• Step-by-Step - Step 3 / Session 5
    Aug 27 2023
    Session 5 of Step 3 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the fifth spiritual discipline in our Journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John. Discipline #5 - Tell the World - is supported by John 20:21, where Jesus says, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.."
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    15 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 3 / Session 4
    Aug 20 2023

    Session 4 of Step 3 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the fourth spiritual discipline in our Journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John. Discipline #4 - Join His People - is supported by John 15:12, where Jesus says, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

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    15 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 3 / Session 3
    Aug 13 2023
    Session 3 of Step 3 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the third spiritual discipline in our Journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John. Discipline #3 - Pray His Will - is supported by John 14;13, where Jesus says, "Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
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    15 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 3 / Session 2
    Aug 6 2023

    Session 2 of Step 3 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the second spiritual discipline in our Journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John. Discipline #2 - Hear HIs Word - is supported by John 8:31, where Jesus says, "If you abide in my word, you are truly My disciples."

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    15 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 3 / Session 1
    Jul 30 2023

    Session 1 of Step 3 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the first spiritual discipline in our Journey with Jesus through the Gospel of John. Discipline #1 - Worship the Lord - is supported by John 4:24, where Jesus says, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

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    16 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 2 / Session 3
    Jul 23 2023

    Session 3 of Step 2 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the third set of Divine Attributes found in the Guide to Worship. In the context of worship we will experience the Triune God revealed as Father, Son and Spirit, who cleanses us, fills us and leads us in the way we should go.

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    16 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 2 / Session 2
    Jul 16 2023

    Session 2 of Step 2 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the second set of Divine Attributes found in the Guide to Worship. In the context of worship we will experience the One who is almighty, all present, all knowing, all loving, infinitely great and infinitely good.

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    16 mins
  • Step-by-Step - Step 2 / Session 1
    Jul 9 2023

    Session 1 of Step 2 in the Step-by-Step Discipleship Process focuses on the first set of Divine Attributes found in the Guide to Worship. In the context of worship we will experience the One who exists forever and ever, the One who created everything from nothing, the One who reigns over all, the One who rules all, the perfect One, the only One.

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    16 mins