
  • Finding Courage: Marek's Leap From Stats to Storytelling
    Nov 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Courage: Marek's Leap From Stats to Storytelling Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-26-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V jasnom, teplom svetle jesenného popoľudnia sa Startup Inkubátor v Bratislave hemžil nenásytnou energiou a nádejou.En: In the clear, warm light of an autumn afternoon, the Startup Inkubátor in Bratislava buzzed with insatiable energy and hope.Sk: Za veľkými oknami šumel jemný jesenný vietor a farbisté lístie sa ticho usádzalo po ulici.En: Outside the large windows, a gentle autumn breeze rustled and colorful leaves quietly settled on the street.Sk: Vo vnútri, medzi modernými umeleckými dielami a lákavým šumom, stál Marek.En: Inside, amidst modern artworks and enticing chatter, stood Marek.Sk: Mladý podnikateľ, pripravený postaviť sa pred investorov, držal v rukách svoj osud.En: A young entrepreneur, ready to stand before investors, he held his fate in his hands.Sk: Anna, Marekova dlhoročná priateľka, ho tlmene povzbudzovala.En: Anna, Marek's longtime friend, was softly encouraging him.Sk: "Marek, verím v tvoje schopnosti," hovorila mu s jemným úsmevom.En: "Marek, I believe in your abilities," she said with a gentle smile.Sk: "Nezabúdaj, že najdôležitejšie je ukázať, prečo ti na tom záleží.En: "Don't forget that the most important thing is to show why it matters to you.Sk: Možno by si mohol pridať príbeh o tom, ako si prišiel na tento nápad.En: Maybe you could add the story of how you came up with this idea."Sk: " Ale Marek bol nervózny.En: But Marek was nervous.Sk: "Možno," povedal nesmelo.En: "Maybe," he said hesitantly.Sk: "Ale mám pripravenú klasickú prezentáciu.En: "But I have a classic presentation prepared."Sk: “Jozef, známy investor, sa už postavil pred publikum.En: Jozef, a well-known investor, had already stepped in front of the audience.Sk: Obrátka bola jasná - chcel vidieť koncepcie, ktoré by mali potenciál rásť.En: His call was clear—he wanted to see concepts with potential for growth.Sk: Posadil sa s pokerovou tvárou a čakal na ďalší pitch.En: He sat down with a poker face and awaited the next pitch.Sk: Keď Marek prišiel na rad, jeho srdce bilo ako splašené.En: When Marek's turn came, his heart was racing.Sk: Sálou sa rozšíril šepot, ale Marek sa snažil sústrediť.En: A whisper spread through the room, but Marek tried to concentrate.Sk: "Vážené dámy a páni," začal Marek a jeho hlas trochu zakolísal.En: "Ladies and gentlemen," Marek began, his voice wavering slightly.Sk: Predstavil myšlienku aplikácie, ktorá sa zameriava na uľahčenie učenia cudzích jazykov pomocou inovatívnych metód.En: He introduced the idea of an application focused on making language learning easier using innovative methods.Sk: Ukázal prezentáciu, plnú štatistík a grafov.En: He showed a presentation full of statistics and graphs.Sk: Avšak, v polovici, keď Jozef položil ťažkú otázku o konkurenčnej výhode, Marek sa zasekol.En: However, halfway through, when Jozef posed a tough question about competitive advantage, Marek stalled.Sk: Pripadal si, akoby ho všetky oči v miestnosti odrazu spaľovali.En: He felt as if all eyes in the room were suddenly burning into him.Sk: V tom tichu sa Marek rozhodol.En: In that silence, Marek made a decision.Sk: Spomenul si na Annine slová.En: He remembered Anna's words.Sk: "Keď som bol mladší," začal Marek, jeho hlas teraz pokojnejší, "mal som problémy učiť sa nemčinu.En: "When I was younger," Marek began, his voice now calmer, "I had trouble learning German.Sk: Môj učiteľ ma inšpiroval nájsť lepší spôsob.En: My teacher inspired me to find a better way.Sk: Tento projekt je pokračovaním toho sna, pomôcť iným, aby učenie nebolo prekážkou, ale zážitkom.En: This project is the continuation of that dream, to help others so that learning isn't a barrier but an experience."Sk: "Jozefovi sa v očiach zaleskol záblesk záujmu.En: A glimmer of interest appeared in Jozef's eyes.Sk: Po prezentácii pristúpil k Marekovi.En: After the presentation, he approached Marek.Sk: "Je to zaujímavé.En: "It's interesting.Sk: Poďme sa o tom porozprávať viac," povedal s úsmevom.En: Let's talk more about it," he said with a smile.Sk: Marek tú noc odišiel domov unavený, no srdce mu horelo nádejou.En: That night Marek went home tired but his heart burned with hope.Sk: Nie preto, že by mal jasnú odpoveď, ale preto, že našiel odvahu hovoriť o svojom sne.En: Not because he had a clear answer, but because he found the courage to speak about his dream.Sk: Bol viac sebavedomý, pripravený kráčať na ceste, ktorú si vybral.En: He was more confident, ready to walk the path he had chosen.Sk: Odteraz vedel, že jeho sila spočíva nielen v perfektne zostavených grafoch, ale aj v príbeh, ktorým inšpiruje iných.En: From now on, he knew his strength ...
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    16 mins
  • From Snowy Peaks to Heartfelt Confessions: A Tatry Adventure
    Nov 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Snowy Peaks to Heartfelt Confessions: A Tatry Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-25-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Cesta do Tatier sa začala ako obyčajný nápad jedného studeného novembrového večera.En: The trip to the Tatry began as an ordinary idea on a cold November evening.Sk: Ladislav sedel s kamarátmi, Zuzanou a Miroslavom, v malej kaviarni v Bratislave.En: Ladislav was sitting with his friends, Zuzana and Miroslav, in a small café in Bratislava.Sk: Ladislav, s fotobatohom vždy pripraveným, sa zrazu rozžiaril: „Čo keby sme šli do Tatier na víkend?En: Ladislav, always ready with his camera backpack, suddenly brightened up: "What if we went to the Tatry for the weekend?Sk: Sneh už padá, a ja potrebujem perfektný záber pre svoj projekt.En: It's already snowing, and I need a perfect shot for my project."Sk: “Zuzana, opatrná ako vždy, pozdvihla obočie: „Ale počasie môže byť nebezpečné.En: Zuzana, cautious as always, raised an eyebrow: "But the weather can be dangerous.Sk: Musíme to dobre naplánovať, nech sa niečo nestane.En: We need to plan well so that nothing happens."Sk: “ V jej hlase bola obava, ale v očiach túžba po dobrodružstve.En: Her voice carried concern, but her eyes had a glint of a desire for adventure.Sk: Miroslav, známy pre svoju pokojnosť a lásku k prírode, prikývol: „Bude to skvelé.En: Miroslav, known for his calmness and love for nature, nodded: "It will be great.Sk: Už dlho som chcel vidieť Tatry zasnežené.En: I've wanted to see the Tatry covered in snow for a long time.Sk: A možno bude príležitosť povedať Zuzane to, čo cítim.En: And maybe there will be a chance to tell Zuzana what I feel."Sk: “Nasledujúce ráno sa vydali na cestu.En: The next morning, they set off on their journey.Sk: Obloha bola sivá, ale to ich nadšenie neznížilo.En: The sky was gray, but their enthusiasm was not dampened.Sk: Tatry sa týčili na horizonte, s vrcholkami pokrytými bielou prikrývkou.En: The Tatry loomed on the horizon, with their peaks covered in a white blanket.Sk: „Pozrite sa, ako je to nádherné!En: "Look how beautiful it is!"Sk: “ Ladislav nemohol zakryť svoje vzrušenie.En: Ladislav couldn't hide his excitement.Sk: Cesta viedla cez úzke lesné cestičky a serpentíny.En: The journey led through narrow forest paths and switchbacks.Sk: Zrazu sa obloha zatiahla a sneženie zosilnelo.En: Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the snowfall intensified.Sk: Zuzana na okamih zabrzdila: „Myslím, že by sme sa mohli vrátiť.En: Zuzana braked momentarily: "I think we might want to turn back.Sk: Cesta začína byť nebezpečná.En: The road is starting to get dangerous."Sk: “Ladislav sa zamyslel: „Potrebujem ten záber, ale možno máš pravdu.En: Ladislav pondered: "I need that shot, but maybe you're right.Sk: Čo myslíš, Miroslav?En: What do you think, Miroslav?"Sk: “ Miroslav cítil, že toto je jeho chvíľa zasiahnúť.En: Miroslav felt this was his moment to interject.Sk: „Myslím, že by sme mohli hľadať nejakú chatku na prenocovanie.En: "I think we could look for a cabin to spend the night.Sk: Tam by sme sa mohli rozhodnúť, čo ďalej.En: We can decide our next steps there."Sk: “Rýchlo našli malú drevenú chalupu, ktorú prenajímala postaršia miestna pani.En: They quickly found a small wooden hut rented by an elderly local lady.Sk: Bola útulná, s praskajúcim krbom a teplým kakaom na stole.En: It was cozy, with a crackling fireplace and warm cocoa on the table.Sk: Keď sa sneh prestal padať a slnko sa začalo pomaly predrievať, Ladislav prichystal svoje fotoaparáty.En: When the snow stopped falling and the sun began to slowly appear, Ladislav prepared his cameras.Sk: Stál vonku pred chatou, keď sa objavil úchvatný východ slnka.En: He stood outside the cabin when a breathtaking sunrise unfolded.Sk: Sneh sa zaleskol ako tisíce diamantov.En: The snow glistened like thousands of diamonds.Sk: Ladislav stlačil spúšť, spokojný s tým, že trpezlivosť priniesla ovocie.En: Ladislav pressed the shutter, satisfied that patience bore fruit.Sk: Medzičasom Miroslav sedel so Zuzanou pri krbe.En: Meanwhile, Miroslav sat by the fireplace with Zuzana.Sk: Povzbudený krásou chvíle sa k nej mierne otočil: „Zuzana, už dlho som ti chcel povedať, že pre mňa znamenáš viac než kamarátku.En: Encouraged by the moment's beauty, he gently turned to her: "Zuzana, I've wanted to tell you for a while now that you mean more to me than just a friend."Sk: “Zuzana, prekvapená, ale šťastná, pochopila náhle krásu spontánnosti.En: Zuzana, surprised but happy, suddenly understood the beauty of spontaneity.Sk: Usmiala sa: „Myslím, že tento výlet mi ukázal, že niekedy je dobré riskovať.En: She smiled: "I think this trip showed me that sometimes it's good to take risks."Sk: “A tak, kým ...
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    16 mins
  • Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains
    Nov 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V malebnej dedinke nemerčenej nádhernými vrchmi Tatier sa začalo chystať zimné školske festival.En: In a picturesque village cradled by the stunning peaks of the Tatry mountains, the preparations for the winter school festival were underway.Sk: Vonku bola jeseň, vietor prenášal prvú snehovú pokrývku medzi starými drevenými domčekmi.En: Outside, it was autumn, and the wind was carrying the first blanket of snow between the old wooden cottages.Sk: Miestna škola, jednoduchá a útulná, bola obklopená rozžiarenými svetlami a papierovými vločkami.En: The local school, simple and cozy, was surrounded by bright lights and paper snowflakes.Sk: Jozef, plachý chlapec, sedel v lavici s hlavou plnou myšlienok.En: Jozef, a shy boy, sat at his desk with a head full of thoughts.Sk: Bol tichý a nenápadný, no vášnivo miloval hudbu.En: He was quiet and unassuming, but he had a passionate love for music.Sk: Od leta sa tajne učil hrať na husle.En: Since summer, he had been secretly learning to play the violin.Sk: Nemal však odvahu to niekomu povedať.En: However, he did not have the courage to tell anyone.Sk: Obával sa, že by sa mu spolužiaci vysmiali.En: He feared that his classmates would laugh at him.Sk: Jeho túžba stála pred ním ako nevyslovená výzva – zahrať svoju skladbu pred všetkými na festivale.En: His desire stood before him as an unspoken challenge—to play his piece in front of everyone at the festival.Sk: Na čele festivalu stála Marta.En: Leading the festival was Marta.Sk: Bystré dievča, ktoré všetci rešpektovali pre jej organizačné schopnosti.En: A smart girl who everyone respected for her organizational skills.Sk: Vždy mala plán a všetko vedela vyriešiť.En: She always had a plan and could solve everything.Sk: Pre ňu bol festival dôležitou udalosťou.En: For her, the festival was an important event.Sk: Chcela, aby všetko prebehlo hladko.En: She wanted everything to go smoothly.Sk: Jozef sa tajne zapísal do zoznamu účinkujúcich.En: Jozef secretly signed up on the list of performers.Sk: Nervozita ho prenasledovala, no hlboká túžba po vyjadrení vlastnej hudby bola silnejšia.En: Nervousness followed him, but the deep desire to express his own music was stronger.Sk: Keď sa Marta dozvedela o novom prírastku v programe, bola zvedavá, kto to je.En: When Marta learned about the new addition to the program, she was curious about who it was.Sk: O Jozefových husliach nevedela nič.En: She knew nothing about Jozef's violin.Sk: Nastal deň festivalu.En: The day of the festival arrived.Sk: Školská jedáleň sa premenila na malú scénu.En: The school cafeteria was transformed into a small stage.Sk: Deti so šťastím sledovali farebné svetlá a ruch.En: Children watched the colorful lights and buzz with happiness.Sk: Všetko išlo podľa Martina plánu.En: Everything went according to Marta's plan.Sk: Keď prišiel Jozef na radu, pocítil trému.En: When Jozef's turn came, he felt stage fright.Sk: Stál na pódiu s husľami v ruke, pohľadom sa otočil k Marte, ktorá mala po starosti mikrofóny.En: He stood on the stage with the violin in his hand, looking at Marta, who was in charge of the microphones.Sk: Náhle sa ozval šum.En: Suddenly there was a noise.Sk: Mikrofón prestal fungovať.En: The microphone stopped working.Sk: Marta hľadela okolo seba, hľadajúc riešenie.En: Marta looked around, searching for a solution.Sk: Prešla jej myslou rýchlosťou blesku myšlienka k odloženiu vystúpenia.En: The thought of postponing the performance flashed through her mind.Sk: Napokon však dokráčala k Jozefovi blízko pódia a jemne mu povedala: „Pokračuj.En: Finally, she walked up to Jozef near the stage and gently said to him, "Go on.Sk: Oni ťa počúvajú.En: They are listening to you."Sk: “Jozef sa nadýchol, zatvoril oči a začal hrať.En: Jozef took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to play.Sk: Husle vypĺňali miestnosť jemnými melódiami.En: The violin filled the room with delicate melodies.Sk: Postupne sa všetci stíšili, fascinovaní zvukom a jeho talentom.En: Gradually, everyone quieted down, fascinated by the sound and his talent.Sk: Aj Marta stála v úžasnom tichu, rešpektujúc jeho odvahu.En: Even Marta stood in awe, respecting his courage.Sk: Keď Jozef dohral, miestnosť sa rozpraskala do potlesku.En: When Jozef finished playing, the room erupted into applause.Sk: Jeho vnútorný strach sa stratil a stál s hrdosťou.En: His inner fear dissipated, and he stood with pride.Sk: Marta ku nemu prišla a úsmev na perách ju neopustil: „Skvelé!En: Marta came over to him, the smile not leaving her face: "Great!Sk: Aj bez mikrofónu si to zvládol.En: You managed it even without a microphone."Sk:...
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    17 mins
  • Family Ties Rekindled: An Autumn Dinner to Remember
    Nov 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Family Ties Rekindled: An Autumn Dinner to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-23-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Pod jesenným slnkom, ktoré sa jemne predieralo cez okná, sa v jedálni zračil špecifický chaos.En: Under the autumn sun, which gently filtered through the windows, a specific chaos was reflected in the dining room.Sk: Veľký drevený stôl bol obklopený tichými stoličkami, pripravený na príchod hostí.En: The large wooden table was surrounded by quiet chairs, ready for the arrival of guests.Sk: Na stole sa rozprestieral pestrofarebný jesenný stredobod, ozdobený zlatistými lístím a drobnými tekvičkami.En: On the table lay a colorful autumn centerpiece, adorned with golden leaves and small pumpkins.Sk: Vzduch bol nasýtený vôňou pečenej morky a teplého koláča z tekvice.En: The air was filled with the aroma of roasted turkey and warm pumpkin pie.Sk: Ale pod vonkajšou vôňou skrývala sa napätosť.En: But beneath the outward scent, tension was hidden.Sk: Adela sa snažila usmerňovať rodinné stretnutie ako kapitán na lodi uprostred búrky.En: Adela was trying to steer the family gathering like a captain on a ship in the midst of a storm.Sk: Hoci bola najstaršia, vždy sa cítila, že stojí v tieni Mareka a Zuzany.En: Although she was the oldest, she always felt overshadowed by Marek and Zuzana.Sk: Chcela, aby bola táto večera príležitosťou, keď znovu nájdu cestu k sebe, preklenú staré krivdy a vytvoria si nové spomienky.En: She wanted this dinner to be an opportunity for them to find their way back to each other, bridge old grievances, and create new memories.Sk: Marek bol v obývačke, stratil sa vo vlastnom svete s gitarou v rukách.En: Marek was in the living room, lost in his own world with a guitar in hand.Sk: Hudba bola jeho úkryt, jeho spôsob, ako uniknúť od reality a úzkosti.En: Music was his refuge, his way to escape from reality and anxiety.Sk: Zuzana medzitým pripravovala stôl, občas sa kriticky pozrela na všetko, čo bolo na dosah.En: Meanwhile, Zuzana was setting the table, occasionally casting a critical eye on everything within reach.Sk: Keďže bola najmladšia, často bola považovaná za sebeckú a narazila na nepochopenie od ostatných.En: Being the youngest, she was often considered selfish and faced misunderstanding from the others.Sk: Keď sa všetci posadili, atmosféra bola napätá ako zimný vzduch.En: When everyone sat down, the atmosphere was tense like winter air.Sk: Pomalé rozhovory sa strácali v bežnom ruchu príborov a pohárov.En: Slow conversations were lost in the routine sounds of cutlery and glasses.Sk: Adela vedela, že to nebude ľahké, ale rozhodla sa, že ignorovanie problémov nič nevyrieši.En: Adela knew it wouldn't be easy, but she decided that ignoring problems wouldn't solve anything.Sk: „Myslím, že je čas, aby sme boli úprimní,“ začala Adela pevne, ale pokojne.En: "I think it's time for us to be honest," Adela began firmly but calmly.Sk: „Všetci vieme, že medzi nami sú nevyriešené problémy.“En: "We all know there are unresolved issues among us."Sk: Jej slová boli ako zapaľovač.En: Her words were like a spark.Sk: Zuzana si nemohla pomôcť a skĺzla na tému o tom, ako cíti, že ju nikdy neberú vážne.En: Zuzana couldn't help but slip into the topic of how she feels she's never taken seriously.Sk: Marek sa snažil udržať neutrálny tón, ale jeho roztrasené ruky na gitare hovorili inak.En: Marek tried to maintain a neutral tone, but his trembling hands on the guitar told otherwise.Sk: Niekde uprostred argumentov a výčitiek Adela hlas pozdvihla.En: Somewhere in the middle of arguments and reproaches, Adela raised her voice.Sk: „Stačí!“ vykríkla.En: "Enough!" she shouted.Sk: „Každý z nás chce len, aby nás ostatní pochopili.En: "Each of us just wants to be understood by the others.Sk: Prečo je tak ťažké povedať si pravdu a pohnúť sa ďalej?“En: Why is it so hard to tell the truth and move on?"Sk: Jej slová mali účinok.En: Her words had an effect.Sk: Nastalo ticho, ktoré bolo iné ako pred tým.En: There was a silence different from before.Sk: Bolo premýšľavé, hlboké.En: It was thoughtful, deep.Sk: Ako prvý prehovoril Marek, jeho hlas tichý, ale úprimný.En: Marek was the first to speak, his voice quiet but sincere.Sk: „Chcem, aby sme boli blízki, ale vždy som sa bál, že to pokazím.“En: "I want us to be close, but I've always been afraid of messing it up."Sk: Zuzana prikývla.En: Zuzana nodded.Sk: „Ja tiež chcem, len... je jednoduchšie práve len kričať, než skutočne povedať, čo mám na srdci.“En: "I want that too, it's just... it's easier to just scream than to truly say what's on my mind."Sk: Adela sa usmiala, cítila ťažký kameň padajúci z jej srdca.En: Adela smiled, feeling a heavy weight lift from her ...
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    17 mins
  • Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams
    Nov 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-22-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V sobotu ráno Jozef stál pred zrkadlom, upravoval si košeľu a premýšľal o nadchádzajúcom dni.En: On Saturday morning, Jozef stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt and contemplating the upcoming day.Sk: Bol to deň, na ktorý čakal celé mesiace.En: It was a day he had been waiting for months.Sk: Katarína bola ešte v posteli, ospalá z cesty do Bratislavy.En: Katarína was still in bed, drowsy from the trip to Bratislava.Sk: Obaja prišli na víkendový výlet, aby si oddýchli a objavili krásy mesta.En: They both came on a weekend getaway to relax and discover the beauty of the city.Sk: Jozef bol prírodovedec telom i dušou.En: Jozef was a naturalist through and through.Sk: Miloval morské tvory a už dávno túžil navštíviť Bratislavské akvárium.En: He loved marine creatures and had long desired to visit the Bratislavské Aquarium.Sk: Katarína, na druhej strane, bola vášnivá cestovateľka s fotoaparátom v ruke, zachytávajúca každý moment.En: Katarína, on the other hand, was a passionate traveler with a camera in hand, capturing every moment.Sk: Mala rada mestá a ich atmosféru, ľudí a moderné umenie.En: She loved cities and their atmosphere, people, and modern art.Sk: Vonku bolo chladné jesenné ráno.En: Outside, it was a chilly autumn morning.Sk: Stromy v meste boli pestrofarebné.En: The city's trees were colorful.Sk: V akváriu bol príjemný teplý vzduch a bublajúca voda vítala návštevníkov.En: Inside the aquarium, the air was pleasantly warm, and the bubbling water welcomed visitors.Sk: Jozef pevne držal ruku Kataríny.En: Jozef held Katarína's hand tightly.Sk: Vedel, že tento deň bude výnimočný.En: He knew this day would be special.Sk: Obaja prechádzali okolo rôznych nádrží, plných pestrofarebných rýb a podmorských korálov.En: They both walked around various tanks filled with colorful fish and underwater corals.Sk: Katarína bola unesená krásou miestnosti a neprestajne fotila.En: Katarína was captivated by the beauty of the room and kept taking photos.Sk: Jozef však hľadal svoju chvíľu.En: However, Jozef was waiting for his moment.Sk: Keď sa dostali k obľúbenému Jozefovmu miestu - veľkej nádrži s medúzami, cítil, že toto je tá pravá chvíľa.En: When they reached Jozef's favorite spot—a large tank with jellyfish—he felt that this was the right moment.Sk: Vedľa neho bola Katarína, očarená hypnotickým pohybom medúz, ktoré plávali vo svetle modrom prostredí.En: Next to him was Katarína, enchanted by the hypnotic movement of the jellyfish swimming in the light blue environment.Sk: Jozefova ruka sa začala potiť, ale vedel, že je čas.En: Jozef's hand began to sweat, but he knew it was time.Sk: Kľakol si na jedno koleno, srdce mu búšilo ako nikdy predtým.En: He knelt on one knee, his heart pounding like never before.Sk: Katarína si najprv nič nevšimla.En: At first, Katarína didn't notice anything.Sk: Pokračovala v fotografovaní.En: She continued photographing.Sk: Až keď sa otočila, uvidela Jozefa, ako sa na ňu pozerá s veľkou láskou a nervozitou.En: Only when she turned around did she see Jozef looking at her with great love and nervousness.Sk: Podarilo sa mu pošepkať: „Katarína, vezmeš si ma?En: He managed to whisper, "Katarína, will you marry me?"Sk: “Okolo nich sa zhromaždili ľudia, sledujúc túto krásnu scénu.En: People gathered around them, witnessing the beautiful scene.Sk: Katarína bola prekvapená, ale okamžite vedela odpoveď.En: Katarína was surprised but immediately knew the answer.Sk: S úsmevom cez slzy povedala: „Áno!En: With a smile through tears, she said, "Yes!"Sk: “Vypukli ovácie od okolitých návštevníkov, povzbudení tohto nečakaného momentu.En: Cheers erupted from the surrounding visitors, encouraged by the unexpected moment.Sk: Katarína a Jozef sa objali pred žiariacim akváriom plným medúz, ktoré naďalej tancovali v žiari svetiel.En: Katarína and Jozef embraced in front of the glowing aquarium full of jellyfish, which continued to dance in the light.Sk: Boli spolu, pripravení začať novú kapitolu svojho života, s láskou a dôverou.En: They were together, ready to start a new chapter of their life, with love and trust.Sk: V tom momente Jozef pochopil, že urobil správne rozhodnutie a našiel v sebe novú odvahu pre budúcnosť.En: In that moment, Jozef understood that he had made the right decision and found within himself a new courage for the future. Vocabulary Words:adjusting: upravovalcontemplating: premýšľaldrowsy: ospalánaturalist: prírodovedecmarine: morskécreatures: tvorypassionate: vášniváchilly: chladnécaptivated: unesenáenchanted: očarenáhypnotic: hypnotickýenvironment: prostredísweat: ...
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    15 mins
  • Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava
    Nov 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi, vstúpili Jozef, Mária a Lucia.En: In the fragrant café in the heart of Bratislava, where autumn leaves gently fall to the ground, Jozef, Mária, and Lucia entered.Sk: Jozef, veľký milovník kávy, sa už dlho tešil na túto návštevu pražiarne.En: Jozef, a great coffee lover, had long looked forward to this visit to the roastery.Sk: Mária, jeho sestra, by radšej objavovala mesto, no rozhodla sa sprevádzať ho, aby strávila čas so svojím bratom.En: Mária, his sister, would rather explore the city but decided to accompany him to spend time with her brother.Sk: Lucia bola ich sprievodkyňou, ktorá ich privítala s veľkým úsmevom a horlivým záujmom o kávu.En: Lucia was their guide, who welcomed them with a big smile and a keen interest in coffee.Sk: „Vítajte v našej pražiarni!En: "Welcome to our roastery!"Sk: “ vyhlásila Lucia, ktorej nadšenie bolo nákazlivé.En: declared Lucia, whose enthusiasm was contagious.Sk: „Tu sa stáva obyčajné kávové zrnko úžasným ranným nápojom.En: "Here, an ordinary coffee bean becomes a wonderful morning beverage."Sk: “ Jozef sa na tú chvíľu tešil.En: Jozef had been looking forward to this moment.Sk: Stál blízko Lucie, aby nezmeškal žiadnu z jej detailných vysvetlení.En: He stood close to Lucia so as not to miss any of her detailed explanations.Sk: Mária však pohľadom blúdila po okolitých uličkách viditelných cez okná.En: However, Mária let her gaze wander to the surrounding streets visible through the windows.Sk: Pri prehliadke Lucia vzala skupinu ku veľkým strojinom na praženie.En: During the tour, Lucia took the group to the large roasting machines.Sk: „Tento stroj je srdcom celej operácie,“ poznamenala so zapálením.En: "This machine is the heart of the whole operation," she noted with fervor.Sk: Jozef sa naklonil bližšie, jeho oči žiarili z vedomostí.En: Jozef leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with knowledge.Sk: Mária sa pokúsila zašepkať: „Nebolo by krajšie, keby sme šli na pitie horúcej čokolády?En: Mária tried to whisper, "Wouldn't it be nicer if we went for some hot chocolate?"Sk: “ Jozef napätie potlačil a sústredil sa ďalej.En: Jozef suppressed the tension and continued to focus.Sk: Počas prestávky Jozef vyhľadal Luciu s otázkami.En: During the break, Jozef sought out Lucia with questions.Sk: „Lucia, mohli by ste mi povedať o najlepších kaviarňach v Bratislave?En: "Lucia, could you tell me about the best cafes in Bratislava?Sk: Chcel by som získať obdiv známok, keď sa vrátim domov,“ pýtal sa.En: I'd like to gain some admiration when I return home," he asked.Sk: Lucia veselo odpovedala a poskytla mu zoznam miest, ktoré musí navštíviť.En: Lucia cheerfully responded, providing him with a list of places he must visit.Sk: Keď sa opäť zišli pri stroji, začal pražiarine pracovať.En: When they gathered again by the machine, the roastery started operating.Sk: Mária, zaujatá pohybom a vôňou, sa nečakane pýtala: „Ako vlastne ten proces funguje, Jozef?En: Mária, captivated by the movement and aroma, unexpectedly asked, "How does the process actually work, Jozef?"Sk: “ Bol ohromený, ale využil príležitosť.En: He was surprised but seized the opportunity.Sk: „Pozri, zrná skáču vďaka teplu a menia svoju farbu i chuť,“ trpezlivo vysvetlil.En: "Look, the beans bounce thanks to the heat and change their color and flavor," he patiently explained.Sk: Mária sa usmiala a poprvýkrát bola skutočne zaujatá.En: Mária smiled and, for the first time, was truly interested.Sk: Na konci prehliadky si obaja sadli s čerstvým pohárom kávy pred sebou.En: At the end of the tour, both of them sat with a fresh cup of coffee in front of them.Sk: Mária sa zapozerala na šálku.En: Mária stared at the cup.Sk: „Vieš, Jozef, toto je naozaj zaujímavé.En: "You know, Jozef, this is really interesting.Sk: Možno by sme mohli ešte niečo preskúmať,“ pripustila.En: Maybe we could explore a bit more," she admitted.Sk: Jozef cítil radosť a spokojnosť.En: Jozef felt joy and satisfaction.Sk: „Som rád, že ti to dalo niečo nové.En: "I'm glad it gave you something new.Sk: Spoznáme spolu Bratislavu a jej kávovú scénu,“ navrhol.En: Let's explore Bratislava and its coffee scene together," he suggested.Sk: Mária prikývla a obaja odišli s úsmevom, kráčajúc po jesennými listami pokrytej ulici, pripravení na nové dobrodružstvá.En: Mária nodded, and both left with a smile, walking along the street covered with autumn leaves, ready for new adventures. Vocabulary Words:fragrant: voňavejautumn: jesennéroastery: pražiarneenthusiasm: ...
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    15 mins
  • Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity
    Nov 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-20-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.En: Milan, Zuzana, and Jaro set off on a spiritual retreat to the Vysoké Tatry mountains.Sk: Skorá jeseň sa chýlila ku koncu a chladný vietor už prinášal vôňu zimy.En: Early autumn was nearing its end, and the chilly wind already carried the scent of winter.Sk: Hory sa vznášali nad nimi, snehové vrcholy žiarili na slnečnom svetle.En: The mountains loomed over them, with snow-capped peaks shining in the sunlight.Sk: Boli na mieste, odkiaľ svet pracovných povinností zostával ďaleko za nimi.En: They were in a place where the world of work responsibilities remained far behind them.Sk: Ich úlohou v tomto úniku bolo nájsť nové spôsoby spolupráce počas tímového workshopu.En: Their task during this escape was to find new ways of collaborating during a team workshop.Sk: Milan, ako tímový líder, cítil na sebe obrovský tlak.En: Milan, as the team leader, felt a tremendous pressure on himself.Sk: Termíny sa blížili a každý očakával vynikajúce výsledky.En: Deadlines were approaching, and everyone expected excellent results.Sk: Jaro, jeho kolega, bol presne ten typ človeka, ktorý neustále súťaží.En: Jaro, his colleague, was just the type of person who constantly competed.Sk: Bol ambiciózny a chcel postúpiť na vyšší post.En: He was ambitious and wanted to move up to a higher position.Sk: To vytváralo napätie v tíme.En: This created tension within the team.Sk: Zuzana, na druhej strane, hľadala hlbšie pochopenie sveta a svojho miesta v ňom.En: Zuzana, on the other hand, was seeking a deeper understanding of the world and her place in it.Sk: Voľný čas strávila meditačnými prechádzkami po lese.En: She spent her free time on meditative walks through the forest.Sk: Pred ich príchodom na ústup sa nezhodovali.En: Before their arrival at the retreat, they were not in agreement.Sk: Teraz mali pred sebou príležitosť spojiť sa pri dušičkovom sviatku, kedy sa v Slovensku tradične spomína na predkov.En: Now they had the opportunity to connect during the Dušičky holiday, a time in Slovakia traditionally dedicated to remembering ancestors.Sk: Tento čas prinášal možnosť introspekcie a spojenia s duchovnými koreňmi.En: This period brought the possibility of introspection and connecting with spiritual roots.Sk: Milan si uvedomoval, že Jaro sa neustále snaží.En: Milan realized that Jaro was constantly striving.Sk: Všimol si aj Zuzaninho hľadajúceho pohľadu.En: He also noticed Zuzana's searching gaze.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že tento ústup použije na nájdenie vnútorného pokoja.En: He decided to use this retreat to find inner peace.Sk: Počúval rady duchovného vodcu a zapojil sa do duchovných cvičení.En: He listened to the advice of the spiritual guide and participated in spiritual exercises.Sk: Pomaly sa snažil prepustiť svoj stres a otvoriť sa tichej sile prírody.En: Gradually, he tried to let go of his stress and open himself to the quiet strength of nature.Sk: Počas spoločnej meditácie pri krbe, keď plamene tlela a vytvárali hrejivú atmosféru, Milan pocítil v sebe zmenu.En: During a shared meditation by the fireplace, with flames flickering and creating a warm atmosphere, Milan felt a change within himself.Sk: Zrazu zostúpil pocit jasnosti.En: Suddenly, a sense of clarity descended upon him.Sk: Vedel, že kľúčom k úspechu tímu nie je súperiť, ale spolupracovať.En: He knew that the key to the team's success was not to compete but to collaborate.Sk: Musí vložiť dôveru do svojho tímu a počúvať ich potreby.En: He must place trust in his team and listen to their needs.Sk: Keď sa tábor skončil, Milan zvolal tím na stretnutie.En: When the retreat ended, Milan called a team meeting.Sk: Povedal im o svojich zisteniach a zdôraznil, že zmena prístupu môže priniesť úžitok všetkým.En: He told them about his insights and emphasized that a change in approach could benefit everyone.Sk: Zuzana a Jaro ho počúvali s novou pozornosťou.En: Zuzana and Jaro listened to him with newfound attention.Sk: Jaro si uvedomil, že bez tímovej podpory sa jeho ambície ťažko naplnia.En: Jaro realized that his ambitions would be difficult to achieve without team support.Sk: Zuzana náhle videla jasnejšie cestu, ako môže prispieť svojimi ideami.En: Zuzana suddenly saw more clearly how she could contribute with her ideas.Sk: Milan po tejto skúsenosti našiel dôveru vo svoje vedenie.En: After this experience, Milan found confidence in his leadership.Sk: Vrátil sa z Tatier s istotou.En: He returned from the Tatry with certainty.Sk: Tím sa spojil ako nikdy predtým, pripravený čeliť výzvam s novým porozumením a jednotou.En: The team ...
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    16 mins
  • Lost in the Autumn Woods: A Lesson from Vysoké Tatry
    Nov 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Lost in the Autumn Woods: A Lesson from Vysoké Tatry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-11-19-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vysoké Tatry v jesennom období vyzerali ako čarovné kráľovstvo.En: The Vysoké Tatry in the autumn season looked like a magical kingdom.Sk: Stromy boli oblečené do oranžových a červených listov a vzduch bol plný suchého šelestu.En: The trees were dressed in orange and red leaves, and the air was full of a dry rustle.Sk: Na ceste do národného parku sa trojica študentov pripravovala na zaujímavý deň.En: On the way to the national park, a trio of students was preparing for an interesting day.Sk: Lukáš, Eva a ich učiteľ Marek, išli na exkurziu do prírody.En: Lukáš, Eva, and their teacher Marek went on a nature excursion.Sk: Lukáš sa tešil najviac, pretože chcel nájsť vzácnu rastlinu, o ktorej čítal.En: Lukáš was the most excited because he wanted to find a rare plant he had read about.Sk: Marek bol skvelý učiteľ, plný energie a nadšenia.En: Marek was a great teacher, full of energy and enthusiasm.Sk: Eva, Lukášova najlepšia kamarátka, ho stále upozorňovala, aby bol opatrný.En: Eva, Lukáš's best friend, kept reminding him to be careful.Sk: "Pamätaj, Lukáš," povedala Eva, keď vychádzali na cestu.En: “Remember, Lukáš,” Eva said as they set out.Sk: "Predpoveď počasia hlási zimu.En: "The weather forecast predicts cold.Sk: Nechoď príliš ďaleko.En: Don’t go too far."Sk: "Lukáš prikývol, ale jeho zvedavosť bola, ako vždy, silnejšia.En: Lukáš nodded, but his curiosity was, as always, stronger.Sk: Hodinu kráčali po hlavnej trase, keď Lukáš zbadal malý, zarastený chodník vedúci do lesa.En: They walked for an hour along the main trail when Lukáš spotted a small, overgrown path leading into the forest.Sk: "Tam to bude!En: "That's where it will be!"Sk: " myslel si, keď si spomenul na obrázok rastliny v knihe.En: he thought, remembering the picture of the plant in the book.Sk: "Počkaj ma tu, vrátim sa rýchlo," zakričal Lukáš na Evu a Mareka, a zmizol medzi stromami.En: "Wait for me here, I’ll be back soon," Lukáš shouted to Eva and Marek, and disappeared among the trees.Sk: Eva povzdychla, ale Marek ju uistil: "Nechaj ho, je šikovný chlapec.En: Eva sighed, but Marek reassured her: "Let him go, he's a smart boy.Sk: Počkáme tu.En: We’ll wait here."Sk: "Medzitým sa v lese pre Lukáša všetko zmenilo.En: Meanwhile, everything changed for Lukáš in the forest.Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a začalo snežiť.En: The sky darkened, and it began to snow.Sk: Krúžil medzi stromami, keď si uvedomil, že je sám.En: He wandered between the trees when he realized he was alone.Sk: "Kam vedie cesta späť?En: "Which way is back?"Sk: " pýtal sa sám seba.En: he asked himself.Sk: Panika ho začala prekonávať.En: Panic started to overcome him.Sk: Zrazu si spomenul na Marekove lekcie o orientácii.En: Suddenly, he recalled Marek's lessons on orientation.Sk: Pozrel sa na skaly a stromy, ktoré spoznal z predchádzajúcej cesty.En: He looked at the rocks and trees he recognized from the previous journey.Sk: "Musím sa držať pri tej veľkej skale," myslel si.En: "I must stick to that big rock," he thought.Sk: Ale čas ubiehal rýchlo a sneh ešte viac zahusťoval cestu.En: But time was passing quickly, and the snow thickened the path even more.Sk: Eva a Marek sa medzitým rozhodli, že musia hľadať Lukáša.En: Eva and Marek meanwhile decided they needed to search for Lukáš.Sk: Zvolávali jeho meno a postupovali pomaly lesom.En: They called his name and proceeded slowly through the forest.Sk: Po niekoľkých minútach, ktoré sa zdali ako hodiny, začuli slabú odpoveď.En: After a few minutes, which seemed like hours, they heard a faint response.Sk: Lukáš sa konečne ukázal medzi stromami, unavený, ale bezpečný.En: Lukáš finally appeared among the trees, tired but safe.Sk: "Som hlúpy, mal som vás počúvať," povedal Lukáš a ospravedlňoval sa.En: "I'm stupid, I should have listened to you," Lukáš said, apologizing.Sk: "Sme radi, že si v poriadku," odpovedala Eva s úsmevom.En: "We're glad you're alright," replied Eva with a smile.Sk: Cesta späť bola tichá, ale plná pochopenia.En: The way back was silent but full of understanding.Sk: Lukáš si uvedomil, aké dôležité je byť opatrný a spojiť sa s ostatnými.En: Lukáš realized how important it is to be careful and connect with others.Sk: Marek sa usmial a povedal: "Naučil si sa veľa dôležitého.En: Marek smiled and said, "You’ve learned a lot of important things."Sk: "Vďaka prírode a krásam Vysokých Tatier si všetci odniesli nezabudnuteľný zážitok.En: Thanks to nature and the beauties of Vysoké Tatry, they all left with unforgettable experiences.Sk: Zima prichádzala rýchlo, a tak sa všetci traja tešili na príjemné ...
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    16 mins