• Dreaming Together For More Connection
    Oct 3 2024

    167 You want to look forward to your life with your significant other into the future. Imaging a bright future with each other is part of what keeps a relationship vibrant and alive in the present.

    An important (and sometimes overlooked) piece of that is spending time dreaming into that future together with your spouse. Sharing and supportively working towards both your personal dreams and your dreams for your relationship will not just be super connecting, but it will bring excitement, fun, and so much fulfillment into your lives together.

    Dreaming together can be like glue that keeps you moving side by side into a bright looking future. There really isn't a better way to honor who each of you are, and feel on the same team. Plus, it's HOW you make cool things happen!

    Sadly, I’ve found that this important element of a marriage slips to the wayside in many marriages, to the detriment of both partners. So join me today to hear:

    • Why you want to make sure you are dreaming together,
    • What amazing and deeply satisfying things it leads to for both of you
    • What counts as “dreams” (hint: they don't have to be outlandish or big!)
    • What it looks like to dream together
    • Why knowing and supporting each other's dreams matters,
    • Tips for actually doing that
    • My own personal stories about how dreaming with my husband has affected my marriage
    • And ways to start dreaming together for more connection today, including specific questions to ask and communicate about

    …so you can feel a sense of truly looking forward to your future with your partner by your side, as you build, together, a life you both love.

    The popular Closer To Your Husband in 7 Days Challenge is back, updated, and better than ever! We start October 15th. Learn more and enroll now here.


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    19 mins
  • How To Get Your Spouse To Help More Around The House
    Sep 26 2024

    Many women I talk to feel as though their husband doesn't contribute enough domestically, like with the household chores like dishes, laundry, etc, or with the kids.

    If that is going on at all for you, you probably feel resentful about it, and a sense of burden at having to do the lion's share of the domestic load. Who wouldn’t?!

    This episode will change that, and help you get your partner to contribute more domestically.

    You see, there is a common pattern that many couples fall into where one partner is taking on a lot more than the other person in terms of taking care of domestic things. And it is rarely just one person's fault.

    There is a very common dynamic, one that both partners are complicit in, that is the cause of this in most cases: what I call the overfunctioning/underfunctioning dynamic.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • what that looks like
    • how it leads to this unbalanced and miserable dynamic
    • whether it is happening in your relationship
    • why it's so common for HSPs to fall into
    • and the 3 practical tangible steps you should take to reverse it

    . . .so you can get the help you deserve around your home and your spouse can feel like a valued contributor he ultimately wants to be deep down.

    With stories and tangible action steps, you will walk away from this episode with a very practical plan to finally feel like the real domestic and romantic team in life you want to be with your significant other.

    Join Hannah for private 1:1 Marriage Coaching, and get her deep, super individualized support to make your marriage more full of security, connection, love, and mutual support than ever. When you sign up by late November, 2024, you will also get, as a BONUS, the LIVE Foundations of Emotional Well-being Course. It all starts by filling out this form.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    43 mins
  • Resting For Better Love As A Sensitive Person
    Sep 12 2024

    165 If you are tired, as so many women–and especially highly sensitive women—are these days, then it IS affecting your relationship – for the worse.

    When we are tired, depleted, or burnt out, we HSPs tend to feel especially burdened, irritable and even resentful.

    And unfortunately it is just so easy to get tired, depleted or burnt out in our modern lives with all the societal and real-life pressures. And you likely feel you have to just keep go-go-going. Especially if you are a mom or have a full time job (or both!).

    If any of this is rigging a bell, please listen to this episode. Because you deserve to feel good in your life and relationship!

    And I want to give you deep permission to rest. Listen in to hear why, how, and what that looks like. And take up my loving little challenge for you this week.

    You’ll be on track to lose the exhaustion, the irritability, and even the sense of ongoing burden and resentment, and start replacing it all with a sense of nourishment and vitality. This is essential listening for all highly sensitive people.

    Join Hannah for private 1:1 Marriage Coaching, and get her deep, super individualized support to make your marriage more full of security, connection, love, and mutual support than ever. Get started by filling out this form.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    20 mins
  • How I Used My Own Advice To Move Out Of A Hard Time In My Marriage
    Sep 5 2024

    164 All marriages have ups and downs. It's in large part how you handle the downs that determines the overall quality of your relationship, and whether it grows more deeply loving and stays that way, or it disintegrates.

    In this episode I candidly share how I recently applied my own coaching teachings to my own marriage during one of those harder times (when I was feeling like my husband wasn't supporting or caring for me well), and how I coached myself into feeling not just supported again, but even cherished.

    As vulnerable as this is to share with you, I really wanted you to be able to see that even people with skills like mine go through harder times, and that instead of that being something to weaken your marriage, it is an opportunity for more growth, both personal and as a couple–WHEN you apply the coaching (and self coaching) I teach you and my clients.

    You’ll not only hear the exact process I went through, but also how I dealt with resistance to doing my end of the work, how I took ownership over the hard emotions I was feeling, and how I shed the anger and hurt and began to feel loved and supported again–in just 10 or 15 minutes of my time! – so you can learn from me and even use this same process yourself.

    I truly want you to be able to know just how to move out of those inevitable harder times in your marriage and get back to the love, connection and mutual supportiveness you cherish, so you can feel more fulfilled and secure, and keep evolving in the best ways both personally and as a couple. So listen in!

    Join Hannah for 4 months of private 1:1 Marriage Coaching, and get her deep, super individualized support to make your marriage more full of security, connection, love, and mutual support than ever. Get started by filling out this form.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    28 mins
  • The Practice of Great Relationship
    Aug 29 2024

    163 Understanding this one thing about relationships can truly make or break your marriage:

    What we practice grows stronger. And in our relationship, we are, consciously or unconsciously, always practicing.

    We practice having arguments, or finding our way to a solution. We practice reactive communication, or choosing to communicate more consciously, we practice repulsion or we practice attraction, etc.

    If that sounds intriguing but confusing to you, and you aren't sure how to practice the things that build a strong and loving relationship that lasts, then this is a must-listen episode.

    Because in it, I tell you what is actually at the source of the patterns you are practicing in your relationship, so you can make a conscious choice about if you want to keep practicing them, or instead choose ones that are going to truly enrich your relationship.

    This is a truly back-to-the-basics episode–meaning, a deep and important reminder of what I teach that is most essential to understand to improve your marriage in big ways.

    What you will hear today is what distinguishes my approach to relationships from most relationship advice out there, and WHY my clients get such amazing results with me, when they haven’t with all the other relationship help they've tried before. So dig in.

    Join Hannah for 4 months of private 1:1 Marriage Coaching, and get her deep, super individualized support to harness your power to feel amazing in your marriage and get more sensitivity, connection, and support than ever from your partner. Get started by filling out this form.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    32 mins
  • Annual Relationship Rejuvenation
    Aug 15 2024

    162 Today you'll hear about one of the big things my husband and I do once a year that just lights up our marriage–it’s like a total connection, attraction, and intimacy rejuvenator for us. And it can be for you, too.

    Although usually the most important work you can do in your marriage is about small actions and changes made on a regular basis, I’ve found that there are some bigger things you can do occasionally that will really infuse your relationship with so much of ALL that you most want it to be. This is one that I highly suggest.

    Listen in to hear why this is so good for any marriage (including how it can amp up the attraction and passion between you, as well as set you up for a more connected relationship for the rest of the year), how to do this well as an HSP, how to handle obstacles to making it happen, and what to do if you have any resistance to this idea.

    You’ll also hear why, although doing this is truly a gift to any intimate relationship, there is something that is definitely more essential to do when it comes to having a loving connected marriage–and I will share just what that is in this episode. Dive in.

    Get deeper marriage help from Hannah:

    • Is everything decent between you and your spouse, but a bit dull? If bringing alive more of that flirty attraction and connection of the earlier days is your top priority, my short training, Bring Back The Attraction, is a great starting place for you! Grab it here.
    • Even better? When you join Hannah for 4 months of private 1:1 Coaching, you'll get her deep, super individualized support to harness your power to feel amazing in your marriage and get more sensitivity, connection, and support than ever from your partner. Get started by filling out this form.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    27 mins
  • A Quick Boost of Fondness And Love
    Aug 8 2024

    161 Today is a quick dip into an absolutely ESSENTIAL part of building and maintaining a great relationship with your significant other: consciously fostering fondness of them. (You’ll do it in just 5 minutes!)

    And yes, you CAN absolutely feel more warmth, admiration and love for them on purpose, and build in more of all the good stuff between you and your spouse.

    A solid body of research about what makes marriages work indicates (and my clients experience confirms) that it will make your marriage stronger, your friendship deeper, and even the passion in your relationship more alive.

    Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to let this piece slide (or just not know HOW to do it!). Then things tend to feel worse and worse in our relationships.

    Luckily there are many ways to actively build a stronger sense of fondness for this person you've chosen to spend your life with–and only good things will come out of it, when you know how and actually put them into practice.

    Today, I give you a very specific process (including 5 quick questions for you to answer) to do so! So dive in!


    -->Take the free QUIZ: There are 3 core areas that are at the very SOURCE of what's not going well–and what will make it go well–in all marriages. Just ONE of these areas is most important for YOU to focus on first — and when you make some good changes in that area, you will see your relationship improve quickly.

    Which area is it for YOU? Take my 2 minute free quiz, What's Your Best Next Step To Improve Your Marriage? to find out.

    -->NEW!! For the Summer and Fall of 2024
    : Join Hannah for 4 months of private 1:1 Coaching.


    • Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Leave a review in Apple Podcasts--we are SO grateful!
    • Get the Podcast Map by becoming a Podcast Supporter, so you can quickly identify the episodes most helpful for your unique relationship, by supporting the podcast (for as little as $3) HERE.
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    26 mins
  • 7 Keys To Hold Your Spouse Accountable
    Aug 1 2024

    160 A common question I have heard from women I work with is, “How can I hold my partner accountable?” And the internet is full of people saying we need to hold our husbands accountable.

    But what even does that really mean when it comes to an intimate relationship? And how do you actually do it? That’s what you will learn here today.

    The truth is, “holding someone accountable” can be an important part of growing a great relationship, if you understand some of the subtleties of what it looks like. But there are many ways to try to do it that not only don’t work, but can sabotage an otherwise good relationship.

    And even though you can’t force your partner to be accountable to his goals, agreements, or becoming a great partner, you can create the best conditions for them to hold themselves accountable. And that is what we really want to happen in our intimate relationships.

    Listen in for 7 keys to doing so, including a very specific script for how to navigate it when he breaches an agreement, so your spouse will be most likely to follow through on better and better ways of being in your relationship.

    -->NEW!! For the Summer and Fall of 2024
    : Join Hannah for 4 months of private 1:1 Coaching.

    -->Take the free QUIZ: What's Your Best Next Step To Improve Your Marriage?


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    35 mins