FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Courage: Marek's Leap From Stats to Storytelling
    Nov 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Courage: Marek's Leap From Stats to Storytelling Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-26-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V jasnom, teplom svetle jesenného popoľudnia sa Startup Inkubátor v Bratislave hemžil nenásytnou energiou a nádejou.En: In the clear, warm light of an autumn afternoon, the Startup Inkubátor in Bratislava buzzed with insatiable energy and hope.Sk: Za veľkými oknami šumel jemný jesenný vietor a farbisté lístie sa ticho usádzalo po ulici.En: Outside the large windows, a gentle autumn breeze rustled and colorful leaves quietly settled on the street.Sk: Vo vnútri, medzi modernými umeleckými dielami a lákavým šumom, stál Marek.En: Inside, amidst modern artworks and enticing chatter, stood Marek.Sk: Mladý podnikateľ, pripravený postaviť sa pred investorov, držal v rukách svoj osud.En: A young entrepreneur, ready to stand before investors, he held his fate in his hands.Sk: Anna, Marekova dlhoročná priateľka, ho tlmene povzbudzovala.En: Anna, Marek's longtime friend, was softly encouraging him.Sk: "Marek, verím v tvoje schopnosti," hovorila mu s jemným úsmevom.En: "Marek, I believe in your abilities," she said with a gentle smile.Sk: "Nezabúdaj, že najdôležitejšie je ukázať, prečo ti na tom záleží.En: "Don't forget that the most important thing is to show why it matters to you.Sk: Možno by si mohol pridať príbeh o tom, ako si prišiel na tento nápad.En: Maybe you could add the story of how you came up with this idea."Sk: " Ale Marek bol nervózny.En: But Marek was nervous.Sk: "Možno," povedal nesmelo.En: "Maybe," he said hesitantly.Sk: "Ale mám pripravenú klasickú prezentáciu.En: "But I have a classic presentation prepared."Sk: “Jozef, známy investor, sa už postavil pred publikum.En: Jozef, a well-known investor, had already stepped in front of the audience.Sk: Obrátka bola jasná - chcel vidieť koncepcie, ktoré by mali potenciál rásť.En: His call was clear—he wanted to see concepts with potential for growth.Sk: Posadil sa s pokerovou tvárou a čakal na ďalší pitch.En: He sat down with a poker face and awaited the next pitch.Sk: Keď Marek prišiel na rad, jeho srdce bilo ako splašené.En: When Marek's turn came, his heart was racing.Sk: Sálou sa rozšíril šepot, ale Marek sa snažil sústrediť.En: A whisper spread through the room, but Marek tried to concentrate.Sk: "Vážené dámy a páni," začal Marek a jeho hlas trochu zakolísal.En: "Ladies and gentlemen," Marek began, his voice wavering slightly.Sk: Predstavil myšlienku aplikácie, ktorá sa zameriava na uľahčenie učenia cudzích jazykov pomocou inovatívnych metód.En: He introduced the idea of an application focused on making language learning easier using innovative methods.Sk: Ukázal prezentáciu, plnú štatistík a grafov.En: He showed a presentation full of statistics and graphs.Sk: Avšak, v polovici, keď Jozef položil ťažkú otázku o konkurenčnej výhode, Marek sa zasekol.En: However, halfway through, when Jozef posed a tough question about competitive advantage, Marek stalled.Sk: Pripadal si, akoby ho všetky oči v miestnosti odrazu spaľovali.En: He felt as if all eyes in the room were suddenly burning into him.Sk: V tom tichu sa Marek rozhodol.En: In that silence, Marek made a decision.Sk: Spomenul si na Annine slová.En: He remembered Anna's words.Sk: "Keď som bol mladší," začal Marek, jeho hlas teraz pokojnejší, "mal som problémy učiť sa nemčinu.En: "When I was younger," Marek began, his voice now calmer, "I had trouble learning German.Sk: Môj učiteľ ma inšpiroval nájsť lepší spôsob.En: My teacher inspired me to find a better way.Sk: Tento projekt je pokračovaním toho sna, pomôcť iným, aby učenie nebolo prekážkou, ale zážitkom.En: This project is the continuation of that dream, to help others so that learning isn't a barrier but an experience."Sk: "Jozefovi sa v očiach zaleskol záblesk záujmu.En: A glimmer of interest appeared in Jozef's eyes.Sk: Po prezentácii pristúpil k Marekovi.En: After the presentation, he approached Marek.Sk: "Je to zaujímavé.En: "It's interesting.Sk: Poďme sa o tom porozprávať viac," povedal s úsmevom.En: Let's talk more about it," he said with a smile.Sk: Marek tú noc odišiel domov unavený, no srdce mu horelo nádejou.En: That night Marek went home tired but his heart burned with hope.Sk: Nie preto, že by mal jasnú odpoveď, ale preto, že našiel odvahu hovoriť o svojom sne.En: Not because he had a clear answer, but because he found the courage to speak about his dream.Sk: Bol viac sebavedomý, pripravený kráčať na ceste, ktorú si vybral.En: He was more confident, ready to walk the path he had chosen.Sk: Odteraz vedel, že jeho sila spočíva nielen v perfektne zostavených grafoch, ale aj v príbeh, ktorým inšpiruje iných.En: From now on, he knew his strength ...
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    16 mins
  • From Snowy Peaks to Heartfelt Confessions: A Tatry Adventure
    Nov 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Snowy Peaks to Heartfelt Confessions: A Tatry Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-25-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Cesta do Tatier sa začala ako obyčajný nápad jedného studeného novembrového večera.En: The trip to the Tatry began as an ordinary idea on a cold November evening.Sk: Ladislav sedel s kamarátmi, Zuzanou a Miroslavom, v malej kaviarni v Bratislave.En: Ladislav was sitting with his friends, Zuzana and Miroslav, in a small café in Bratislava.Sk: Ladislav, s fotobatohom vždy pripraveným, sa zrazu rozžiaril: „Čo keby sme šli do Tatier na víkend?En: Ladislav, always ready with his camera backpack, suddenly brightened up: "What if we went to the Tatry for the weekend?Sk: Sneh už padá, a ja potrebujem perfektný záber pre svoj projekt.En: It's already snowing, and I need a perfect shot for my project."Sk: “Zuzana, opatrná ako vždy, pozdvihla obočie: „Ale počasie môže byť nebezpečné.En: Zuzana, cautious as always, raised an eyebrow: "But the weather can be dangerous.Sk: Musíme to dobre naplánovať, nech sa niečo nestane.En: We need to plan well so that nothing happens."Sk: “ V jej hlase bola obava, ale v očiach túžba po dobrodružstve.En: Her voice carried concern, but her eyes had a glint of a desire for adventure.Sk: Miroslav, známy pre svoju pokojnosť a lásku k prírode, prikývol: „Bude to skvelé.En: Miroslav, known for his calmness and love for nature, nodded: "It will be great.Sk: Už dlho som chcel vidieť Tatry zasnežené.En: I've wanted to see the Tatry covered in snow for a long time.Sk: A možno bude príležitosť povedať Zuzane to, čo cítim.En: And maybe there will be a chance to tell Zuzana what I feel."Sk: “Nasledujúce ráno sa vydali na cestu.En: The next morning, they set off on their journey.Sk: Obloha bola sivá, ale to ich nadšenie neznížilo.En: The sky was gray, but their enthusiasm was not dampened.Sk: Tatry sa týčili na horizonte, s vrcholkami pokrytými bielou prikrývkou.En: The Tatry loomed on the horizon, with their peaks covered in a white blanket.Sk: „Pozrite sa, ako je to nádherné!En: "Look how beautiful it is!"Sk: “ Ladislav nemohol zakryť svoje vzrušenie.En: Ladislav couldn't hide his excitement.Sk: Cesta viedla cez úzke lesné cestičky a serpentíny.En: The journey led through narrow forest paths and switchbacks.Sk: Zrazu sa obloha zatiahla a sneženie zosilnelo.En: Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the snowfall intensified.Sk: Zuzana na okamih zabrzdila: „Myslím, že by sme sa mohli vrátiť.En: Zuzana braked momentarily: "I think we might want to turn back.Sk: Cesta začína byť nebezpečná.En: The road is starting to get dangerous."Sk: “Ladislav sa zamyslel: „Potrebujem ten záber, ale možno máš pravdu.En: Ladislav pondered: "I need that shot, but maybe you're right.Sk: Čo myslíš, Miroslav?En: What do you think, Miroslav?"Sk: “ Miroslav cítil, že toto je jeho chvíľa zasiahnúť.En: Miroslav felt this was his moment to interject.Sk: „Myslím, že by sme mohli hľadať nejakú chatku na prenocovanie.En: "I think we could look for a cabin to spend the night.Sk: Tam by sme sa mohli rozhodnúť, čo ďalej.En: We can decide our next steps there."Sk: “Rýchlo našli malú drevenú chalupu, ktorú prenajímala postaršia miestna pani.En: They quickly found a small wooden hut rented by an elderly local lady.Sk: Bola útulná, s praskajúcim krbom a teplým kakaom na stole.En: It was cozy, with a crackling fireplace and warm cocoa on the table.Sk: Keď sa sneh prestal padať a slnko sa začalo pomaly predrievať, Ladislav prichystal svoje fotoaparáty.En: When the snow stopped falling and the sun began to slowly appear, Ladislav prepared his cameras.Sk: Stál vonku pred chatou, keď sa objavil úchvatný východ slnka.En: He stood outside the cabin when a breathtaking sunrise unfolded.Sk: Sneh sa zaleskol ako tisíce diamantov.En: The snow glistened like thousands of diamonds.Sk: Ladislav stlačil spúšť, spokojný s tým, že trpezlivosť priniesla ovocie.En: Ladislav pressed the shutter, satisfied that patience bore fruit.Sk: Medzičasom Miroslav sedel so Zuzanou pri krbe.En: Meanwhile, Miroslav sat by the fireplace with Zuzana.Sk: Povzbudený krásou chvíle sa k nej mierne otočil: „Zuzana, už dlho som ti chcel povedať, že pre mňa znamenáš viac než kamarátku.En: Encouraged by the moment's beauty, he gently turned to her: "Zuzana, I've wanted to tell you for a while now that you mean more to me than just a friend."Sk: “Zuzana, prekvapená, ale šťastná, pochopila náhle krásu spontánnosti.En: Zuzana, surprised but happy, suddenly understood the beauty of spontaneity.Sk: Usmiala sa: „Myslím, že tento výlet mi ukázal, že niekedy je dobré riskovať.En: She smiled: "I think this trip showed me that sometimes it's good to take risks."Sk: “A tak, kým ...
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    16 mins
  • Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains
    Nov 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V malebnej dedinke nemerčenej nádhernými vrchmi Tatier sa začalo chystať zimné školske festival.En: In a picturesque village cradled by the stunning peaks of the Tatry mountains, the preparations for the winter school festival were underway.Sk: Vonku bola jeseň, vietor prenášal prvú snehovú pokrývku medzi starými drevenými domčekmi.En: Outside, it was autumn, and the wind was carrying the first blanket of snow between the old wooden cottages.Sk: Miestna škola, jednoduchá a útulná, bola obklopená rozžiarenými svetlami a papierovými vločkami.En: The local school, simple and cozy, was surrounded by bright lights and paper snowflakes.Sk: Jozef, plachý chlapec, sedel v lavici s hlavou plnou myšlienok.En: Jozef, a shy boy, sat at his desk with a head full of thoughts.Sk: Bol tichý a nenápadný, no vášnivo miloval hudbu.En: He was quiet and unassuming, but he had a passionate love for music.Sk: Od leta sa tajne učil hrať na husle.En: Since summer, he had been secretly learning to play the violin.Sk: Nemal však odvahu to niekomu povedať.En: However, he did not have the courage to tell anyone.Sk: Obával sa, že by sa mu spolužiaci vysmiali.En: He feared that his classmates would laugh at him.Sk: Jeho túžba stála pred ním ako nevyslovená výzva – zahrať svoju skladbu pred všetkými na festivale.En: His desire stood before him as an unspoken challenge—to play his piece in front of everyone at the festival.Sk: Na čele festivalu stála Marta.En: Leading the festival was Marta.Sk: Bystré dievča, ktoré všetci rešpektovali pre jej organizačné schopnosti.En: A smart girl who everyone respected for her organizational skills.Sk: Vždy mala plán a všetko vedela vyriešiť.En: She always had a plan and could solve everything.Sk: Pre ňu bol festival dôležitou udalosťou.En: For her, the festival was an important event.Sk: Chcela, aby všetko prebehlo hladko.En: She wanted everything to go smoothly.Sk: Jozef sa tajne zapísal do zoznamu účinkujúcich.En: Jozef secretly signed up on the list of performers.Sk: Nervozita ho prenasledovala, no hlboká túžba po vyjadrení vlastnej hudby bola silnejšia.En: Nervousness followed him, but the deep desire to express his own music was stronger.Sk: Keď sa Marta dozvedela o novom prírastku v programe, bola zvedavá, kto to je.En: When Marta learned about the new addition to the program, she was curious about who it was.Sk: O Jozefových husliach nevedela nič.En: She knew nothing about Jozef's violin.Sk: Nastal deň festivalu.En: The day of the festival arrived.Sk: Školská jedáleň sa premenila na malú scénu.En: The school cafeteria was transformed into a small stage.Sk: Deti so šťastím sledovali farebné svetlá a ruch.En: Children watched the colorful lights and buzz with happiness.Sk: Všetko išlo podľa Martina plánu.En: Everything went according to Marta's plan.Sk: Keď prišiel Jozef na radu, pocítil trému.En: When Jozef's turn came, he felt stage fright.Sk: Stál na pódiu s husľami v ruke, pohľadom sa otočil k Marte, ktorá mala po starosti mikrofóny.En: He stood on the stage with the violin in his hand, looking at Marta, who was in charge of the microphones.Sk: Náhle sa ozval šum.En: Suddenly there was a noise.Sk: Mikrofón prestal fungovať.En: The microphone stopped working.Sk: Marta hľadela okolo seba, hľadajúc riešenie.En: Marta looked around, searching for a solution.Sk: Prešla jej myslou rýchlosťou blesku myšlienka k odloženiu vystúpenia.En: The thought of postponing the performance flashed through her mind.Sk: Napokon však dokráčala k Jozefovi blízko pódia a jemne mu povedala: „Pokračuj.En: Finally, she walked up to Jozef near the stage and gently said to him, "Go on.Sk: Oni ťa počúvajú.En: They are listening to you."Sk: “Jozef sa nadýchol, zatvoril oči a začal hrať.En: Jozef took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to play.Sk: Husle vypĺňali miestnosť jemnými melódiami.En: The violin filled the room with delicate melodies.Sk: Postupne sa všetci stíšili, fascinovaní zvukom a jeho talentom.En: Gradually, everyone quieted down, fascinated by the sound and his talent.Sk: Aj Marta stála v úžasnom tichu, rešpektujúc jeho odvahu.En: Even Marta stood in awe, respecting his courage.Sk: Keď Jozef dohral, miestnosť sa rozpraskala do potlesku.En: When Jozef finished playing, the room erupted into applause.Sk: Jeho vnútorný strach sa stratil a stál s hrdosťou.En: His inner fear dissipated, and he stood with pride.Sk: Marta ku nemu prišla a úsmev na perách ju neopustil: „Skvelé!En: Marta came over to him, the smile not leaving her face: "Great!Sk: Aj bez mikrofónu si to zvládol.En: You managed it even without a microphone."Sk:...
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    17 mins

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