
  • Witch Talk - Episode 31 (sep 16th - sep 22nd: lunar eclipse in pisces)
    Sep 16 2024

    In this week's episode, Bri dives into the important movements of the cosmos beginning on September 16th, as the Moon enters Pisces, awakening a sensitivity to the realms of intuition and dream. With Mars in Cancer squaring the retrograde North Node in Aries, the week opens with tensions between emotional security and the soul’s evolutionary imperative. On the 17th, the lunar eclipse in Pisces brings the Pisces-Virgo axis into sharp focus—this is the tension between the spiritual and the material, the formless and the structured. As the Moon moves into Aries on the 18th, Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, pulling us into a confrontation with the limits of our ideals, forcing precision amidst Piscean dissolution. The Sun’s trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on the 19th signals unexpected breakthroughs, shaking the foundations of our earthly attachments. On the 20th, the Moon enters Taurus, grounding us once again, but the Sun’s opposition to Neptune retrograde in Pisces sharpens the edge of disillusionment and revelation. The week crescendos as Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini on the 21st, amplifying the clash between details and overarching visions. Libra season arrives on the 22nd with the fall equinox, bringing a delicate equilibrium, though Venus’ square to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn reminds us that balance is forged in the fires of deep transformation.

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    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading, visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    22 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 30 (sep 9th - sep 15th: grand air trine)
    Sep 9 2024

    In Episode 30 of Witch Talk, Bri dives into the week of September 9th to 15th, a strategic and flourishing lead-up to the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. With Mercury entering its domicile of Virgo, intellect becomes sacred—it's the perfect time to fine-tune your routines and communicate with precision. A Grand Air Trine graces us on the 15th, bringing harmonious energy that balances practicality with expansive ideas. This week is all about taking thoughtful, deliberate actions in preparation for the powerful changes ahead.

    🫧 Are you registered to vote? Check your voter registration at https://www.vote.org/

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    14 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 29 (sep 2nd - sep 8th: new moon in virgo)
    Sep 2 2024

    September opens with a potent New Moon in Virgo on the 2nd, inviting us to refine and perfect our plans, setting the stage for the weeks ahead. As we move into the 3rd, Mars in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating a fog of confusion that may challenge our focus and drive. On the 4th, the Moon's shift into Libra, Mars' entrance into Cancer, and Venus squaring the Nodes bring a complex day of emotional recalibration, relationship dynamics, and karmic crossroads. By the 7th, the Moon's ingress into Scorpio intensifies our emotional landscape just as Mercury in Leo squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus, sparking sudden ideas or disruptions. Finally, on the 8th, the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, confronting us with the realities of our commitments and the need for disciplined growth.

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    11 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 28 (aug 26th- sep 1st: pluto leaves aquarius)
    Aug 26 2024

    In this week's episode of Witch Talk, Bri covers astrological events from August 26th to September 1st, 2024. The week begins with Venus in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus on August 27th, bringing unexpected surprises in love and finances. On August 28th, the Moon enters Cancer, shifting focus to home and security, while Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating potential relationship confusion. Mercury stations direct in Leo, clearing up communication issues. On August 29th, Venus enters Libra, enhancing relationship harmony, followed by a transformative Venus-Pluto trine. The Moon enters Leo on August 30th, adding drama and creativity, with no major events on August 31st. The week concludes on September 1st with Uranus stationing retrograde in Taurus, prompting internal reflection on changes, and Pluto retrograde leaving Aquarius for Capricorn, urging reflection on power transformations since 2008.

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    17 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 27 (aug 12th- aug 18th: a very tense week)
    Aug 14 2024

    In this week's episode of Witch Talk, Bri dives into the tense and charged cosmic energies shaping the skies. We start with Mars conjoining Jupiter in Gemini on the 14th, sparking a surge of restless curiosity, only to be tempered by Mercury's shift from Virgo to Leo, urging us to rethink how we express our will and creativity. As the week unfolds, Mars in Gemini squares Saturn Retrograde in Pisces on the 16th, bringing tension between our desires and the limitations that hold us back. Finally, the 18th sees Mercury Retrograde in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus, challenging us with unexpected disruptions, while the Sun's Cazimi with Mercury brings a powerful moment of clarity and insight amidst the chaos.

    🫧 TAKE 30% OFF OF THE BIRTH CHART DEEP DIVE READING UNTIL AUGUST 25TH 2024 https://www.tohpaz.com/readings

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    11 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 26 (aug 5th- aug 11th: mercury rx in virgo)
    Aug 8 2024

    In this week's episode of Witch Talk, Bri dives into the profound implications of Mercury Retrograde beginning in the meticulous sign of Virgo on August 5th, urging us to reconsider and realign our daily routines and communications. On August 7th, there's a harmonious sextile between the radiant Sun in Leo and expansive Jupiter in Gemini, sparking a surge of optimism, creativity, and expansive dialogue. Concurrently, Mercury's retrograde path forms a conjunction with Venus in Virgo, inviting us to re-evaluate our relationships and values with a discerning and analytical eye.

    🫧 TAKE 30% OFF OF THE BIRTH CHART DEEP DIVE READING UNTIL AUGUST 25TH 2024 https://www.tohpaz.com/readings

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    9 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 25 (jul 29th- aug 4th: new moon in leo)
    Jul 29 2024

    In this week's episode of Witch Talk, Bri dives into the shifts and celestial events that shape the week going into August. Starting on July 29th, the Moon enters curious Gemini, sparking a surge in communication and mental agility. As we move into July 31st, the Moon transitions into nurturing Cancer, inviting us to focus on home and emotional connections. August 1st brings a harmonious Sun in Leo trine the North Node in Aries, encouraging us to align our creative passions with our destined path. On August 2nd, Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, highlighting unexpected changes in love and values. The week crescendos on August 3rd with a Mars in Gemini sextile the North Node in Aries, driving us to take bold, assertive actions. Finally, August 4th features a powerful New Moon in Leo, perfect for setting bold intentions, followed by Venus's shift into discerning Virgo, urging us to refine our approach to love and beauty.

    🫧 TAKE 30% OFF OF THE BIRTH CHART DEEP DIVE READING UNTIL AUGUST 25TH 2024 https://www.tohpaz.com/readings

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

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    15 mins
  • Witch Talk - Episode 24 (jul 22nd- jul 28th: leo season)
    Jul 22 2024

    In Episode 24 of Witch Talk, Bri dives into the strong astrological events of the first week of Leo Season. She explores the Sun in Leo's opposition to Pluto in Aquarius on the 23rd, highlighting the tension between individuality and collective transformation. On the 25th, Mercury enters Virgo, sharpening our analytical skills and prepping us for its retrograde. At the same time, the Sun in Leo forms a sextile to Mars in Gemini, fueling creativity and assertive communication. Bri wraps up with the 26th, discussing Chiron's retrograde in Aries and its call for healing and self-discovery.

    🫧 TAKE 30% OFF OF THE BIRTH CHART DEEP DIVE READING UNTIL AUGUST 25TH 2024 https://www.tohpaz.com/readings

    🫧 Share your stories and questions for our new bonus series, "Cosmic Counseling" at https://forms.gle/DZPCfmUHMzhcMnkX7

    🫧 Join Bri in making a difference today by contributing what you can to support the families and children in Palestine. Donate to https://www.mecaforpeace.org/ to assist in providing medical aid, emotional & psychological support - as well as clean food and water for families who have left their homes to find shelter elsewhere. Offer whatever support you're able to at https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/healpalestine/donation.jsp?campaign=1&test=true, a non-political and non-profit organization committed to the restoration and rehabilitation of injured and sick children in Palestine. Operation Olive Branch Linktree: https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch

    🫧 Instagram: @tohpazzz

    🫧 Tiktok: @tohpazzz

    🫧 To book a personal reading visit www.tohpaz.com OR email tohpazzz@gmail.com

    Show More Show Less
    15 mins