  

     In this episode, we discuss:

    • Tanya's fears and insecurities of her past self
    • Why we conform and don't speak up for ourselves
    • Practicing allowing ourselves to be who we truly are even when it feels uncomfortable
    • Why she chose to not "mask up" when someone else on the boat was diagnosed with COVID

    If you want to receive your Human Design chart for free, you can go to our website and enter your data to receive it.

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    46 mins
  • 20 Feeling Anger (Part 2)
    Feb 27 2023

    In this episode, Tanya and I continue to discuss the emotion of anger and all the ways we resist, react or repress anger. 

    We discuss why we think something is justified or not when exploring anger and elaborate the ways to practice feeling anger.  Becoming aware of how anger shows up, even if it’s after the fact, is empowering because once you know, then you can change it if you want to. 

    We elaborate on what produces anger within us, why we are addicted/habituated to it at times and how we can safely express it. 

     In this episode, we discuss:

    • States of the stress response
    • Awareness of the thoughts you are thinking and where you feel anger in your body
    • Practicing allowing other emotions besides the go-to of anger
    • How to repair after you've experienced anger with others

    If you want to receive your Human Design chart for free, you can go to our website and enter your data to receive it.  

    Works mentioned in this episode:

    Abraham Hicks

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    55 mins
  • 19 Feeling Anger (Part 1)
    Feb 20 2023

    In this episode, we discuss how all humans experience anger, and that feeling anger IS normal.  Anger isn't good or bad, right or wrong.  It just is.  

    We also share how we use Human Design and Gene Keys as a tool to help us lean into feeling anger and understand why it comes up for us, our loved ones and our clients.  

    Sometimes our past conditioning and patterns influence how we either react to, repress or suppress the emotion of anger.

     In this episode, we discuss:

    • Neural pathways 
    • How our conditioning influences our expression of anger
    • The ways in which anger shows up in the different Human Design types
    • Why we are at times addicted to feeling anger

    If you want to receive your Human Design chart for free, you can go to our website and enter your data to receive it.

    Works mentioned in this episode:

    Karen Curry Parker

    Gene Keys

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    48 mins
  • 18 Boys, Girls and Unicorns
    Feb 13 2023

    In this podcast, we explore the idea of gender and identity.  

    The expectations and meanings we have as a society given to boy, girl, man, woman and everything in between.  

    We explore what it meant to us as children and as adults.  The stories that we have lived based on our parental and societal conditioning as to what being a boy or a girl looked like and how we were expected to act as girls as well as how we expect boys to act.

    We contemplate a little around religion, culture, race, family of origin and our own personal experiences have shaped our own beliefs around gender.  

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    56 mins
  • 17 Are You Ready to Unsubscribe from the Busyness?
    Feb 6 2023

    How do you want to feel about the holidays?  

    Do you want to feel busy and stressed out?  

    What would it be like to have a relaxing holiday that felt easy, joyful and connected with the people that you care about?  

    In this episode, we explore the practice of unsubscribing and opting out of the things that create stress and impact our well-being.  We explore questions around who it is that we want to be and the journey to become that.  We discuss the importance of our awareness and self- awareness in order to receive our presents.  Life is a GIFT, can you receive it?

     In this episode, we discuss:

    • In western society, we have a habit of connecting with each other through struggle versus thriving
    • When making big changes in your life, allowing for the stillness and pause is what is necessary to move you toward what you want
    • The habits we continue to create because our bodies are addicted to our most felt emotions.
    • The different phases of awareness and boundaries
    • Focusing on what we DO want versus focusing on what we don't want

    Questions to consider:

    • Who would I be if I had more time for me?
    • Who would I be if I had more connection in my life?
    • Who would I be if I had more intimacy in my life?
    • Who would I be as a healthy person?
    • Who would I be if I believed I had enough money?
    • Who would I be if I felt safe in this world?

    The IG reel we discussed on the podcast:

    Inner Elegancy

    The Who University™ Playground is a safe space where you can receive additional, compassionate support as you make your changes. Learn more at https://whouniversity.com

    You can follow us on Instagram and as always, thanks for listening💜.

    Show More Show Less
    59 mins