
  • 115: Taking a Hold of Your Future PLUS an Announcement
    Jul 4 2022
    We're in a unique time. When it comes to finding a career that is your true fit, we're facing so many options - embrace the opportunity! In this episode, I reflect on an enlightening week spent in London working with former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, and the Tony Blair Institute, and seeing where opportunity led me. So what are the doors that you're going to open to see what then opportunities are for you? Because there is no "I could never do that" anymore.
    Announcement: The podcast will be on break for the rest of the summer, and back labour day Monday. Make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss the exciting launch. If you have topics, guests or things you'd like to see for the podcast, I'd love to hear from you. Send me a note on my website: www.jimbeqaj.com See you in September!


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array

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    14 mins
  • 114: Finding the courage to pursue your dreams
    Jun 27 2022
    One of the things I've realized in my coaching practice is that people don't often think about their dreams. Instead they talk about making more money or getting a promotion, but never the journey that will get them there. At the core of it all, there's a hesitancy to have the courage to make something happen in the first place. In this episode, I unpack how to communicate your dreams, where to find courage, and how - when you find it - it can open up more opportunities in your career and personal life that you could have never imagined.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    13 mins
  • 113: You Can’t Always Level-up on Your Own: The Value of Seeking Help
    Jun 20 2022
    Many people are facing uncertainty when it comes to understanding how to get to the next level in their careers - including me. Even coaches need coaching! In this episode, I reflect on the fact that we can't always get to where we want to be on our own and the value in seeking help. Finding the right person to guide you on your journey can make all the difference in sparking creativity and finally finding some clarity.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    18 mins
  • 112: Do you find that sometimes the content of your communications is good, but somehow your delivery is missing the mark?
    Jun 13 2022
    There is a fair degree of confusion in our world, so it's more important than ever that your authenticity comes through accurately. Sometimes our message misses the mark for the wrong reasons. In this episode, I unpack why sometimes, in delivering your message, it is essential to see yourself from an outsider's perspective. Doing so makes you better able to be a better communicator of who you are and what your message is.
    Hypocrisy has reached new heights in every aspect of our lives; how to spot it and what can you do about it.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    18 mins
  • 111: A Not-So-Secret Business Secret
    Jun 6 2022
    If your workplace was your own business, would the people working for you be any different? Who is really in the proper role? At the core of every successful business are people. Happy people will always create a powerful and long-lasting organization. So why are so many companies missing the mark when it comes to using their people effectively? I discuss some stories of common missteps managers take on their path to success and how they can instead create a working environment where everyone can thrive.

    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    24 mins
  • 110: It’s Time to Do the Right Thing
    May 30 2022
    Given recent events in Texas, I've been doing a lot of thinking around common sense and what it means to "do the right thing". It's easy to spot the epidemic of self-interest and self-preservation in our modern day world that is keeping people from making good decisions, or even making a decision at all. It's time for that to end. In this episode, I unpack how we all have a role to play in doing the right thing, and advocating for truth in our everyday lives.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj
    Get in touch: jim@beqajinternational.com
    Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    11 mins
  • 109: The Theater of the Absurd Is Life
    May 23 2022
    Many people are looking around at their lives and just can't believe what they're seeing. It seems that our world is in need of desperate repair, and the solutions seem obvious, but for whatever reason things just don't seem to change. Today, we've got a big black cloud hovering over society, and sometimes it can feel all consuming. I reflect on my perception of the world around us and how to prioritize the time to find your happiness when it feels out of reach.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array

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    14 mins
  • 108: This Is Going to Be a Difficult Conversation…
    May 16 2022
    The ability to be open isn’t easy. It can take people years to come to terms with the fact that the truth will set them free. But leading with truth and transparency also means you need to find a way to foster an environment where when people are honest, they don’t feel like they’re getting punished for it. So how do you do that? In this episode, I discuss the different sides of a difficult conversation, how to be mindful of the landmines that will inevitably be in the path of every relationship, and how to approach them with care.


    Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.
    Host: Jim Beqaj

    Read my book, True Fit: How to Find the Right Job By Being You.

    For Recruiting: www.beqajinternational.com
    For Performance Coaching : https://www.jimbeqaj.com/
    Producer: Kattie Laur
    Music from Motion Array
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    12 mins