• Talk to Someone
    Aug 27 2024

    Is it shame, embarrassment or guilt, that keeps the hurt bottled up? Only you can answer that question. Either way holding it inside only wears on you physically, but begins to erode you emotionally. The bad news it will still leak out onto others. Affecting your job, family life and personal life. Find someone you can trust to share your pain. Someone who isn't in a hurry to "fix it," but someone who will support you, ask questions and keep it confidential. In this episode we talk about the value of sharing even if you are used to handle it alone.

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    24 mins
  • Boundaries are a Safety Net
    Jul 24 2024

    Boundaries Keep Us Safe

    There is an old Swahili saying that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go with others.”

    Boundaries provide a safety net, but they are so much more. Today we are going to discuss how to set boundaries and why. When speaking of boundaries, the first thing that comes to mind might be relationships. May be its work. Or is it a combination of both, an office romance?

    If you have ever been in a toxic work environment, it was probably caused by a clashing of your boundaries with another. They want a romantic relationship, and you thought you were just being friendly. Or maybe they didn’t “Stay in their Lane.” interfering with your workflow. We talk all about the value of setting boundaries that will help you focus and keep you safe at the same time.

    Many think of boundaries as being restrictive, but if applied right, they can be liberating.

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    31 mins
  • When Pain Becomes an Addiction 2
    Jul 19 2024

    Our first episode on addiction came up a bit short because of technical issues, so we opted to extended our time together with a second episode. We continue to provide you with a non-judgmental discussion about addiction. For you it may be something you minimize calling it just a habit, like cigarettes, even thinking you can quit at anytime. Our as strong as a heroin addiction costing you your job and family, but you can't go a day without a hit. Wherever you are at on the spectrum of addiction and feelings of shame and guilt, we are standing with you. Even though you have had minimal success, you relapse. We offer some hope, additionally you can look at Michelle and she took the journey to freedom.

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    18 mins
  • When Pain Becomes an Addiction 1
    Jul 4 2024

    This is one of a two part podcast about addiction. It is more common than you realize. You may be struggling with an addiction even to a medication that was prescribed by your doctor. In your heart of hearts, you know its something more. As you watch it's tentacles control more and more of your life. At first it started off innocently, but soon you were rearranging your life to let this unwelcome visitor space. On this podcast we lay the ground work for an honest appraisal of it's influence. We are not judging, it is a journey with relapses, but today you can try again to just simply reduce the amount of the addictive element into your day.

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    12 mins
  • Worry and the Professor
    Jun 29 2024

    We all do it. Worry is on a spectrum from my grandson at bat in the little league game, to worry about food cost and job security, to a negative medical diagnosis. Some will even lose sleep over their worry. As common as it is in our life what is the secret to overcoming a worry that holds our mind hostage? We interviewed a psychology professor with years of experience to answer these questions.

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    15 mins
  • Worry is Out of Control
    Jun 14 2024

    It keeps you awake at night. Demands your attention! And will grow bigger, mocking you for even thinking you can regain control. While worry is normal it may have influenced our decisions, creating even more complicated thoughts. We worry about how our grandson will perform on the baseball field, we worry about our job security, our first date, whether we will be accepted at the new job, a medical diagnosis and even the fidelity of our spouse. Worries are big and small, but can be overcome. On this podcast we talk about the worries of all ages, explaining strategies for overcoming our daunting thought life.

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    18 mins
  • The Trauma Goes On
    May 31 2024

    The reality of trauma is that it goes on. We can learn to live with it, dress it up, manage it even ignore it. But it is there in the background influencing our everyday decisions and relationships. We can be successful in the eyes of the world or obsessed to the point of dysfunction it is our choice. In this episode we continue our series of interviewing our co-hosts, so you can learn that they are in the trenches with you.

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    23 mins
  • Finding Hope in Darkness
    May 20 2024

    You can feel dark and alone in this world on any given day. Things can be bright and full of hope one minute and then suddenly despair fills the room. Not even necessarily out of the blue. It could come as the result of others, you brought it on yourself, or life just threw you a curve ball. Things can suddenly turn hard. How can you find hope in those circumstances? Michelle and Barry deal with this difficult subject in Finding Hope in a Dark World.

    Visit us at www.talksabouthope.com and share your thoughts

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    22 mins