• How To Attract Motivated Sellers To You Every Day With Below Market Value Properties
    Sep 23 2024

    Simon welcomes Lee Blake, who shares his journey from a traditional property career to becoming a successful property investor. They delve into strategies for attracting motivated sellers and securing below market value (BMV) deals. Lee recounts his experiences with various property deals, highlighting the importance of understanding sellers' motivations and building rapport.


    • Understanding Motivated Sellers: It's crucial to recognise that motivated sellers often prioritise solving their problems over maximising their sale price. Building rapport and empathy can lead to better deals.
    • Effective Website Optimisation: A well-optimised website is essential for attracting motivated sellers. It should not only look good but also function effectively to rank well on search engines and generate leads.
    • Follow-Up Systems: Implementing a robust follow-up system for leads is vital. Many potential sellers may not be ready to sell immediately, but consistent follow-up can convert them into motivated sellers over time.
    • Creative Deal Structuring: Utilising creative strategies, such as options and delayed completions, can help in negotiating better deals. Understanding various exit strategies can also enhance the potential of each property investment.


    "I always look for more than one exit; if I can have five or six different exits, this is a great deal."

    "I think it's quite often just asking them, what's your issue and how can I help you? Just letting people talk."

    "I got a risk value of £250,000 for it and then I remortgaged... I basically got a free house."


    To find out more about how you could secure your Local SMHQ area click here:


    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    45 mins
  • Suzi's £1.2M JV first deal
    Sep 16 2024
    Simon is joined by Suzi Carter, a chartered surveyor with over 30 years of experience in commercial property. Suzi shares her transition from the corporate world to becoming a successful residential and commercial investor after joining a Mastermind program. The conversation delves into the differences between commercial and residential property investing, highlighting the unique advantages of commercial real estate, such as longer leases and the ability to add value through creative strategies. KEY TAKEAWAYS Many individuals with a corporate background may struggle to adapt to the entrepreneurial mindset required for property investment. Gaining the right mindset and knowledge is crucial for success in this field.Commercial properties are valued based on their income potential, using a multiplier on the rent. This allows investors to add value through strategic actions, such as securing tenants or extending leases, rather than relying solely on extensive refurbishments.The commercial property market is heavily influenced by supply and demand. Identifying areas with high demand and limited supply can lead to better investment opportunities, even in sectors that may seem less favourable, like retail.When investing in commercial property, it's essential to consider various exit strategies. This includes potential conversions to residential use or splitting properties into smaller units, which can enhance value and reduce risk.A significant portion of commercial property deals occur off-market, making it vital to build relationships with commercial agents. Additionally, using pension funds, such as a SAS, can provide tax advantages and facilitate property purchases. BEST MOMENTS "I don't think there's anything in any shape or form in the corporate world that prepares you for being an entrepreneur." "The skill in terms of knowing what kind of property to buy, where to buy it and what to do with it is kind of where the magic lies, really." "The biggest tip I can give people is that the commercial market more than really any market is about supply and demand." "If you're using a bit of knowledge and a bit of expertise, you can actually add massive value without spending a lot of money sometimes." "Start with the end in mind, so work out where you want to get to and why you want to get there." VALUABLE RESOURCES To learn more from Suzi Carter about commercial property on the Virtual Property Exhibition. Register here: https://www.virtualpropertyexhibition.co.uk/ To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20). Contact and follow Simon here: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/ Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32. Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors. Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth. Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book. Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.
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    18 mins
  • Unlocking Potential: How a Motivated Seller Led to a Life-Changing Deal
    Sep 9 2024

    Simon sits down with mastermind delegate Danielle Saunders to discuss her remarkable journey in the property industry. Danielle shares the details of a life-changing deal that is set to yield a £300,000 profit for her and her husband. With nearly 20 years of experience in property, Danielle recounts the challenges she faced while navigating the complexities of a rural property with an agricultural occupancy restriction. She highlights the importance of mindset, due diligence, and the value of surrounding oneself with a supportive community.


    • Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and having a supportive community can significantly boost confidence and motivation in property investing. Engaging in programs like Mastermind can provide accountability and encouragement.
    • Finding motivated sellers is crucial in property deals. Understanding their needs and challenges can lead to successful negotiations and solutions that benefit both parties.
    • Conducting thorough research and due diligence is essential, especially when dealing with properties that have restrictions, such as agricultural occupancy ties. Knowledge of these issues can create opportunities for value enhancement.
    • Effective negotiation can make a significant difference in securing a deal. Building rapport and understanding what the seller truly wants can lead to creative solutions that satisfy both parties.


    "When you really deep dive into things, it really opens your eyes to the things you can achieve."

    "If you have the right knowledge and the right mindset, you can absolutely do whatever you want to do."

    "Remember, sellers are looking for speed and certainty. They want to get deals done quickly."

    "My mindset has changed so much in the last year doing Mastermind. I went from thinking £55,000, I cannot ever risk that, to thinking... if we lose 55k, I know I can recoup that in another deal."


    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    26 mins
  • The Property Investor Journey
    Sep 2 2024

    Simon welcomes special guest, Dan Hill, founder of the successful Property Entrepreneur program. Dan shares his journey as a property investor over the past 10-12 years, highlighting key strategies and insights he has gained along the way. Dan emphasises the importance of treating property investing as a business, focusing on systemising and scaling operations to achieve long-term success.

    He also discusses the current market conditions, pointing out the unique opportunities present in the current economic landscape.


    • Dan emphasises the importance of treating property as a business and implementing systems to scale and grow effectively.
    • Starting with rent-to-rent to test the waters, then moving on to joint ventures and larger deals, Dan highlights the importance of progressing through different investment strategies.
    • The current market conditions, with uncertainty and potential policy changes, present unique opportunities for property investors.
    • Dan advocates for the concept of "living off the steam," where the aim is to work once, earn forever by investing in low-risk, low-return assets for long-term financial freedom.
    • Finding what you enjoy and excelling at it is key to long-term success and fulfilment in property investing, according to Dan's perspective.


    "I've sort of completed the game up to the level I want to get to, and I'm really looking at what my next passion is, purpose is."

    "The aim of the game is to live off the steam. So without going too much into it, the only aim of the game is to live off the steam is to work hard, earn once and then live forever."

    "You're going to work anyway, why not find something you enjoy? Do it really work really hard? Make some good money, save it, be diligent, be shrewd, invest it, and play the long game."

    "Life is definitely too short. It's all about living. So try and find what you're doing. And I think sometimes just in property, people think, well, I'm not really passionate about property."


    Come and join the Virtual Property Exhibition here: https://www.virtualpropertyexhibition.co.uk/

    You can register for the National Virtual pin meeting here: https://www.nationalpinmeeting.co.uk/

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    24 mins
  • Understanding Property Cycles
    Aug 26 2024

    Simon looks into the intricacies of property cycles, guiding listeners on how to identify the optimal times for property investment within these cycles. The episode outlines the four key phases of a property cycle: growth, peak, decline, and recovery. Drawing on personal experiences and historical market trends, Simon stresses the importance of recognising the current buyer's market as a prime opportunity for investors to secure lucrative deals.


    • Property cycles consist of four phases: growth, peak, decline, and recovery.
    • The peak of the property market is characterised by high prices and a decrease in affordability for buyers.
    • The buyer's market phase is considered the best time to buy, as there are more sellers than buyers, leading to potential discounts and flexible deals.
    • Government interventions, such as stamp duty holidays and loans, can impact property market trends and prevent a market crash.
    • Taking action during a buyer's market, like the current one, can lead to securing fantastic property deals and capitalising on opportunities.


    "I believe this is absolutely the very best time to buy because there are not as many buyers, there are more sellers and so prices not only come down but you also see sellers become more motivated and more flexible."

    "So really now and probably for the next six months is the time where you want to become very active to secure some fantastic property deals."

    "I believe when prices are still coming down and there's still this uncertainty, that's when many property investors want to get out of the market and so are prepared to give you a big discount."

    "So my message is get educated, keep your ear to the ground and obviously attending Property Investor Network meetings on a monthly basis is a very good way of hearing exactly what's happening in your area."


    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    12 mins
  • How To Achieve Your Goals Using Leverage
    Aug 19 2024

    Simon puts the focus on leveraging resources to achieve property investment goals, emphasising the importance of not limiting decisions based on personal resources and instead leveraging other people's time, money, and experience.


    • Leverage is essential for achieving property investing goals, utilising other people's resources like time, money, and experience.
    • Networking is crucial in property investing to tap into resources and opportunities that can help in achieving success.
    • Good debt, like investing in property with a mortgage, can be beneficial as it allows for asset appreciation and income generation.
    • Managing time effectively by outsourcing tasks like deal sourcing, property management, and using virtual assistants can lead to more focus on acquiring properties.
    • Continuous learning and investing in oneself is key to staying updated, improving skills, and accelerating success in property investing.


    "If you want to be truly successful in life, you need to learn how to leverage other people's resources."

    "You need to tap into your existing network and also people who you don't know yet."

    "Don't allow a lack of time to be a reason not to invest in property. It's not really the lack of time, it's the lack of priority."

    "Your network is your net worth."

    "Invest with knowledge, invest with skill."


    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    18 mins
  • Lessons From The National Virtual Pin Meeting
    Aug 12 2024

    Simon talks about the key takeaways from the virtual national pin meeting, focusing on the impact of the new Labour government on property investing. Expert speakers, including Nicole D'Souza and Debbie Solomon, discussed crucial topics such as the shortage of skilled labor in construction, the need for affordable housing, and potential tax implications for property investors. Simon highlights the current buyer's market, the impact of political decisions on property investment, and the importance of seizing opportunities in the market.


    • There is a shortage of skilled labour in the construction industry, partly due to the lack of young apprentices and experienced tradespeople.
    • Local councils aim for more affordable housing, but they must incentivise builders to create a profitable environment for development.
    • Many political candidates, including elected officials, lack awareness of Section 24 tax changes affecting property investors.
    • The government may not introduce rent caps, but local councils could have the power to implement them, potentially impacting the rental market.
    • The current market favours buyers due to fewer active buyers, making it an opportune time for property investors to engage with motivated sellers.


    "Debbie Solomon discussed the challenge of balancing the need for affordable housing in local councils while incentivising builders to construct properties, highlighting the potential impact on the housing market."

    "Ben Beadle mentioned that the civil servants, although they listen and understand the issues faced by landlords, may not be incentivised to help due to personal biases, potentially affecting policy decisions."

    "Ben Beadle also emphasised that the current and previous chancellors are aware of the Section 24 tax issue for property investors but are reluctant to make changes, indicating potential challenges for investors in the future."


    Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi

    Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com

    You can register for the National Virtual pin meeting here: https://www.nationalpinmeeting.co.uk/

    To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20).

    Contact and follow Simon here:

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/

    Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32.

    Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors.

    Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth.

    Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book.

    Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.

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    13 mins
  • 4 Reasons To Attend Property Magic LIVE
    Aug 5 2024
    Simon discusses the upcoming Property Magic Live event and highlights four key reasons why listeners should attend. The event, scheduled for 13th to 15th September, aims to reinvigorate property investors post-summer holidays and provide them with strategies to capitalise on the current buyer's market. Simon delves into the benefits of attending, such as learning from successful students, exploring creative finance options like purchase lease options and vendor finance, expanding one's network, and boosting self-belief in property investing. KEY TAKEAWAYS The event is scheduled for 13th to 15th September and offers a hybrid experience, allowing attendees to join either in person in Birmingham or virtually from anywhere in the world.The current market presents a buyers market with more sellers than buyers, making it ideal for acquiring properties using creative finance structures like purchase lease options and vendor finance.Attending the event provides a chance to connect with high-caliber individuals in the property industry, expanding your network with like-minded people who understand your goals and can support your journey.Hearing success stories from top students at the event can help build personal belief in the possibility of achieving similar results in property investing, overcoming self-doubt and excuses.The event offers a 100% money-back guarantee up to lunchtime on the second day, ensuring attendees have nothing to lose and everything to gain by participating. BEST MOMENTS "We deliberately time this event to be just after the school holidays, once all the kids have gone back to school, because we know that many, many property investors take lots of time off in the summer holiday." "Now, at this event, what we do is we get some of our top students who are achieving incredible life-changing results right now in the current property market, and we share the exact strategies that they are using." "Because there are more and more sellers who need to sell, sellers are getting more and more motivated, which means they're open to creative finance structures." "And we can actually offer them more money than they would get if they sold the property right now. It's all about finding the win-win." "I've been teaching people since 2003, and I can tell you one of the biggest things that hold people back is self-belief." VALUABLE RESOURCES Find out more about Property Magic Live and the special offers here: http;//www.PropertyMagicLive.co.uk/offer To find out how you could win a fully paid scholarship on the next 12 month Wirtual Property Mastermind visit www.MastermindScholarship.com Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience by Simon Zutshi Find out about the Global PIN Meetings at www.globalpinmeeting.com You can register for the National Virtual pin meeting here: https://www.nationalpinmeeting.co.uk/ To find your local pin meeting visit: www.PinMeeting.co.uk and use voucher code PODCAST to attend you first meeting as Simon's guest (instead of paying the normal £20). Contact and follow Simon here: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSimonZutshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonzutshi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SimonZutshiOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonzutshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonzutshi/ Simon Zutshi, experienced investor, successful entrepreneur and best-selling author, is widely recognised as one of the top wealth creation strategists in the UK. Having started to invest in property in 1995 and went on to become financially independent by the age of 32. Passionate about sharing his experience, Simon founded the property investor’s network (pin) in 2003 www.pinmeeting.co.uk pin has since grown to become the largest property networking organisation in the UK, with monthly meetings in 50 cities, designed specifically to provide a supportive, educational and inspirational environment for people like you to network with and learn from other successful investors. Since 2003, Simon has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners how to successfully invest in a tax-efficient way. How to create additional streams of income, give them more time to do the things they want to do and build their long-term wealth. Simon’s book “Property Magic” which is now in its sixth edition, became an instant hit when first released in 2008 and remains an Amazon No 1 best-selling property book. Simon launched his latest business, www.CrowdProperty.com, in 2014, which is an FCA Regulated peer to peer lending platform to facilitate loans between private individuals and property professionals.
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    11 mins