• Trust, Tension, and Triumph: Barcelona's Startup Adventure

  • Nov 26 2024
  • Length: 18 mins
  • Podcast

Trust, Tension, and Triumph: Barcelona's Startup Adventure

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Trust, Tension, and Triumph: Barcelona's Startup Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ca/episode/2024-11-26-23-34-02-ca Story Transcript:Ca: La llum ataronjada de la tardor il·luminava les finestres del centre d'incubadores de startups a Barcelona.En: The orange light of autumn illuminated the windows of the startup incubator center in Barcelona.Ca: L'ambient era vibrant.En: The atmosphere was vibrant.Ca: Joves emprenedors es movien frenèticament, preparant-se per al gran esdeveniment de la setmana: la jornada de presentacions davant inversors.En: Young entrepreneurs moved frantically, preparing for the big event of the week: the presentation day before investors.Ca: Entre ells hi havia l'Oriol i la Gemma.En: Among them were Oriol and Gemma.Ca: L'Oriol era un emprenedor ambiciós amb grans somnis per a la seva startup tecnològica.En: Oriol was an ambitious entrepreneur with big dreams for his tech startup.Ca: La Gemma, la seva amiga i sòcia, era escèptica però sempre havia estat al seu costat, oferint-li suport i consells.En: Gemma, his friend and partner, was skeptical but had always been by his side, offering support and advice.Ca: A mesura que s'apropava l'hora de la seva presentació, l'Oriol se sentia cada cop més nerviós.En: As the time for their presentation approached, Oriol felt increasingly nervous.Ca: Era conscient que aquest esdeveniment era crucial pel futur de la seva empresa.En: He was aware that this event was crucial for the future of his company.Ca: La Gemma, observant-lo, li va fer una pallissa a l'espatlla.En: Observing him, Gemma gave him a pat on the shoulder.Ca: "Tens això, Oriol," li va dir ella somrient.En: "You've got this, Oriol," she said with a smile.Ca: "Hem assajat molt.En: "We've practiced a lot.Ca: Confia en tu mateix.En: Trust in yourself."Ca: "Tanmateix, les mans de l'Oriol tremolaven.En: However, Oriol's hands were trembling.Ca: Estava aterrit davant la idea de fer malbé la seva gran oportunitat.En: He was terrified of ruining his big opportunity.Ca: A més, la tensió entre ell i la Gemma pels detalls finals de la presentació no ajudava a calmar-lo.En: Furthermore, the tension between him and Gemma over the final details of the presentation did not help calm him.Ca: Finalment, va arribar el moment.En: Finally, the moment arrived.Ca: L'Oriol i la Gemma van pujar a l'escenari.En: Oriol and Gemma took the stage.Ca: Les llums brillants il·luminaven les seves cares, i l'audiència esperava amb atenció.En: The bright lights illuminated their faces, and the audience waited attentively.Ca: L'Oriol va començar amb el discurs preparat, però el seu cap li donava voltes amb dubtes i incerteses.En: Oriol began with the prepared speech, but his mind was swirling with doubts and uncertainties.Ca: Tot anava segons el pla fins que un dels inversors va formular una pregunta complicada: "Com sabeu que el vostre producte serà escalable en altres mercats internacionals?En: Everything was going according to plan until one of the investors posed a complicated question: "How do you know your product will be scalable in other international markets?"Ca: "L'Oriol es va quedar paralitzat un segon.En: Oriol froze for a second.Ca: Sentia que duia dues opcions: seguir el pla preparat o deixar-se portar pel seu instint.En: He felt he had two options: stick to the prepared plan or follow his instincts.Ca: Va mirar la Gemma, que li va donar un assentiment subtil.En: He looked at Gemma, who gave him a subtle nod.Ca: Amb un sentiment renovat de confiança, va decidir seguir el seu cor.En: With a renewed sense of confidence, he decided to follow his heart.Ca: "El nostre producte es basa en tecnologies flexibles i adaptatives," va començar, deixant a un costat les notes.En: "Our product is based on flexible and adaptive technologies," he began, setting aside his notes.Ca: "Creiem fermament que les eines que hem creat poden adaptar-se a diversos mercats gràcies a la nostra innovació constant i el talent del nostre equip.En: "We firmly believe that the tools we've created can adapt to various markets thanks to our constant innovation and the talent of our team."Ca: "L'audiència es va quedar uns moments en silenci, però després es van sentir algunes capses d’aplaudiments.En: The audience remained silent for a few moments, but then some applause was heard.Ca: Algunes cares d'inversors mostraven interès temerós però esperançador.En: Some investors' faces showed wary but hopeful interest.Ca: Quan van acabar, l'Oriol i la Gemma van baixar de l'escenari amb una respiració alleujada.En: When they finished, Oriol and Gemma stepped down from the stage with relieved breaths.Ca: La presentació havia acabat, però l'interès genuí dels inversors els va donar motius per ser optimistes.En: The presentation was over, but the genuine interest from the investors gave them reasons to be optimistic.Ca: De tornada, ...
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