FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Autumn Sparks: From Solo Dreams to Dynamic Duos
    Nov 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Autumn Sparks: From Solo Dreams to Dynamic Duos Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-26-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r diwrnod yn galonogol yn y dechrau'r hydref.En: The day is uplifting at the beginning of autumn.Cy: Mae broliadau aur y dail yn codi dros y llechi mawr o wydr y meithrinfa dechnolegol.En: The golden hues of the leaves rise over the large glass panes of the technological incubator.Cy: Mae Gwyneth yno, yn ei gornel fach, yn cynllunio prosiect newydd dros ben llestri.En: Gwyneth is there, in her little corner, planning an ambitious new project.Cy: Ei uchelgais yw gwneud ei marc yn y byd technoleg.En: Her ambition is to make her mark in the world of technology.Cy: Ond, mae'n teimlo'n unig yn y brysiant o'r byd entrepreneuraidd prysgwyddog.En: However, she feels lonely in the rush of the busy entrepreneurial world.Cy: Yn y lle hwn hefyd mae Ewan, datblygwr technoleg dawnus, ond mae ei ysbryd wedi llethu gan ddiffyg ysbrydoliaeth.En: In this place is Ewan, a talented technology developer, but his spirit has been weighed down by a lack of inspiration.Cy: Mae wedi bod yn chwilio am sialens newydd – rhywbeth gwahanol a chyffrous.En: He has been searching for a new challenge—something different and exciting.Cy: Mae'r amser cinio yn dod, ac mae'r incubator yn cynnal gweithgaredd cymunedol arall.En: Lunchtime arrives, and the incubator is hosting another community event.Cy: Penderfynodd Gwyneth gymryd rhan yn weithredol.En: Gwyneth decided to participate actively.Cy: "Beth am gymryd toriad a gweld beth sydd ymlaen?En: "How about taking a break and seeing what's going on?"Cy: " meddai ati ei hun.En: she said to herself.Cy: Rownd y gornel, mae hi'n gweld Ewan wrthi'n trafod gyda grŵp o golegau.En: Around the corner, she sees Ewan engaged in a discussion with a group of colleagues.Cy: Yn sydyn, mae eu llygaid yn cwrdd.En: Suddenly, their eyes meet.Cy: "Shwmae, Gwyneth!En: "Hello, Gwyneth!Cy: Beth am i ni weithio ar rywbeth newydd?En: How about we work on something new?Cy: Hwn gallai fod yn wahanol," awgrymodd e gyda gwên.En: This could be different," he suggested with a smile.Cy: Roedd ei wefr yn heintus.En: His enthusiasm was infectious.Cy: Maen nhw'n dechrau gweithio gyda'i gilydd ar syniad gwallgof – ap a allai helpu busnesau bach addasu amserlenni'n awtomatig.En: They start working together on a crazy idea—an app that could help small businesses adapt schedules automatically.Cy: Wythnosau'n mynd heibio.En: Weeks pass by.Cy: Mae'i gilydd yn herio eu meddyliau ac yn gyffes, mae hynny'n cynnau tân newydd yn Ewan.En: They challenge each other's minds, and admittedly, this ignites a new fire in Ewan.Cy: Daw'r diwrnod o ŵyl Ddiolchgarwch yn y meithrinfa.En: The day of Thanksgiving at the incubator arrives.Cy: Mae'r awyrgylch yn llawen, gyda phawb yn rhannu straeon a bwyd.En: The atmosphere is joyful, with everyone sharing stories and food.Cy: Ar yr un noson, mae Gwyneth ac Ewan yn cael breakthrough mawr.En: On that same night, Gwyneth and Ewan have a major breakthrough.Cy: Maen nhw'n sylweddoli bod y rhwystrau technegol wedi cwympo – mae eu prosiect ar fin gwireddu.En: They realize that the technical barriers have fallen—their project is on the verge of coming to fruition.Cy: Wrth i'r dail ddisgyn, mae Gwyneth ac Ewan yn deall mwy fyth.En: As the leaves fall, Gwyneth and Ewan understand even more.Cy: Mae'r gwaith a'r berthynas wedi symud hyd yn hyn, gan roi cyfeillgarwch dwfn a boddhad llawnadwy iddynt.En: The work and the relationship have progressed so far, providing them with deep friendship and profound satisfaction.Cy: Ymhlith cyfarchion o ddiolchgarwch, maent yn penderfynu parhau gyda'i gilydd – nid yn unig fel cydweithwyr, ond hefyd fel cyfeillion annwyl.En: Among exchanges of gratitude, they decide to continue together—not only as colleagues but also as dear friends.Cy: Beth sy'n drist, mae rhoi cefnogaeth a chysylltiad yn dod â Gwyneth agosach at ei nodau.En: What's noteworthy is that giving support and connection brings Gwyneth closer to her goals.Cy: I Ewan, mae'r cydweithio yn tanio ei ddiddordeb yn technoleg eto.En: For Ewan, the collaboration rekindles his interest in technology again.Cy: Mae'r hydref yn olau gyda'r cwmni ohonynt ill dau.En: Autumn is bright with the company of both of them. Vocabulary Words:uplifting: galonogolautumn: hydrefhues: broliadaupanes: llechiincubator: meithrinfaambitious: uchelgaisentrepreneurial: entrepreneuraiddweighed down: llethuinspiration: ysbrydoliaethchallenge: sialenslunchtime: amser ciniohosting: cynnalcommunity: cymunedolenthusiasm: wefrinfectious: heintusadmit: cyffesignite: cynnauThanksgiving: ŵyl Ddiolchgarwchjoyful: lawenbreakthrough: breakthroughtechnical: technegolbarriers: rhwystraufruition: gwireddugratitude: diolchgarwchsupport: cefnogaethrekindles: tanioprofound: boddhad llawnadwyschedules: amserlenniadapt: addasucorner: cornel
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    14 mins
  • A Journey of Bonds: Emlyn & Aneira's Coastal Renewal
    Nov 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Journey of Bonds: Emlyn & Aneira's Coastal Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-25-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r haul yn machlud dros arfordir hardd Sir Benfro, yn dipyn o aur ysgafn sy'n treiglo dros y tonnau.En: The sun is setting over the beautiful coast of Sir Benfro, a little splash of golden light rippling over the waves.Cy: Aneira ac Emlyn yn cychwyn ar eu taith nôstalgig.En: Aneira and Emlyn are embarking on their nostalgic journey.Cy: Mae siocledi poeth a phicnic ym mag Aneira, a mapiau o'r tirweddau ar ben drwy'r ffenestr, yn cael eu gafael gan wynt yr hydref.En: There are hot chocolates and a picnic in Aneira's bag, and maps of the landscapes perched at the window, held by the autumn wind.Cy: "Emlyn, ti ddim mewn am ffordd hir!?" ebe Aneira, ei llygad yn cyfarch golygfeydd sy’n mynd heibio.En: "Emlyn, aren't you up for a long ride!?" said Aneira, her eyes greeting the scenes passing by.Cy: Mae Emlyn yn rhydd, ond mae meddwl am y symud sydd ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf yn dal yn hanner lletchwith.En: Emlyn is unencumbered, yet the thought of the move planned for next year remains somewhat awkward.Cy: "Ti'n gwybod sut dwi'n teimlo, ond dwi angen gwneud hyn," atebodd Emlyn.En: "You know how I feel, but I need to do this," replied Emlyn.Cy: Roedd swn y môr, mor ddigyfnewid â glannau'r traeth, fel cân gyfamil i'r ddau.En: The sound of the sea, as constant as the shores of the beach, was like a familiar song to the pair.Cy: Arosasant i lawr ar draeth bach, carregog.En: They stayed down on a small, rocky beach.Cy: Mewn amlen cynnes o sŵn dogn, cynnwyd tân bach.En: Enveloped warmly by the sound of the waves, they lit a small fire.Cy: Roedd arian ser yn dechrau goleuo'r nenfwd.En: Silver stars began to light up the ceiling.Cy: Gwylio araf ac oediog, y glow fflamau yn adlewyrchu ar eu hwynebau.En: Watching slowly and lingeringly, the glow of the flames reflected on their faces.Cy: "Pam wyt ti'n mynd?" holodd Aneira, ei llais o emosiwn.En: "Why are you going?" asked Aneira, her voice full of emotion.Cy: "Dwi'n meddwl am y byd garegog yna. Dwi eisiau gweld, teimlo, profi... ond," Emlyn edrychodd yn uniongyrchol i lygaid ei chwaer, "mi fydda i'n gweld dy weld di'n aml."En: "I'm thinking of that rocky world. I want to see, feel, experience... but," Emlyn looked directly into his sister's eyes, "I will see you often."Cy: "Gau keen, Emlyn," meddai Aneira, ei llaw yn gorwedd yn dyner ar ei ysgwydd.En: "Be keen, Emlyn," said Aneira, her hand resting gently on his shoulder.Cy: "Dwi eisiau i ti fod yn hapus. Nes i erioed stopio."En: "I want you to be happy. I never stopped."Cy: Wrth i'r dysglau o'r tân ddechau i farw, arhosodd y distawrwydd am eiliad hir.En: As the fire's embers began to die out, the silence lingered for a long moment.Cy: Roedd eu calonau'n symbiotig, wedi'u cysylltu â llais cynnau'r tân.En: Their hearts were symbiotic, connected to the gentle voice of the fire.Cy: Ehangodd Emlyn ei freichiau.En: Emlyn extended his arms.Cy: Rhoddodd enfys o ymddiriedaeth i'w chwaer.En: He gave his sister a rainbow of trust.Cy: "Dim ots ble bydda i, y berthynas hon fydd wastad tu mewn i ni."En: "No matter where I am, this relationship will always be inside us."Cy: Aneira, gyda mwy o ddewrder, ymolchodd ymdrech i adael y boen.En: Aneira, with more courage, made an effort to let go of the pain.Cy: Fe yrrodd hi i fyny, gan bwrw goleuni ar ffordd newydd, gyda gobeithion newydd.En: She rose, casting light on a new path, with new hopes.Cy: Efallai y byddai trwy Emlyn yn casglu storïau, yn dod â nhw'n ôl fel anrhegion gwerthfawr.En: Perhaps through Emlyn, she would gather stories, bringing them back like precious gifts.Cy: Wrth i'r dŵr swiglo yng nghefn y traeth, bu'r ddau o hyd mewn cofleidio, mabwysiadu calonnau a'r tyngedau nodweddiadol a fyddai heb unrhyw wahaniaeth bellach; achos hyd yn oed teithio, y ddau oedd y cartref bob amser wrth fwydro’r dyfnderau.En: As the water bubbled at the beach's edge, the two remained in an embrace, adopting their characteristic hearts and destinies that would differ no more; for even in travel, they were always home, while contemplating the depths.Cy: Daeth y cyfarfod i ben gyda gwên Emlyn, ac addewid o gyfeillgarwch bythol ni fyddai'n wylltio.En: The meeting ended with Emlyn's smile and a promise of everlasting friendship that would not fade.Cy: Seren ar ben tân noson tân gwyllt, mae pob chwaer ar lwyfan digwyddiaeth enfawr bob amser, ac o'r safle hwnnw'saf, gwelir gwir gariad rhwng fy mrawd a minnau.En: A star atop a bonfire night's blaze, every sister on a stage of great events always sees the true love between my brother and me. Vocabulary Words:setting: machludcoast: arfordirrippling: treigloembarking: cychwynnostalgic: nôstalgigpicnic: picnicautumn: hydrefunencumbered: rhyddawkward: lletchwithconstant: ddigyfnewidenveloped: amlenlingeringly: oediogglow: ...
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    15 mins
  • Eryri's Hidden Legends: Unveiling Treasures Beyond Myths
    Nov 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Eryri's Hidden Legends: Unveiling Treasures Beyond Myths Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-11-24-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Yn nhirwedd hudolus Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, lle mae niwl y mynyddoedd yn ymgolli ymysg coedwigoedd trwchus, dechreuodd si chwedl sydd wedi bod yn codi chwilfrydedd yn y pentref bychan.En: In the enchanting landscape of Parc Cenedlaethol @cy{Eryri}, where the mountain mist mingles among dense forests, a legend began that has been stirring curiosity in the small village.Cy: Roedd yn gynnar yn yr hydref, ac roedd dail melyn ac euraidd yn gorchuddio'r llawr.En: It was early autumn, and golden and yellow leaves covered the ground.Cy: Yn y bellter, cafodd y mynyddoedd eu gorchuddio gyda'r cwmwl cyntaf sy'n addo gaeaf caled.En: In the distance, the mountains were veiled with the first cloud that promises a harsh winter.Cy: Roedd Eira, hanesydd lleol a oedd yn byw yn y pentref, bob amser wedi cael ei denu gan straeon hynafol.En: Eira, a local historian who lived in the village, had always been fascinated by ancient stories.Cy: Roedd hi mor gyfarwydd â straeon lleol ag ag yw'r mynyddoedd i'r wlad.En: She was as familiar with local tales as the mountains are to the country.Cy: "Ydyn ni'n siŵr bod y chwedl am y gawell o drysor yn wir?En: "Are we sure that the legend about the cage of treasure is true?"Cy: " meddai wrth Gwilym wrth iddyn nhw godi llygad tuag at y wawr.En: she said to Gwilym as they gazed towards the dawn.Cy: Gwilym, yn sgeptig o natur, roedd yn gwmni i Eira nid am ei bod o'r un meddwl, ond oherwydd cyfeillgarwch a chwilfrydedd naturiol.En: Gwilym, skeptical by nature, accompanied Eira not because he shared her beliefs, but because of friendship and natural curiosity.Cy: "Straeon yw straeon," meddai gan wenu, "ond gadewch i ni weld beth allwn ni ddod o hyd iddo.En: "Stories are just stories," he said with a smile, "but let's see what we can find."Cy: "Y bore hwnnw, dechreuon nhw eu taith drwy'r tir garw.En: That morning, they began their journey through the rugged land.Cy: Roedd y llwybrau cul, euraidd, yn eu harwain i ddyffrynnoedd cudd lle roedd yr awyr yn llawn synau adar.En: The narrow, golden paths led them to hidden valleys where the air was filled with birdsong.Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn troi yn gryfach, ac roedd cymylau llwyd yn symud.En: The wind grew stronger, and gray clouds were moving.Cy: Eira, er yn denu gan y chwedl, roedd yn cofio’r heriau o’r tir.En: Eira, though captivated by the legend, remembered the challenges of the terrain.Cy: Roedd ei chalon yn llawn anadl wythnosau o ymarfer a drafferthion.En: Her heart was filled with the breath of weeks of training and troubles.Cy: "Mae'r marc hwn, edrych!En: "Look at this mark!Cy: Mae'r graig yn wahanol," meddai Eira, yn pwyntio at ffurfiad creigiau anghyffredin, yn nhro gweddol dywyll y coed.En: The rock is different," said Eira, pointing to an unusual rock formation in the somewhat dim turn of the trees.Cy: Ymddangosodd poethlo ar ochrau'r haul, sef rhybudd o storm yn dod.En: A heat haze appeared on the horizon of the sun, signaling an approaching storm.Cy: Roedd sŵn rhuo yn y pellter yn atseinio trwy'r coed.En: The sound of roaring in the distance echoed through the trees.Cy: "Rhaid i ni benderfynu aros neu fynd yn ôl," meddai Gwilym, yn edrychiad o bryder yn ei lygaid.En: "We must decide to stay or go back," said Gwilym, a look of concern in his eyes.Cy: Beth bynnag, roedd y ddau yn gwybod nad oedd amser i'w wasgu.En: In any case, both of them knew there was no time to waste.Cy: Ymladdodd trwy'r coed, nhw ddaeth ar hyd agorfa go iawn yng nghefn y graig — mynediad cudd rhyfeddol, wedi'i orchuddio gan dail cochaidd.En: Fighting through the woods, they came across a real clearing at the back of the rock — an astonishing hidden entrance, covered by crimson-colored leaves.Cy: Yn ofalus, aethon nhw i mewn, wedi'u goleuo gan golau eu tortschau.En: Carefully, they entered, illuminated by the light of their torches.Cy: Y tu mewn i'r ogof, drwy symud llechi cyfan, fe wnaethon nhw ddarganfod marciau o weithgarwch dynol.En: Inside the cave, by moving entire slates, they discovered marks of human activity.Cy: Ond ni chafwyd unrhyw drysor malam!En: But no treasure was found!Cy: Yn lle hynny, fe wnaethon nhw ddod o hyd i olion bywyd a gorchudd troellog o hanes.En: Instead, they found remnants of life and a spiraled cover of history.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw edrych ar y gorffennol a darparu gan eu darganfyddiad, y canfyddiad gwirioneddol oedd y llwybr hir a'r gilydd a gerddwyd gyda'i gilydd.En: As they looked back at the past and pondered over their discovery, the real realization was the long path they had walked together.Cy: Eira, gyda mwy o awydd i wybod, ond bellach'n ymwybodol o werth tystiolaeth.En: Eira, with more desire to know, but now aware of the value of evidence.Cy: Gwilym, yn agored i fyd nad oes ganddo esboniad ...
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    16 mins

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